

  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I was watching the show last night and I have to agree, Adam has a great voice but to me he seems like he belongs on Broadway. I did not know that he was already on Broadway until I read this thread. Kris sounded exactly like Keith Urban! I couldn't tell them apart. I think he sang much better last night then on Tuesday. Was it just me or was Rod Stewart drunk? Did you see him stumble? It was so sad to see him off count with the clapping. I have always liked him but he just didn't do a good job last night. I'm happy for Kris but I don't know if he will make it big, I am sure Adam will. At least Kris has the money from the AL contract.


    I saw the stumble, I thought he was a bit off on the beat clapping too. he is in his 60's now, guess we should give him a pass on this one! those backstage parties can be very tempting! All the champagne, etc. good for Rod, he's still standing after all these years.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Yeah, Rod stumbled, it was because his shoe hit the edge of one of the recessed lights in the stage and almost tripped him. He was one of the "lows" of the show for me.

    Maybe you guys are right about Keith Urban... in the SF bay arera, country is NOT big. So around here he is definitely "that guy who married Nicole Kidman"

    Altogether, I think it was a really entertaining show, not like a lot of the results shows that drag on and on. I was enjoying it and not too much dying from suspense.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    The guys of KISS certainly don't look like I remember them, ha ha.
    I thought the Black Eyed Peas did an awesome job getting the crowd into it. I like the Steve Martin song, kinda folksy. I could have done without Kara D. opening her coat! She didn't have a figure, she's a stick. That was funny what Ryan Seacrest said about that girls new tatas!!!!! All in all it was a very entertaining show. Glad I watched.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    none of us look like we remember ourselves!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    It was a star studded show for sure, way better than years gone by filled with old fluff and garbage, a concert with all those hi profile names would have been a fortune! I enjoyed the show very much!
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    It was a great show! Something for everybody! From Black Eyed Peas to Jason Mraz to Kiss to Queen...very entertaining. Plus, Adam kept his screetching to a minimum. So I actually enjoyed him last night. :drinker:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Idol did it right this time. It was a fantastic show!!!! Kinda made me feel like I was watching some kind of music awards show.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Idol did it right this time. It was a fantastic show!!!! Kinda made me feel like I was watching some kind of music awards show.
    Exactly! Plus the "neeto" award they give the winner now! :flowerforyou:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I could have done without the audition rejects!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I'm glad Kris won. I just wasn't a fan of the theatrics. Adam has a great career waiting for him.

    I remember a time when someone with his flair would have been considered not American Idol material. Aren't they looking for the next great pop star? When did that change??? I haven't watched in years though so I probably missed when they changed their criteria.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Isn't Tatiana, the most irritating person alive! omg, I didn't like her when they fist put her through and last night she was even more annoying....and wht about bikini chick...Kara?sp? too funny, bikini babe didn't know what to do..sing, punch her....I thought it was great!!!!
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Isn't Tatiana, the most irritating person alive! omg, I didn't like her when they fist put her through and last night she was even more annoying....and wht about bikini chick...Kara?sp? too funny, bikini babe didn't know what to do..sing, punch her....I thought it was great!!!!

    Nick/Norman is very entertaining. A great comedic performer. Tatianna is very annoying, but you could tell the whole thing was staged with them "running out of time."
    It was so funny when Ryan said to bikini girl, "I would ask "what's new?" but I think we know." :laugh:
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Isn't Tatiana, the most irritating person alive! omg, I didn't like her when they fist put her through and last night she was even more annoying....and wht about bikini chick...Kara?sp? too funny, bikini babe didn't know what to do..sing, punch her....I thought it was great!!!!

    OMG, Bikini Girl thing was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!!!!! She was so sure of herself up there belting out her song (it was quite horrible), then Kara came out....AND SHE HAS PIPES...the girl can sing!!! Bikini Girl knew she was the joke and she was not happy about it!!!!!!!!
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Isn't Tatiana, the most irritating person alive! omg, I didn't like her when they fist put her through and last night she was even more annoying....and wht about bikini chick...Kara?sp? too funny, bikini babe didn't know what to do..sing, punch her....I thought it was great!!!!

    Nick/Norman is very entertaining. A great comedic performer. Tatianna is very annoying, but you could tell the whole thing was staged with them "running out of time."
    It was so funny when Ryan said to bikini girl, "I would ask "what's new?" but I think we know." :laugh:

    I really like Nick/Norman alot....I think his stint on Idol will benefit his career. There's a place out there for him and I would pay for a ticket to see it.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    I've been reading a lot of blogs online and it seems the only one not ticked off about Adam not winning is Adam himself. :smile:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I've been reading a lot of blogs online and it seems the only one not ticked off about Adam not winning is Adam himself. :smile:

    for sure Adam is happy, I told you he doesn't ever have to sing Kara's horrid "Winners" song again!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I agree about the horrid song and it is definitely better suited to Kris' voice anyway. I think this year will be like most years the winner will be " Kris who???" in a year or so and the runner up will be going Platinum. I think Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are the only exceptions to that. Some years I can't even remember who won so they can't be too big anymore.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    I've been reading a lot of blogs online and it seems the only one not ticked off about Adam not winning is Adam himself. :smile:

    for sure Adam is happy, I told you he doesn't ever have to sing Kara's horrid "Winners" song again!

    I went on i-Tunes.....the strangest thing...Adam has a single of "No Boundaries" available for download.
    Kris' version is availble on his iTunes Pass.