What do you eat with your bread?



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Lean out your peanut butter with plain yogurt (and a drizzle of honey, if you need). 1Tablespoon PB to 3Tablespoons of yogurt. It's yummy, and much healthier than equal portions of PB!

    There's nothing unhealthy about peanut butter. You may reduce the calories by mixing it with yogurt, but you do not make it "healthier." Nuts are about as healthy a snack as you get, and quality peanut butter has nothing but peanuts and a bit of salt.

    You're a "nutrition coach and fitness chef" and you have an issue with healthy fats? There is no reason to "lean out" peanut butter, or ANY healthy fat. None. There is no reason not to eat healthy fats. There are WAY worse things to be than a "PB junkie." Is there some degree or certification for the position of "nutrition coach and fitness chef?" Because it's pretty well documented that the fats in nuts are good for you.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I put homemade hummus or homemade peanut butter on my homemade honey wholewheat pita bread. :D