Vogue writer puts 7-year-old on diet Britni Danielle



  • Ddmck1
    Ddmck1 Posts: 89 Member
    My mom used to get on me about food when I was a kid... I think it ended up having the opposite effect for me. It drove me to hide food, and binge eat when she wasn't around.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    ok, so everyone is slamming the mum....

    what would you do if your daughter came home crying because she was teased for being fat?

    i have an acquantance who is fat, and her partner is fat, both morbidly obese, and their 6 year old daughter came home after being teased for being fat. she just told her daughter, you are perfect.

    that, is, also wrong. when a 6 year old is getting on the chubby side, and wanted to talk about it, her mum just told her she was perfect. the parents are terrible role models and are 2 of the most unhealthy people i've ever met.

    so somewhere in the middle, i guess there is middle ground. i know you have to be a positive role model, and encourage them to exercise and encourage them to eat well, but it's hard. when there are constant junk food treats left right and centre from school, friends, birthdays, nannas etc. i exercise, i eat loads of vegies and fruit and natural yoghurt, lentils, all the good stuff, i hope it's enough for my kids.

    The boy at school bullied her but the mother then abused her. It is not legal to withhold food from your child and it is verbal abuse to berate your 7 yr child over food choices. This mother needs to quit projecting her own weight issues on to her child. She could have done many things different from helping her child to make better food choices, to getting more movement in her day and teaching her it is ok to have a treat in moderation. This mother has set her child up for years of eating disorders and misery.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    She's a vain arsehole with pathetic parenting skills. Unfortunately nobody can stop the stupid from reproducing, but I feel for that little girl.

    This! ^^
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    ok, so everyone is slamming the mum....
    Of course they are. Are you defending her?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    no i wasn't defending, i totally think it's wrong to humiliate a child even further.

    just asking to hear what people do, because it's clear there are thousands of overweight, unhealthy kids out there.

    what do you do if you have a tv / games junkie child that doesn't want to exercise? do you force them? or let them be?
  • My mom used to get on me about food when I was a kid... I think it ended up having the opposite effect for me. It drove me to hide food, and binge eat when she wasn't around.

    Me too.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    This is so sad on so many levels. She should be teaching her daughter healthy habits. Seems like instead of the boys bullying her, now her own mother does.

    i agree and truthfully she taught her daughter nothing but how to crash diet. If she taught her to eat healthy and play outside more or went outside and kicked a ball around or rode bikes together she would be teaching a healthy lifestyle and not how to crash diet and cut out everything bad for you. You need to explain everything in moderation. All she did was scare her kid who will rebel later on and prob eat the snacks her mom is not allowing her.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    My mom used to get on me about food when I was a kid... I think it ended up having the opposite effect for me. It drove me to hide food, and binge eat when she wasn't around.

    Me too.

    Me three. It started when I was still a skinny kid. My mom absolutely meant well as she had struggled at times with her weight as a young adult and wanted me not experience that. There were only ultra healthy foods in our house. It didn't work - instead of taking away the message of healthy eating, I felt deprived and singled out from my peers and did the secret eating/binging thing. I don't know what the right answer is, but my sense is it differs with each child. But no child deserves what that the Vogue mom did to her.
  • I read this story last night and was pretty livid with the mother. It's one thing to put your child on a "diet" but to exploit her and tell the story to millions is wrong. I mean seriously how is this helping anyone else ? She deprived her daughter meals at times , yet she admits to secretly stuffing her face with something she just told her daughter was crap. That is not the way to teach your child the fundamentals of eating healthy , healthy body image and living a healthy lifestyle but then again how can the mother teach something she doesn't really know herself . She admits herself how can she teach her little girl to maintain a healthy weight and body image as she has not ingested any food, looked at a menu, or been sick literally to the point of vomitingwithout silently launching a complicated mental algorithm about how it will affect my weight. I believe her own personal issues came into play with how she was handling her daughter's obesity, perhaps that's how she has dealt with own weight issues in the pasts or something. The mother should seek help for both her and her daughter, she should hope she hasn't broken her daughter's fragile self image and started a cycle.


    Zeeeb- When my mom found out my brother was creeping up on the obese and he didn't want to get off his butt, she cancelled cable and removed all electronic games from the home because they were privileges not a right and he was old enough to be taking some responsibility for his health. That got him moving, sounds harsh I am sure but she did it for the whole family and they all become more active , did more as a family and my brother is still a bit big but the kid is 6'3 and built like a lineback as well as plays one on the varsity team.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    She reminds me of my father.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    it does bring up interesting debate. I think the removing TV and electronic devices is a superb idea. i'd be battling my partner more than my kids I think....

    But those people who say their parents behaviour / attitude affected them. So did mine, but i can't use that as an excuse. I was forced to finish everything on my plate, because there are children starving in Africa, and it's terrible to waste.

    And I still struggle to stop when i'm full. There was plenty of food in my house (healthy and unhealthy). I always pigged out on the junk, on the other hand, my sister went vego and ate all the vegies and fruit (leaving more junk for me to binge on and more meat left over for me to eat seconds).

    So I can't blame my parents on my attitude to food, because my sister had the same as I did in the way of attitude and availability of food and sports, and she is the polar opposite to me, tiny, a dancer, very controlled with what she eats. me, it's a daily battle to not pig out, and while i do enjoy exercise, if i didn't, i'd be double the size i am. How we dealth with food and weight and fitness is all about our personalities...