Eating 500 calories and BMR .



  • scarticia
    scarticia Posts: 16
    Thanks for the calculations i work out 7 days a week right now I burn around 500 just doing cardio. I just had my BMR checked at the gym today and it was 2017.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    This is not the way to lasting weight loss.... guarantee you'll gain that weight back, and probably more. do it right.... you need to eat at least 1200 calories and if you're burning 500 at the gym, you should be eating at least 1600-1800 minimum! doesn't matter if you're not hungry, eat more calorie dense foods. Your body will appreciate it.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Thanks for the calculations i work out 7 days a week right now I burn around 500 just doing cardio. I just had my BMR checked at the gym today and it was 2017.

    This will lead to failure. I'm sorry, but it will. VLCD and intensive excersize do not mix.

    I suggest viewing excersize as a path to fitness, not weightloss. After all, its the diet that controls weight.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    I am at a point of being so heavy that the benefits out way the risks for me.

    Will the "benefits" outweigh the risks when you get organ failure, collapse on the street, or get taken to the hospital? I'll bet the answer is no.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    This seems to be the day of people not wanting to eat enough. What are you thinking!!!! You cannot survive on 500 calories a day!!!
  • scarticia
    scarticia Posts: 16
    I'm not trying to go all anorexic, if I'm hungry of course I will eat more. And yes I am supervised by my doctor so I would think he knows what he is doing. I think instead of attacking and telling me how I'm going to die try helping me geeze lol I am new at this. This is why I'm asking just thought maybe some of you had experienced the same thing or had suggestions to help me not repeating the obvious that 500 calories is not enough.
  • Cander1231Son
    I am 32 years old, weigh 162 pounds and have a BMR of 1,430. I exercise at least 5-6 days a week, alternating between cardio and strength training. For example, last week I attended 2, 60-minute Zumba classes, 1 60-minute Cardio Kickboxing class with weight training, ran (3 miles) 2 days in a row. My food intake ranges from 1200-1500 calories per day but that does not include my exercise. I have thyroid disease and take a thyroid replacement daily. I have lost 9 pounds in 3 months and am starting to get extremely frustrated. Should I be eating more calories per day in order to jump start the weight loss?
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I'm not trying to go all anorexic, if I'm hungry of course I will eat more. And yes I am supervised by my doctor so I would think he knows what he is doing. I think instead of attacking and telling me how I'm going to die try helping me geeze lol I am new at this. This is why I'm asking just thought maybe some of you had experienced the same thing or had suggestions to help me not repeating the obvious that 500 calories is not enough.

    I get your frustration.

    Try this-
    1. Determine your average TDEE.
    2. Create a 20'ish % calorie deficit.
    3. Find an excersize program you would enjoy, and that is compatible with your goals.
    4. Adjust as needed.

    If possible, ask your doc for a referral to a nutritionist. It seems many docs are confused in this area.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm not trying to go all anorexic, if I'm hungry of course I will eat more. And yes I am supervised by my doctor so I would think he knows what he is doing. I think instead of attacking and telling me how I'm going to die try helping me geeze lol I am new at this. This is why I'm asking just thought maybe some of you had experienced the same thing or had suggestions to help me not repeating the obvious that 500 calories is not enough.

    I get your frustration.

    Try this-
    1. Determine your average TDEE.
    2. Create a 20'ish % calorie deficit.
    3. Find an excersize program you would enjoy, and that is compatible with your goals.
    4. Adjust as needed.

    If possible, ask your doc for a referral to a nutritionist. It seems many docs are confused in this area.


    Since you are under a dr's supervision your questions should really be posed to him and/or your dietician or nutritionist.

    Good luck!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    You know who else eats about 500 calories/day?
    Babies. The new born kind.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I don't know about the 2000 vs 500 but what you're doing is definitely unhealthy. I'd aim for 1200 net at if you workout and burn 500 calories you'd want to eat a total of 1700 calories that day. If you're finding that hard to do have a banana or two in between meals throughout the day.


    i agree:bigsmile:
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    If your doctor has you doing 500, then check in with your and consult a nutritionist on the side to make sure you're getting what you need. Of course, this is assuming that you're planning on upping your calories at some point, which, for a healthy weight loss, you'll have to do eventually. The fact is, the body cannot function on 500 calories. You consume a net of 500 which has to attempt to fuel ALL of your body, which isn't possible. A body in constant motion needs more fuel than that. Heck, people in a coma need more fuel than that. So, if your doctor is monitoring you, that's one thing. But if you're planning on eating like this forever (please say you're not), that's not going to benefit you in the long run.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Thank you all for your responses I understand that it is a small amount of calories but right now it's working and I feel so much better than I did 3 weeks ago. I am at a point of being so heavy that the benefits out way the risks for me. Yes ultimately I want to loose weight while being healthy but I also can't only loose 4 pounds a month as opposed to a week. I have read articles that consuming 500 less than your BMR drops more pounds than the 500 calorie diet so my question remains would i Loose more weight eating the 2000 calories a day than my net of 500?

    WHY can't you lose 4 pounds a month rather than 4 pounds a week? It's not just about being healthy, it's also about sustainability! I promise you, if you lose all your weight netting 500 cal/day you will not maintain it. I also know that you don't believe me. You're sure if you could just lose the weight you'd NEVER allow yourself to gain it back, but I been there and done that at least a dozen times in my life, and if you do crazy things (and netting 500 cal/day is crazy) you gain it back. Every time. Try netting 1500, or even 1800. You'll be surprised how much weight you'll lose, and in all likelihood, you'll keep it off.
  • scarticia
    scarticia Posts: 16
    If your doctor has you doing 500, then check in with your and consult a nutritionist on the side to make sure you're getting what you need. Of course, this is assuming that you're planning on upping your calories at some point, which, for a healthy weight loss, you'll have to do eventually. The fact is, the body cannot function on 500 calories. You consume a net of 500 which has to attempt to fuel ALL of your body, which isn't possible. A body in constant motion needs more fuel than that. Heck, people in a coma need more fuel than that. So, if your doctor is monitoring you, that's one thing. But if you're planning on eating like this forever (please say you're not), that's not going to benefit you in the long run.

    I am starting to think a nutritionist is the right step and no this is not forever just until I get into the overweight category and out of the obese then I plan on adjusting for sustainability then
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm not trying to go all anorexic, if I'm hungry of course I will eat more. And yes I am supervised by my doctor so I would think he knows what he is doing. I think instead of attacking and telling me how I'm going to die try helping me geeze lol I am new at this. This is why I'm asking just thought maybe some of you had experienced the same thing or had suggestions to help me not repeating the obvious that 500 calories is not enough.

    This forum is not really designed to support VLCD's, so if you are under a doctor's supervision (which should, for this extremely low level of calories, include regular checkups to make sure your heart is still functioning okay), you would be better off to ask him.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I'm not trying to go all anorexic, if I'm hungry of course I will eat more. And yes I am supervised by my doctor so I would think he knows what he is doing. I think instead of attacking and telling me how I'm going to die try helping me geeze lol I am new at this. This is why I'm asking just thought maybe some of you had experienced the same thing or had suggestions to help me not repeating the obvious that 500 calories is not enough.

    Okay, I'll bite. What was your doctor's answer to this question? Is he a bariatric specialist? Does he think upping your calories will cause more weight loss? Has he referred you to a nutritionist to ensure you get all the nutrients you need in this 500 (1000 total) net calories, because you need a really nutrient dense diet to do that? What does the nutritionist say about whether upping your calories will increase weight loss? Why ask non-professionals at MFP when you have the supervision of medical professionals available to you?
  • scarticia
    scarticia Posts: 16
    This is easy because I was told this by a trainer at the gym today and was curious lol my appointment isnt for a week and I thought options would be nice to have before hand. Yes he is a specialist and no I haven't seen the nutritionist yet but I will be why post your opinions to be negative if you want to be rude and negative don't bother to post
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Oh man, if anyone ever posts about a super low calorie diet they instantly get griped at on here.
    Do you feel satisfied eating that amount? Do you feel weak or light headed? Having any trouble sleeping? How's your concentration? It's not ideal to eat that little of an amount but there are people who are able to eat that amount & be alright for a decent period of time. Your metabolism will eventually slow down though & you will probably plateau. The plateau can be really discouraging to a lot of people. Plus if you start eating more you will more than likely gain weight fairly quickly...You need to try to stick with a calorie range that you can maintain throughout your life, or you will probably end up yo-yo dieting constantly.
    I upped my calorie intake & actually lost more weight. I eat about 1350 a day [5'3 & 132ish lbs] and it really helped my weight loss.
    Good luck doll! :)

    At 500 net calories it's not about "starvation mode" or being "satisfied" or "feeling weak or light headed." It's about heart arrhythmias, and organ and nerve damage.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    This is easy because I was told this by a trainer at the gym today and was curious lol my appointment isnt for a week and I thought options would be nice to have before hand. Yes he is a specialist and no I haven't seen the nutritionist yet but I will be why post your opinions to be negative if you want to be rude and negative don't bother to post

    I'm sorry you consider it negative and rude to ask why you would rely on non-professional advice when professional advice is available, considering the serious consequences of a diet so low in calories. Since you only seem to consider it polite to tell you that it's a good idea for you to eat 500 net calories, I have to assume you are violating the site policy of not advocating VLCDs. Don't tell me not to reply to your question. If you don't want answers that disagree with you, don't ask the question. I wasn't derogatory or rude, I answered your question with an answer that wasn't the one you wanted.
  • scarticia
    scarticia Posts: 16
    Actually you answered a question with a question and then were all negative and I value all opinions of those who want to help I am starting to try to loose weight and for this reason I am asking questions to help me and this is what this forum is for I am not trying to have people support a specific diet just give me there experiences and knowledge like I said previously if you don't have something nice or different to say why waste your time posting