anyone else like to drink white wine??



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Sure, I drink white wine, red wine, beer, spirits now and again.
    The key for me has just been paying attention to how much I'm drinking and reducing the frequency and the amount.
    And logging those calories just like everything else.

    I've stopped having a glass of wine with dinner every night, now I'll have a drink during the week only now and again. We usually go to the pub on a Friday and Sunday and I'll have one or two half pints of beer - alternating with unflavoured soda water so I'm not sitting drinking nothing.

    I don't see any problem with alcohol in moderation as long as you account for it in your calorie allowance.
    Drinking heavily isn't good for your weight or your health, but we all know that and many of us have been there at one time or another!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    That would be me! I love white wine, especially pinot grigio. I'm drinking a glass of Skinny Girl California Red as I type. :drinker:
  • barbaracoffing
    barbaracoffing Posts: 117 Member
    I love wine, especially the sweet ones like the Reislings and the Moscatos. I just work it into my calories. I know this site says do a 15% protein, 55% carb, 30% fat diet, but I always prefer to do a higher protein, so I am usually within my carbs anyway. Usually we have a meat and vegetable so it goes nice as a dessert and is basically the only carb!
  • lala40217
    lala40217 Posts: 60 Member
    omg.... ya'll are making me want a glass right now. a cold little glass of pinot grigio. golly.
  • au640
    au640 Posts: 11 Member
    omg.... ya'll are making me want a glass right now. a cold little glass of pinot grigio. golly.

    Me too!! Was more a pinot noir fan but grigio is good stuff!
  • rumpusparable
    I have given up drinking, except a literal one sip to taste a glass of my husband's when he has some (once a month or two)... but can definitely say I love wine.

    I grew up in wine country, surrounded by vineyards and winery, the smell of the pressed grapes.... I worked tying grape vines for a spring/summer.

    While never a big drinker I've always loved trying different wines, learning about them and the production and industry in general. The rare glass with a nice meal was always a treat!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I love pinot grigio or white pinot blends. I usually have a few glasses a week and it's not the reason I struggle with my weight!
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    I still drink wine in moderation. I will NEVER give up wine!! LOL. I did however give up my chocolate wine because it was just way way way too heavy and probably not worth it. I will have a glass of it a few times a year because it is just too wonderful to never have again. But...I still drink wine about once or twice a week. I want to lose weight, but I still gotta have my wine!!
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    And I just poured a glass...
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    Oh God, I love white wine. Pinot grigio... mmmm I'm still losing weight
  • NittanyLion95
    I REFUSE to give up wine. I've lost 22 pounds total on my weight loss journey and didn't cut out my weekend adult-beverages. You're welcome to add me! My fave is red, but with it being summer I've been drining a lot of whites...I like clean and crisp, not too fruity.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I always work my wine into my calories. I'm not a big carb eater in the first place, so I have no guilt in making sure I have enough calories to have my wine in the evening! I drink moscato, muscadine and sweet reds. I think most people have issues with alcohol and weight loss because of mixers with hard liquor as opposed to having a glass of wine.
  • rumpusparable
    I've never much cared for Pinot Grigio, but give me a NY or German Riesling and I'm in heaven.
  • steffers96
    steffers96 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh I LOVE my wine!!! Pinot preferred! LOL! I don't drink very often - I'm really trying to get this weight off me - I've been battling my bulge for too long! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I have a glass or two on a Friday or Saturday night when my hubby has a few beers, otherwise during the week, I don't drink....that doesn't mean others shouldn't so don't go taking that as me saying that someone shouldn't drink during the week!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To each their own - whatever makes them happy!!!! :)
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Mmm, yes, I love white wine. So refreshing. I usually save it for the weekends, keep it in moderation, and it hasn't been a problem during my weight loss efforts at all. Cheers!
  • humblecreativegenius
    Absolutely -- if I had to go so cold turkey on the things I enjoy, I would backlash so quickly I'd get whiplash. This is a "long game" this weight loss thing - a life long commitment. Now, you wont find me going out on all night prowling benders with my friends like I may have in my 20s :) but a short glass of wine with dinner is perfectly acceptable...and may actually be keeping me sane :)
  • SandyAnnP
    SandyAnnP Posts: 251 Member
    I was used to having a glass or two of chardonnay every night, but have cut back to just a couple of times a week now. I did notice that it was slowing my weight loss down, and I was retaining fluid as well. I have no intention of ever giving up wine completely though!! - I am NOT on a diet, I am enjoying my new lifestyle with exercise, good healthy food and occasional treats. Life is for living, enjoying, and a glass or two of wine fits right in!!!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    everything in moderation.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Love it and make room for it in my plan bc its important to get what ya want sometimes!!
  • josephine0701
    josephine0701 Posts: 37 Member
    Love riseling! i have it once a week or once every two weeks. I just have it as a treat for the day :)