Migraine Sufferers - Please Read



    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    I get migraines a couple times a month and I also have arthritis, so when I have those days when I am in a ton of pain I just do yoga. It always makes me feel better. Try to find a gentle yoga dvd, you can even find some on youtube that are specifically for migraines and just about every other ailment. It might not seem like a lot, but it's still exercise burning calories and muscle toning. Hope that helps :)
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    i get migraines quite frequently - thank you mom. i would get them 3x-4x per week, maybe once or twice a week the whole shebang with the nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, shooting stars, feeling like my left eye was going to pop out, bad enough to make me stay in bed with a cold rag over my eyes until it goes away. the maxalt usually helps, if it doesn't then i know it's probably a tension headache which presents in a very similar fashion.

    however, since i started taking melatonin to help me sleep at night, the frequency of the migraines has gone down by a significant amount. you can get a bottle with 100 doses for like $5 at walmart in the vitamin and supplement section. i don't know if it's because i'm getting better sleep, or because of the melatonin... but i read that it helps.


    good luck to you... i know migraines are horrible things!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    sorry didn't see your last post till after i replied

    try just exercising 10 minutes at a time


    p.s. i know you said you get migraines when you do yoga but have you tried yoga once you have one? there are specific poses for headache relief- you can give that a try http://www.myyogaonline.com/about-yoga/yoga-anatomy/top-yoga-poses-for-headaches
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm thinking maybe the recumbent bike - you could put one in your house and just pedal away but relax back against the seat.

    Try gluten free. MOST people need to be off something for about a month before they see good results but it can take longer - give it a good solid try for 3 months and if you see no change then you can switch back.
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Botox injections worked for me. I was in a study for them and my migraines improved greatly.
  • mkkloote
    mkkloote Posts: 1
    Ralevin - I am currently in the same boat...this past week (Thursday and Friday) I spent Thursday night into Friday morning in the ER, my headache went away with 2mg of Dilaudid intramuscular, then it came back less than eight hours later, and I spent 3 hours of Friday afternoon in Urgent Care where I received 1.5mg of Dilaudid and 1 liter of fluids IV.

    I'm also VERY frustrated with the weight issue...before I started getting migraines (15 years ago) I was the person everyone hated...I was naturally skinny and could eat basically anything and not gain an ounce. Then when I got migraines the weight slowly started adding up. Vigorous exercise triggers headaches in me sometimes, and I was sort of desperate as well. I see these "studies" saying that weight gain causes migraines, and that migraine sufferers are just lazy people who need to get off their butts, but if these "researchers" ever had a migraine, they would realize that migraines are the culprit of weight gain.

    I see a headache specialist in Philadelphia, and told her about how I want to lose weight, but too much exertion triggers headaches, and she said walking and yoga. So I walk 30 minutes every day, and have been for about the last twp weeks. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds, so only being able to walk and do yoga is making me crazy...since I started with my fitness pal, I've only lost 1 pound in the last two weeks.

    Even though walking is low impact, it is touted as one of the best exercises for cardiovascular health. Another thing I'm doing is calorie counting...luckily this program makes calorie counting easy.

    As my neurologist tell me, I have to be patient....I'm not going to have to settle for slow weight loss. One thing that comforts me is that by reading this thread, I discovered I'm not the only person in this situation.