Who has successfully stopped biting their nails?

lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
I'm a terrible nail biter. I bite the skin around them too. I've tried just about everything...putting gross tasting stuff on them, keeping hands in pockets, getting yelled at...

Recently I've been trying to bandage up 1 finger at a time for a few days until the nail grows...it works for awhile but I can't seem to stick with it for too long. I usually end up with 2 or 3 finger nails and then give up.


  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I have! It really is funny I was just commenting to my mom that I have nails...I really don't know what made me stop doing it though

    I did though start biting the inside of my lip instead. :grumble:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I stopped.

    But I don't have a particular strategy.

    One thing about my nails is they used to chip and flake a lot. That made them get caught in fabrics, and would lead to my nibbling at the little imperfection; which can easily lead to tearing off a too-big chunk of nail. When I started supplementing with Vitamin D, the nails became thicker and stronger for the first time in my life.

    I'm a woman, so I used to have fake nails on all the time to avoid that - but since my nails are healthier now, it isn't a factor anymore.

    Do you have other compulsive behaviors? You might benefit from some Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
  • steve915
    steve915 Posts: 21 Member
    :sad: miy wife cant stop biting her nails
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Stopped biting my nails and not sure what happened. Just stopped. I also started taking care of them, painting them and filing them. Keeping them nice and decorated seems to have helped.

    Still a lip biter though. Can't seem to kick that habit no matter how much gum I keep on me.
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    I use to bite my nails wicked badly as a kid. Once I became a vegetarian I stopped. I have no idea why it happened. Good luck!
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    Nail biting is a funny thing. Most people do it when they're stressed, and I can say for a fact that I did sometimes bite during stress. But mostly I bit as a habit (bored, perfectionism, etc). I haven't stopped biting, but I've reduced it a lot! I've started painting them! And as you are a male I don't think that would help you much. Unless you wanted to paint them black, but that's a different kind of look.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    I have. About 2 months ago was the last time.

    Honestly one day I just decided to stop and it's been a non-issue since. I've tried stopping many times without success. Not sure why it worked for me this time.
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    I have, cause I have to get my nails done or they look awful:)
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I chewed my nails for 35 years. Badly - down to the quick, bleeding chewing. It was stress related, and eventually the stress was under control. I still get the urge to bite them when i get really stressed, or when the edges get rough and catch. But it's easier to control these days.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I used to bite mine down past the quick they would be so mangled and painful. Oddly enough my husband would smack my hand if he saw me bit them and after that once or twice I stopped. Now I have very pretty nails. I just put some clear polish on them and I get a lot of compliments. You could also try painting them, you dont want to eat the paint.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I just happened to stop. No idea why. I just noticed one day that my nails were long, and I was no longer biting them. Weird. I know.

    I do bite the inside of my mouth too...like other posters. That's weird too.

    Some kind of mouth fixation? I find it SOOO odd that people just out of the blue stopped biting their nails, but we all bite our lips/inside of our mouths.....
  • rlwash
    rlwash Posts: 24
    I have been a non-biter since September and I think what did it for me was that I told myself it was ruining my teeth and I should probably stop. I have bitten a nail since that day.

    Good luck.:wink:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I stopped cold turkey :laugh: I was biting my nail at work like I always did and a piece of tooth broke off, that was enough for me.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I just happened to stop. No idea why. I just noticed one day that my nails were long, and I was no longer biting them. Weird. I know.

    I do bite the inside of my mouth too...like other posters. That's weird too.

    Some kind of mouth fixation? I find it SOOO odd that people just out of the blue stopped biting their nails, but we all bite our lips/inside of our mouths.....

    Funny enough I was biting the inside of my mouth when I started reading this thread....
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    me but i dont know why! i just wanted nice long nails. painting them helps a lot but you probably dont wanna do that!
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I took on smoking when I was quitting my nail biting habits. It's such a terrible vice to have!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I stopped cold turkey :laugh: I was biting my nail at work like I always did and a piece of tooth broke off, that was enough for me.

    lol...yep! Thata do it!

    When I got my braces off in January, I had the ortho file down my front teeth to match because one had a nick in it from where I used to chew and/or open things with my teeth. I'm assuming nails had a toll on it too.

    I just complained to my bff Sunday about how I can't chew/bite/open things...even my nails anymore since having my teeth straightened. Sometimes I get hang nails, and it is so frustrating that I can't grip it anymore with my teeth to get it!
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    I really need to stop. I'm the worst. And I work in a very high stress place that you don't want to put your hands anywhere near your face. Although I tend to bite at home mostly when I have too much time to worry and no where to channel it. I wish there was a quick fix for this one. But I gotta just do it.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    I stopped when I figured out all the bacteria I was ingesting while I was doing it made me frequently sick!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Yes, three out of four of us have stopped.
    I was a terrible nail biter up until the age of 11.
    One day, I saw my mother's pretty fingernails while she was driving us home from school and we were stopped at a stoplight.
    I told her then, I wanted pretty nails like hers.
    They weren't all done up or anything - just neat and trim with clear polish on them.
    I remember what she said like it was yesterday...."You will have to set your mind to keeping them out of your mouth and you can have pretty nails of your own".
    That is what it took - I had to decide to do it.

    My husband also was a nail biter. At age 43 he decided he wasn't going to do it anymore. He didn't like the way they looked and he knew what his hands were in every day at work. He chewed them mostly in the PM in front of the tv.
    It took him trial and error but within about 3 months he had it done.

    My daughter also was a nail biter until the age of 11. She is 14 now and she does a beautiful job with her nails. She would sit on hers when she would want to chew them....lol.
    We tried everything with her too - gum, the special bad tasting stuff you put on each nail, reminders, band-aids...everything.
    In the end, she had to decide she didn't want to chew them anymore. When she was serious enough about it, then I through her a nail party and got her a kit by Konad. She loved the party and all her friends and moms came and it was a big deal and we had a lot of fun. She still enjoys her Konad kit to this day and likes to do her own nails, mine, and anyone else too.

    I am thankful my son never started biting his nails.

    Good luck with it.