Dear Dad



  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    That's beautiful - I could have written it myself. Sometimes we need to remember WHY we are really doing this - yes, we all want to look good, but feeling better and being healthy is the best thing of all.

    I'm sorry for your loss - I lost my own dad 7 years ago and there isn't a day I don't think about him. I know he's always with me - I just can't see him.

  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you for sharing....a very heartfelt message. So sorry for your loss, but congratulations to you on being determined to turn a sad situation into a positive, life-changing one. I am sure your Dad is very proud of you. Best wishes and continued success to you.:flowerforyou:
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I am sure this was a very hard letter to write but it was beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing something so close to your heart...
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Painful but memorable lessons. So sorry about your loss, and that your dad couldn't turn his life around the way you have. :flowerforyou:
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    INSPIRING!!!!!! Your story is now my "new inspiration for continuing my journey with a whole different attitude. Thanks for sharing with us your sorrow that turned into something wonderful. :smile: "Gotta get a tissue"...*sniffle sniffle*
  • This is great, I too have parents who haven't had the greatest lifestyles. I got engaged and told my dad that with how his health is going (I'm a nurse) that he won't be there to walk me down the aisle...he now goes to the gym 5 days a week and is slowly working on it and I couldn't be more proud :)
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I am sure your father would be so very proud of you for changing your life around for the better. What an excellent decision you have made.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. My Daddy also died too young, almost 6 years ago, and I still miss him greatly.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    What a wonderful letter. I have my Dad also to thank for my journey. Thankfully he is still with us at 76. He's had major heart attacks and doesnt follow any kind of healthy lifestyle. He is prone to falling over his own feet and has been to ortho rehab several times. His encouragement was for me to not follow in his footsteps and for me not to die before him.

    He is the first person to call me every single Thursday and ask "how much weight did you lose". He tells me multiple times how proud he is of me and everyone else he talks to. LOL He knows to the pound how much I have lost, yet he couldnt tell you his own phone number.

    I'm so sorry you lost your father so young. My father and I had been separated for quite a number of years due to some family issues. Happily we reunited 2 years ago and I have seen him daily every since. I cherish every moment we have together. I'm also my parents primary caregiver and thankful that I only 3/4 of a mile from them so I can be there to help them with things they can no longer do.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    Sending you a bro-hug - you know, a brief hug, two slaps on the back, and we both look away after as we hide the tears.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm fortunate enough to still have my Dad, and he's now 73, but this reminds me that he won't be with us forever.

  • gwenlindsay
    gwenlindsay Posts: 76 Member
    You are a brave and strong man and don't you ever forget it. This is a beautiful letter and your dad would be proud of you. Thank you for sharing.
  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member
    *hugs* my dad basically killed himself with food. 19 yrs ago next month. I'd like to say it gets easier. it just gets different.
    my heart goes out to u and the others who have lost in this thread. Thanks for sharing *hugs*
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks for sharing. It's amazing how inspiring our parents can be even after their passing.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member

    I look at my family and I think the same things. Many have set great examples, while others leave something to be desired. We pick and choose the lessons we learn from our parents. I'm glad you chose to learn this lesson.

    Best of luck to you, friend. Thank you for the heartfelt post.
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Beautiful and heart breaking letter. I am sure your dad is looking down on you and is incredibly proud. Keep looking after yourself and I'm sure he'll help xxxx
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    Thank you all sincerely. We share so many similar stories. I just feel fortunate that we still have the time now to do things right. Much love to all of you :flowerforyou:
  • Man, that could have been my own dad you were writing about. He made it a few more years than yours, but quit on himself, sounding eerily like your dad in so many ways. I'm sorry for your loss but grateful for the inspiration and moment of reflection you just gave us. And your words only multiplied the pride I feel toward my MFP friends who have the perspective and far-sightedness to take care of themselves now.
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    My father died of a heart attack, a month before his 52nd birthday.
    He'd had a heart attack when I was 5, had quadruple bypass surgery, and was told by his doctors that if he didn't change his lifestyle (smoker, overweight), the surgery would last 5 years, if he did, it would last 18. After those 18 years passed, we all began to fear for his health; He'd kicked the smoking, but hadn't gotten his weight in check. My sister, before he died, wrote a letter akin to yours. My dad didn't quit, he just didn't win.

    His death was the kick in the teeth that I needed to get my own weight in check. 7 years later and 50lbs gained, this post is a pretty solid kick in the pants to remind me of what I lost because of our genes, and lack of motivation.
    Thank you.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    My dad is still with us but at 52 hes got a lot of work to do. i worry about him everyday. thought about him when i read that letter. it was beautiful thank you.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    That was a perfect letter to him. He is so proud of you.