Green Team - Week 2



  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    only when i go to bed at 7pm.... :yawn: i'll see to pack some stuff and once it's 7am i'll go out to do some things in the city

    i'll do a new photo session as soon as i can... last i did pics was at 226 lbs, must have changed a lot since as it's 20+ lbs difference...
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Jacque~That is awesome!! I'm proud of you for not going over!:drinker:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    purrr - OMG - I have been trying to grow my hair forever - to the tune of since 1989 when I did the half long, half short cut.................but I'm sooo 80's still and am hanging onto the only hair I have. In the pic I post here, my hair is straight, well blown straight for my first days of vacation, I'm a curly murly after that - :laugh: so I'm envious that you were able to cut off your hair - can't wait to see the pics!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Did anyone send astarte a message that we have a new weekly thread? I responded to her on the week one thread so just wanted to make sure she finds us again!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I am sooooooo happy, I had Taco's tonight and did not go over my calories:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Any way enough about me.
    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- So happy to see ya. We need pic babr!! show us the new do. I am gonna do the same thing, as soon as I lose 60lbs.
    Talk to you all later

    See you were worried for nothing and you also made my day better cause I was feeling so nailed two things in one day!:drinker:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Ok after about 2.5 hours of excel the chart is finally done with the numbers that have been posted so far. I didn't realize I don't think I have ever used excel until now. But I think I have it all down now. Should be much easier and quicker from here on out. Here is the chart. positive numbers and percentages are gains negative are losses. Let me know if there are any errors in starting weights or current weights. just send me a pm. Also members that have an * after there name are those that I am still waiting for numbers from. Looks like a great week for everyone. Keep up the great work this week!

  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    sorry so late posting team...i am down 4.4 lbs this week, to 177.8. my lowest this month was on May 6th at 177.2, one of our old green team weigh in's. been hanging in this range for a few weeks...i guess it's time to change the workout routine again. thinkin' of gettin out my hoola hoop...

    again, glad purrrr is along on the journey. MISSED YOU SOO MUCH HON! yes, yes, please do pics! 60 lbs!! you are getting closer to me every day!!

    i too have fruit pretty much a part of my new lifestyle. i need to up the veggies tho. and is it true that we are to have more veggies than fruit in our diet? anyone? the water challenge won't be too bad either...i am at least 32 oz down before lunch time.

    well, off to do more yard work! have a great weekend everyone! thanks to all who are helping with charts ~ nice work!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Well its the long weekend, will be a challenge for me, so I might drive you all crazy. Before I admit I didn't write on the weekends because I had no control over my eating on them and I was too embaressed to write. I really gonna try a different out look. So I am off to the movies my son need to see the musem movie for extra credit in history class, then the gym. I am writing this to make me owe up to my plan. So THANKS for being here
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Oh by the way I think calicat had a medical procedure done on Friday so everyone pray for her speedy recovery!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Ok after about 2.5 hours of excel the chart is finally done with the numbers that have been posted so far. I didn't realize I don't think I have ever used excel until now. But I think I have it all down now. Should be much easier and quicker from here on out. Here is the chart. positive numbers and percentages are gains negative are losses. Let me know if there are any errors in starting weights or current weights. just send me a pm. Also members that have an * after there name are those that I am still waiting for numbers from. Looks like a great week for everyone. Keep up the great work this week!


    Got the water in for yesterday! one your chart you still have ericamsierra, you can take it off is you want because that is me I just changed names lastweek
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Yuck, my 2 lb gain looks terrible on the, it's good when you lose to look at the chart but depressing when it's not a loss :grumble:

    purrr - if I read correctly, and after all the years of reading I've done on nutrition I should know, but potassium actually counterbalances sodium like a diuretic? explain please.............also, please don't forget to post what all has helped you through your 60 lb loss.

    Well, I definitely got all my water in yesterday (Friday) although it was not just plain old water, it was Crystal Light.

    Today I have picked up yet ANOTHER bag of mangos (found someone to pawn them off on :bigsmile: ) and vaccumed my pool - for quite a long time since it's been raining and my cover got basically I like snorkeled (cause I actually use a mask and snorkel even though my pool is only 48 inches :happy: ) but used my arms for close to an hour.

    So, I suppose I have rambled enough for now.......................I also want to big a big :smooched: and thank you to all our troops past and present over this weekend!:heart:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hiya guys, finally back on the comp, been running all day... fortunately my sister agreed to do some of my work for me, so at least this is off my head... agh

    aml~ i could have sent you the old chart, it does all calculations itself... so only the design could be changed, old one was too froggy and took up too much space when you post it in the forum... this new one looks just fine, you can add me from this week at 204.4lbs when you get a chance :flowerforyou:

    porka~ not sure if potassium exactly counterbalances natrium, both are essential for the normal function of our bodies... but i read this somewhere that potassium faciliates the flushing of water and toxins out of the body... i have noticed that when i eat more fruit i do more potty and generally feel lighter in the tummy but i thought it's because of the vitamin C and the fiber... but it might as well have to do with potassium, too

    here is a list of foods rich in potassium, so you can check for yourself if they have this flushing effect on your system... obviously most are fruit and veggies (raw), so no doubt they have to make a big part of your menu:

    Bell pepper
    Crimini mushrooms
    Brussels sprouts
    Raw, baby carrots
    Raw Lettuce
    Raw Onions
    Fresh Strawberries
    Raw Garlic
    Raw Radishes
    Raw Peppers
    White Bread
    Lima Beans
    Jerusalem Artichokes
    Oat Bran

    ugh, not sure what does white bread do there, that would be my last choice for a potassium source :ohwell:

    gee, you lucky girl, you got your own pool!!! i can't wait to get to the beach later this summer, my sister wants Turkey but let's see.... i don't want to go before August, give myself a chance to lose more pudge

    as for cutting long hair... i've been planning that long since, just couldn't decide myself... but now that i'm leaving the city... i decided it's high time, plus i wanted to do it here, big city, better choice for hairdressers, you know... it was a bit painful to see my long hair drop on the floor but it was so weak and damaged from all the growing, plus it wouldn't even sit in any shape and looked ugly so i would constantly carry it in a bun to not have it mess in everything i do... i really feel better with short hair... however, something i notice it gets greasy a lot faster than long hair, i didn't need to wash my hair more than twice a week or even less often than that and now it seems i have to wash it every other day... :grumble:

    i will post a big summary of how i lost the 60 and how i'm going to lose 70 more :bigsmile: when i have more time, i don't want to miss something important, so it will be after Monday sometime... gawd i have so much luggage, i been packing it so long and i can only imagine how long it will take to unpack and order it... grandma is 1-2 wardrobes short for my stuff i'm afraid :embarassed: and to think that i hardly have anything that fits me right now... everything is either too big or too small (from my "skinny" days)... i hope mum will take some of my "fat" clothes since she has no intention to lose weight and i intend to donate the rest of my fat clothes to the Red Cross... they give them to the poor, which probably means no fat people but who knows... i have no intention to ever get back in these ugly fat clothes and i don't want to just throw them away, so that was the best thing i could think of

    good night, greenies, wrote too much again but ... ya know...
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: yeah, back before my birthday in Feb I think it was, I cleaned out my closet (basically a place I never go in cause I'm too vain to buy too many big clothes and can't fit into the ones that were there....:noway: ), which is something I typically do every year and give to the Vietnam Vetrans (FYI - for those of you in the States - they will pick up the stuff from your front that!). My bf's philosophy is that if he has not worn in in the last 6 months, chuck it - well, girls are a bit different. :bigsmile: I had a size 6 short in there from 2001:noway: :noway: and some jeans from high school (yall, I graduated in 1989 :wink: ) so I got real ambitious and the dude that picked up my stuff off the front porch must've thought I was nekkid inside cause there was so much stuff!!!:ohwell: But I kept some stuff as I've said but did buy a few 14's for vacation coming up and it's nice that they're fitting non-snug.

    I've been ramblin too but that is all or most of what keeps me mouth out of the dorito bag - lol. When I was on the "crack" pills and a bobble head, the weight loss doctor gave me a water pill and a potassium pill - thus my question to you purrr. I am gonna attempt to upload a few photos of our little blow up pool for adults only!
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    got my water in today! :drinker:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Okay, I got a new camera and now mfp says my pics are too large to upload....ideas?
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all,
    It's Friday and my biggist personel challenge is going to be tonight. In our house Friday night is taco night!! I love my homemade Taco's. If I could I eat them everynight, I would. I normally eat 5 and put lots of cheese on them. So how do I still enjoy them, well I decided that I will measure the cheese,so that should cut some caloreis. Also maybe if I have maybe only 2-3 shells that would help. But because I only have red meat, next time I go to the store I am gonna buy ground turkey. Well Just wanted to write this down so I will feel more obligatoed to do what I say. Sorry if I bored anyone.
    Good job everyone with the challenge an dweight loss

    Next time try with shrimp........6 cals a med shrimp.....not bad.............
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hey Greenies~

    I quickly skimmed through the posts but am way to tired to make the updates to the chart so I will do them tomorrow. With all my outings today to the farmers market and arboretum I walked about 15 miles.

    Porka~ I also had the 2 lb gain and it is tough to see but I think seeing that makes us push harder the following week. There is a way to compress your photos but I can't think of it off of the top of my head. I will play with that this weekend and let you know if I figure it out again and let you know unless someone else replies first.

    Purrr~ I never did get the calculations in so if you could send me the old chart that would be awesome:smile: . i'll message you my email.

    Well lots of walking/running planned again for tommorrow. Have a great rest of the weekend greenies!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Oh no I went crazy today!!!!:frown: I was out of control, I ate french fries, I don't even remember the last time I ate fries!!,oh my it gets worst I went out to eat with family for dinner, we were talking and eating and before I knew it I ate enough bread to feed a country AGH!!! I am so not ready for social eating. Well tomorrow I will have to do better I just hope I didn't damage a weeks woth of hard work. Agh so mad:explode: at my self for the lack of control
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Morning Greenies!!
    Well Its Sunday and a new day, started out good for breakfast. Am getting ready for church. Am gonna try to do much better. Plan to go to the gym after lunch.
    Porka-Hope you guys aren't drowing in Florida
    Got my water in Friday and yesterday.
    Talk to you all later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all, rainy day in sfla - trying not to drown jac! :tongue:

    I have NOT gotten my water in (does beer count :bigsmile: :drinker: ) but am workin on it while watchin Sponge Bob!:wink: