Humor -Growing up without a Cell Phone



  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    The only one I don't think makes us "Spoiled" is the carseats one, lol. That one actually saves lives so.....

    I'm only 23 but my parents were so old school (not to mention we were pretty poor) that I did have to sit around all day waiting to record songs from the radio, lol. I used to record them from disney movies as well with one of those huge "portable" tape recorders, haha.

    I do agree 100% about the cellphones/txting thing. My husband and I don't own cellphones because I think they are a plague on society, lol. We have one of them unheard of things, a house phone.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    One day my daughter and i were sitting on the patio at chick fil a and a woman was rolling her window down with her hand (the kind that you use the handle instead of the button) and my daughter (she was 8 or 9 at the time) says "mom what is that woman doing?" i reply "she is rolling her window down" my daughter's response was "with her hand?!?!?!?!". Aye dios mio! :noway:
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Everyone's reaction:


    My reaction:

  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'll be 35 in June and I relate to every single one of these things. The only thing I can remember coming into our house when I was about 5 was a microwave. And when I was about 6 we finally got a TV (An RCA of course...) with a 6-button remote. On/Off, Volume Up/Down, and Channel Up/Down.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I'm 27 and I relate to most.. although i am pretty sure I had a microwave growing up.. and my computer ran DOS. My parents would whistle when the street lights came on to "warn" us to come home from playing outside ALL DAY LONG. and we used to play in all the neighbors yards, climbing their trees, hide in their yards... and never had to worry about lawsuits and junk like that. You played at your own risk!
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    We had a vw bug and I had to ride in the back hatched part. Love this post!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    To the OP~ It amazes me how we even survived "back then".

    Yea, I remember falling out of trees, riding bicycles with no helmet, not even THINKING about safety!!!

  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I've got crank windows in my truck... It's a 2002.

    I remember getting our first microwave - Panasonic Talking Genius!!! That was probably '81 or so.

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Yep! We lost our remote last night for about 30 minutes and I could NOT do anything until we found it. I cant figure out how to turn on my tv otherwise. Too many boxes and buttons lol JUST FIND THE REMOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    I figured out the other day that I CANNOT change the channel without a remote! I couldn't find the Comcast Xfinity remote, and my tiny cable box has NO BUTTONS on it!!! WTF!!! ><

    And I'm in my late twenties, so I relate to all of these with few exceptions - most notably, we had SNES instead of Atari, but part of that is because my brother and I had NO VIDEO GAMES until 7th/3rd grade, respectively. Know what we did as really young kids? WE PLAYED OUTSIDE AND MADE UP OUR OWN GAMES!!! We used various toys, played various games: I still remember our sports balls being "dinosaur eggs" on a regular basis!

    And my mother also had the street lights rule, but we didn't get a warning. Your butt had better be home, or it's gonna get spanked when you get there!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm 23 and can relate to a lot of this.
    It wasn't until I was in high school that I realized just how far back in time my childhood was.
    We got a computer when I was in grade 8, and DIAL UP when I was in grade 11. The teachers would ask us to type up our essays, and I would use a freaking typewriter from the 1960's. Of course I didn't have email until I was 15, so I was always running to the mailbox to see if my pen pals had written me back.
    My little sister however (who is younger than me by 3 years), still doesn't know what Atari, 8 tracks, or life without an MP3 player is like. I also don't think she's ever had to walk 15km across town to go to the movie theatre and watch a movie using her own money.

    Have you seen the ridiculous car seats they have out now? Apparently you're supposed to ride along in a jumbo seat in the back until you reach puberty now. Jeez, I remember sitting in the front seat of the car when I was 3, using a phone book as a booster seat.

    My own very first car had a tape player in it, and even though I scrapped the car 2 years ago, I still have my Prince tapes :laugh:
  • jcameron731
    Well I am 41 and I remember all of that...I have a hospital file bigger then most...because it was more fun to play outside breaking bones and being crazy...then doing chores...
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm only 26 and I remember doing almost all that stuff.

    Me too! Me too! Me too!!!
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Oh my! all you young folk! lol! typewriters weren't electric, computers were big honkin' things that took up a whole room in an office building. Before cassette tapes & 8-Tracks we had reel to reel tape machines, we didn't have texting but we had phones that were on a party line. Girls weren't allowed to wear pants to school & that was a regular public school & we said the morning prayer. And all the food was from local farmers, without additives & hormone injections. We didn't need to lock our doors or car at night & gasoline was .60 cents a gallon. The best Concert tickets for the Beatles, Stones & the rest of the British invasion were $6.50, those are the best memories.
  • shawnp80134
    haha..this is great! At 46, I use my cell phone to text or call our kids upstairs when it's time for dinner.. *kitten* the yelling at the top of my lungs over and over again, only to find out they have their ipods on and can't hear a thing!
  • joec63
    joec63 Posts: 56 Member
    One day my daughter and i were sitting on the patio at chick fil a and a woman was rolling her window down with her hand (the kind that you use the handle instead of the button) and my daughter (she was 8 or 9 at the time) says "mom what is that woman doing?" i reply "she is rolling her window down" my daughter's response was "with her hand?!?!?!?!". Aye dios mio! :noway:

    BoomBoom , lol...that's funny right there !
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    27 and lived sheltered/poor growing up - we didn't have cable until I was 8!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    One day my daughter and i were sitting on the patio at chick fil a and a woman was rolling her window down with her hand (the kind that you use the handle instead of the button) and my daughter (she was 8 or 9 at the time) says "mom what is that woman doing?" i reply "she is rolling her window down" my daughter's response was "with her hand?!?!?!?!". Aye dios mio! :noway:

    BoomBoom , lol...that's funny right there !

    Bless her heart! She still says "I dont get it" when we tell the story.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    I can relate to all of these, except for the one about carseats/seat belts. My mom wouldn't even START the car unless my brother and I were belted in. That is, once we got a car that HAD seat belts in it...I distinctly remember a reddish Pinto that had no seat belts in the back...

    I know we had cable by the time I started junior high because I remember watching MTV...when they played MUSIC VIDEOS!!!
  • knowkeys
    knowkeys Posts: 28 Member
    In the UK, we had two channels and it was Black and White. Now there are 100's of channels and all showing same old re-runs.

    In fact we didn't have repeats, this was first time round!!.

    Outside toilet and a tin bath in front of the fire.

    The Telephone line was a shared part line, and fuel was less than 10pence (15c) a gallon. Now it is £7 a gallon.

    You had to cook your food, no such thing as a microwave and had to go to a bank to get mone, no ATM's.

    As Monty Python said, "I used to live in a cardboard box in middle of road", "you had it lucky, we couldn't afford a cardboard box", "trying telling the kids of today that and they won't believe you!!"

    Nostalgia is a wonderful thing - looking back and based on experience.

    Would you go back to those days without central heating and so on. No you wouldn't!!!!!!!

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Oh my fricking GOD. Bahahahahahahaha...