Here to lose around 70lbs by 7/15



  • quay157
    quay157 Posts: 7
    Good luck, thats going to be a tough one, in less than 4 months, but I hope you can hit it. We're right about the same stats - about 11 years of age. Im 5'7 started at 240 down to 218 now in just about 8 weeks. I added you as a friend maybe having someone with the same goal as me will push me harder too!

    Wow that is great. Nice to see someone my size getting things done!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Also, if you and your girlfriend are doing this together-- another going out tip:

    Split the meal and order a salad. You can't do a ton of damage eating a half of burger, half of fries, and a half of salad AND it saves you money! Its taken me YEARS to convince my boyfriend to this with me, but he's finally caught on!

    I do this most of the time, except we get a salad instead of the fries, then order an extra salad. Another thing we often do is get a specialty burger (Red Robin style) and just eat it without the bun, or only the bottom half. It's astounding how many calories the bun costs you, without very much flavor benefit at all.
  • quay157
    quay157 Posts: 7
    It's awesome that you are pumped up right now, that's a great place to start a life change like this.

    As much as I'd like to say good luck, you can do it, etc., etc. I'm going to offer some advice, but please don’t let it discourage you.

    The reality of the situation is that it's almost impossible to keep your level of current enthusiasm. It's great to aim high, but I'd encourage you to re-think your goals or maybe forget about goals completely. I think the biggest obstacle people face when trying to lose weight is living up to self-imposed bench marks that may not be all that realistic. When they don't reach them, they feel that they have failed, get frustrated and give up. I'm not trying to discourage you, but losing 70 pounds by 7/15 is not all that realistic (at your weight).

    My recommendation would be to find a daily calorie number you can live with long term (you want to keep it off right?) and will still leave you with a calorie deficit so that you can lose 2 pounds a week. This will still be a challenging feat. This will be a plan you can easily stick with and you'll be down 30-35 pounds by 7/15. You'll feel great and starting habits and a lifestyle that's sustainable.

    I was waiting for a post like this. 70 lbs by summer is something that is mostly in the back of my head and gets me to the gym in the morning. I havent been under 200 lbs in probably 6 years. If I can get to 200 by 7/15 I will still be psyched.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Please add me as a friend and we can shed pounds and inches together. It took me 37 years to find something that would motivate me to lose the weight and inches. I started at 37 years young. Good for you for making that decision young. You have a great support group here.