Stronglifts 5x5? Pros? Cons?



    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    What do you mean by TREX mode?

    I do pull ups on both days..(right after squats)

    WHta is T-rex mode?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I am going to start this programme tomorrow. At the moment my Mon Weds Fri have been spent doing hi intensity circuit training. Which is shredding the fat nicely. I also do cardio on tue, Thursday.

    I want to lose 14 more lbs

    I am wondering how this will effect my bf% loss???

    My eating is generally good an I'm losing 2lbs a week with this program I'm hoping to improve strength and the muscles under the last bit if fat I want to get rid off..

    Careful with that. You'll likely need to significantly increase your calorie intake once the weights start getting heavy, or your overall exercise load is going to kick your *kitten*. I learned that one the hard way when I added it opposite my martial arts classes (2hr/day, twice a week, with sparring).

    You'll still lose weight as long as you don't go overboard with your calorie increase, but 2000/day won't keep up. So make sure you eat back your exercise calories, and be ready to decrease your goal weight loss per week to something less than 2lbs.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Pro: simple, effective

    Con: T Rex mode

    How to prevent T Rex mode, add pull ups to workout A and dips to workout B

    Agree. I added pull-ups & push-ups to the routine.

    Loved 5x5- felt badass being the only girl in the gym lifting in the "boys" area. I'd still be doing it if I could just get into the gym 3x a week instead of working out at home!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have been running strong lifts for 7 weeks now... and I started with a "cut" earlier this week. I am aiming for a 1/2 lb loss each week to try and shed some of this 21% bodyfat. The lifts are getting quite difficult now, and I hope at just over 2000 cals, I can still press forward while seeing more physcial changes in my body. at 202 lbs today, I would like to get down to 185.

    Strong lifts is a great program, but I find that I need to supplement core movements at the end as I don't see much in change in my midesction at all.

    You're not seeing much in the core section because it's still covered in fat. Keep following the program and your core will get all the workout it needs, as long as your form is good. Lose that extra 17lbs and you'll likely start seeing a difference, since it's very likely that most of that weight is in your midsection (it's where it is for most people, and is often the last to be lost).
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I am going to start this programme tomorrow. At the moment my Mon Weds Fri have been spent doing hi intensity circuit training. Which is shredding the fat nicely. I also do cardio on tue, Thursday.

    I want to lose 14 more lbs

    I am wondering how this will effect my bf% loss???

    My eating is generally good an I'm losing 2lbs a week with this program I'm hoping to improve strength and the muscles under the last bit if fat I want to get rid off..

    Careful with that. You'll likely need to significantly increase your calorie intake once the weights start getting heavy, or your overall exercise load is going to kick your *kitten*. I learned that one the hard way when I added it opposite my martial arts classes (2hr/day, twice a week, with sparring).

    You'll still lose weight as long as you don't go overboard with your calorie increase, but 2000/day won't keep up. So make sure you eat back your exercise calories, and be ready to decrease your goal weight loss per week to something less than 2lbs.

    How would it work to eat at or above TDEE on lifting days and rest days (one or two a week) but below on big burn cardio days? As the weather improves I'll start doing some two/three/four hour bike rides with 1,500 to 2,800 calorie burns. It's pretty easy to eat at a deficit then. And yes, as you say, last year I got my butt kicked in mid summer. I'll be sure to take rest days as needed. This year lifting is going to be a priority.
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    I am going to start this programme tomorrow. At the moment my Mon Weds Fri have been spent doing hi intensity circuit training. Which is shredding the fat nicely. I also do cardio on tue, Thursday.

    I want to lose 14 more lbs

    I am wondering how this will effect my bf% loss???

    My eating is generally good an I'm losing 2lbs a week with this program I'm hoping to improve strength and the muscles under the last bit if fat I want to get rid off..

    Careful with that. You'll likely need to significantly increase your calorie intake once the weights start getting heavy, or your overall exercise load is going to kick your *kitten*. I learned that one the hard way when I added it opposite my martial arts classes (2hr/day, twice a week, with sparring).

    You'll still lose weight as long as you don't go overboard with your calorie increase, but 2000/day won't keep up. So make sure you eat back your exercise calories, and be ready to decrease your goal weight loss per week to something less than 2lbs.

    This was my worry, I abandoned doing this till I reach my goal weight.

    I am concerned with starting to light and the intensity not being enough also can you believe my gym doesn't have a squat rack. I will continue my strength circuit training and HiiT treadmill workouts until I reach my goal then once in maintenance I can look at the programme again. (hopefully by that time the gym till have a squat rack)
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Pro: get strong as fock...

    Cons: possibility of snapping allllll kiiiiinds of stuff up...
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    It's a good, simple program.

    Lifting on a calorie deficit is tough. Progress will stall. You will get frustrated and want to push through and end up injuring yourself.
  • MelissaJaydeD
    This is quite an old thread now, I am just hoping someone can tell me how they went following this program? I have just started and would love to hear more reviews from real people.

    Thanks :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    This is quite an old thread now, I am just hoping someone can tell me how they went following this program? I have just started and would love to hear more reviews from real people.

    Thanks :)

    sweet baby necro...

    in any case i'm doing something close to SL, i think the program itself is a bit boring. i basically split my workouts with alternating A& B days, A workout is back squats, deadlifts, BB row, bench press and OHP, B workout is front squats, lat pull downs and assisted pullups, chest press and power cleans.

    My goals are to improve my technique and power for cleans and snatches and doing unassisted pullups.