Who would you be more inclined to spend your money on?



  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    for me, I would rather find a former fatty who made good. They have "been there and done that" so I know they understand what it is like to start from scratch. As opposed to someone who has been in shape their whole life and doesn't understand what it is like to have not been an athelete forever.

    Once you are in good shape, then move to a different type of trainer.

    I like this explanation, lol. It also gives me hope. Hubby and I want to become a fitness trainers/nutritionists. So it's nice to know that some people will be more likely to use our services after seeing our before and after journey.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    personally, neither, but if forced, the ripped one.

    I would be very wary of someone who allegedly studied, and had all the information about being a personal trainer, but was unable to utilize it personally.

    Book learning is no good if you can't apply the knowledge you supposedly have gained. You can't learn everything in a classroom.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    A personal trainer that is ripped.


    A personal trainer with an okay body that has studied at university for 2 years.

    Which one? This is totally hypothetical of course :)

    edit: for those that need clarification on "ripped", here is the definition we shall go by: http://bumpshack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/ryan_reynolds_ripped.jpg

    edit: also assume this is all you know about them.

    I think finding a good trainer is much like finding the doctor that is right for you. Personally, I think their knowledge is more important than how fit they are, because you can't judge a book by it's cover. However, personality and strong character play an important role, as well. You want a trainer who is going to take your input and concerns into consideration, and you certainly want a trainer who is genuinely concerned about your health.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    A personal trainer that is ripped.


    A personal trainer with an okay body that has studied at university for 2 years.

    Which one? This is totally hypothetical of course :)

    edit: for those that need clarification on "ripped", here is the definition we shall go by: http://bumpshack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/ryan_reynolds_ripped.jpg

    edit: also assume this is all you know about them.

    Based on what my immediate judgement would be I would prefer a trainer with an okay body and uni background presuming of course they had done something along the lines of sports science. Mainly because I would prefer someone that knows more about the body, sports and nutrition, rather than someone that has their routine and knows what works for them.

    If it was down to either of them as both had the training I'd go with the cheapest as I'm cheap.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    University. Hands down. I want to LEARN how to get better. I want to know the SCIENCE. If someone is ripped, then they know THEIR body, which is all well and good. But I want to work with some who understands ALL bodies. Including mine.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I'd find a PT that was ripped with a good amount of background knowledge - mix of both.

    In response to the OP:
    I wouldn't trust however someone who has just the qualifications. The amounts of 'science' I've heard from newly qualified PT's is frankly shocking.

    And bro-science or not, the cut chap generally knows what it takes to get it cut. You can't get ripped by accident.
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    Tough question - my first concern would be to avoid injury...and I'm not sure that I know enough about the 2 potential trainers to make that choice!

    Let us know what you decide...
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member

    i had a neighbor who was ripped and claimed he was a PT and i saw him train a few people without a gym.... he was an idiot. he was ripped so people believed him but he was a crack head

    and all the schooling int he world doesnt seem to do much difference in this feild because nothing is set in stone. all bodies are different and as much as nutritional classes are basic theres some stuff on here thats personal beliefs.. suppliments and techniques of what vs what doesnt work.

    do your own research. find your own drive
  • Brevans04
    Brevans04 Posts: 18
    A personal trainer that is ripped.


    A personal trainer with an okay body that has studied at university for 2 years.

    Which one? This is totally hypothetical of course :)

    edit: for those that need clarification on "ripped", here is the definition we shall go by: http://bumpshack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/ryan_reynolds_ripped.jpg

    edit: also assume this is all you know about them.

    We have a free personal trainer at our gym and I do not go to her. She just doesnt look like she goes to the gym at all and I want someone who is also focused on nutrition and exerscie and doesnt just preach it. But I dont want someone who wants me to look like them. I ask the desk people for adevice because they ACTUALLY work out during their breaks and look pretty good. They motviate me way more,
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    My answer may be different than most. The first trainer I ever worked out with was a young woman who had her certifications, but was studying Interior Design. She has a lovely gym bunny-type body and we got along great. My problem is that she hurt me. Like one of the activities she set me to work on strained my rotator cuff, nearly to the point of tearing. It took months of rehab and pain to get it back into working order where I could even raise my arm above my head.

    I want a trainer who knows their stuff, but it also able to recognize physical limitations and provide a healthy program.

    "Ripped" does not factor in to my equation, and frankly intimidates me a bit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never had a personal trainer, but I'd probably go with the one that more trained. For the same reason I'd rather go to a doctor with a lot of medical degrees, rather than choose by what they looked like.

    I've known a couple of people who had very ripped trainers who suffered injuries because the trainers weren't qualified to instruct.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'd go with the guy who studied, but that's because of personal experience; my boyfriend is a kinesiologist who worked as a trainer. He's not ripped (he's in good shape), but he knows so much about how the body works and the effects of exercise on all of your cells, and different muscles.
  • SusanleeBee
    SusanleeBee Posts: 144 Member
    for me, I would rather find a former fatty who made good. They have "been there and done that" so I know they understand what it is like to start from scratch. As opposed to someone who has been in shape their whole life and doesn't understand what it is like to have not been an athelete forever.

    Yes, that!
  • WhatDoesLisa
    If money were no object, I would hire Gunnar Peterson to whip me into shape. I think he is pretty incredible.
  • frazzle29
    frazzle29 Posts: 123 Member
    I like my trainer who's ripped and has studied! :)
  • turbophoenix
    As far as on paper, I'd be more inclined to go with the one with the education background.

    That being said, I'd really have to meet the person - personality is more important than any other factor. I need to see how they work with me and whether or not the relationship would work. For example, I need gentle encouragement - the tough love approach just leads to me feeling defeated when I make mistakes and then I want to give up.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Ripped - if everything else about them was exactly comparable.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Since I don't know anything about them, I'd go for the ripped PT.

    However, there are plenty of world class trainers that aren't ripped, but know how to train others. I think reputation speaks more than certifications or even the trainer's own physique.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    are those my only choices and I don't get to know anything else about them? I would tend to go with someone who was not only knowledgeable, but who I felt comfortable with and could trust, and who I felt was not just "doing a job" but took me as a person seriously. I would tend to find someone who was "ripped" a bit intimidating, too. I don't need intimidation, I need guidance.
  • avandy83
    avandy83 Posts: 23
    To me, a university certification, degree, whatever isn't important. I am one of the best people in my career field, and I have no college towards it. I do have a degree, but in something completely different.

    I go by recommendations and reviews. I trust those the most, especially from people I know and if I've seen the results first hand.