My stepdad is hurting not helping /venting



  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    I agree with the poster who advised you to learn how to cook. Obviously, you have internet access. Google how to prepare anything and you will find it. As someone already said, roasting a chicken is easy. Look for whole chickens on sale. Just take out the packet of giblets that is sometimes inside, pat dry with a paper towel, rub some seasonings on it (rosemary, pepper, garlic, thyme, etc.) and roast it in the oven until the leg joint moves freely...anywhere from an hour to two. Lots cheaper than buying chicken parts, prepared or otherwise. Leftovers are great for chicken salad, too. Then take the carcass and the leftover giblets and put them in a pot, cover with water, add some celery leaves, onion chunks, peppercorns, and more spices. Simmer for an hour or two. Strain and put in the refrigerator. When the grease rises to the top and hardens, throw it away. you'll have homemade chicken stock which can be frozen in small portions and used in even more recipes. Take the time to learn how to cook. You will never be sorry.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    He was heading out to get something to eat and since I was low on calories, I asked him to get me 2 grilled snack wraps at McDonald's. (He said he was going there and since I liked them I thought it would be ok to have them) He says alright, but when he gets home he brings in Sausage and Pepperoni pizza from Little Caesar's... He always does this to me when I want something... There was nothing else in the house to make something good, and I had no choice but to eat it since I only had about 450 calories inside me for yesterday. And now this morning was my weight day, and I weighed 208.5lbs. Last week I was 206 and there was no pizza that week... I think it's time to get some support in my family to help me, and not hurt me. I might begin to just make my own dinners despite this problem.

    Stop blaming other people for what you are eating.

    I just looked at your diary and you eat so much junk food, what your stepfather brought you that day is the least of your worries.

    Start having some real food instead of junk. So many hotdogs, biscuits, pizza, cupcakes, crisps, potato chips... the list is endless!!

    Take control, cut out all the junk and the weight will literally fall off you and you will not be hungry either, not after eating so many empty calories.

    Do not ask people to buy you takeaways, that way they cannot tempt you.

    Seriously, that one thing he bought you did not make you gain weight, what made you gain weight is the accumulation of the rest of the stuff in your diary.

    Fast food seems appealing because it takes no effort to prepare it, you buy it and go and then eat it - no effort to prepare, no effort to eat it and to top it off, there is no effort to pile the weight on because that is what junk food does, it piles on weight.

    If you are really serious about losing weight, you are going to have to make changes and those changes will entail cutting out fastfood, cutting out takeaways and start consuming some food that is good for you and not just convenient :)
    Actually I am serious about the weight loss thank you. I have actually cut back because I would normally have eaten double that amount if it wasn't for this site and the friends I have on here that help me. Have you ever heard of cutting back in small steps before, and then get off of it?

    It's not just about cutting back, it is about changing everything you did before.

    You could cut back to 1000 calories per day and eat nothing but an Easter Egg per day for instance, that would not mean it would be correct.

    Seriously, you need to look at WHAT you are consuming, not how little you consider you are eating.

    No offence meant, but you did ask for opinions.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Ever think that the donuts and corn pops you ate might have caused the weight gain?

    this ^
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I agree with the poster who advised you to learn how to cook. Obviously, you have internet access. Google how to prepare anything and you will find it. As someone already said, roasting a chicken is easy. Look for whole chickens on sale. Just take out the packet of giblets that is sometimes inside, pat dry with a paper towel, rub some seasonings on it (rosemary, pepper, garlic, thyme, etc.) and roast it in the oven until the leg joint moves freely...anywhere from an hour to two. Lots cheaper than buying chicken parts, prepared or otherwise. Leftovers are great for chicken salad, too. Then take the carcass and the leftover giblets and put them in a pot, cover with water, add some celery leaves, onion chunks, peppercorns, and more spices. Simmer for an hour or two. Strain and put in the refrigerator. When the grease rises to the top and hardens, throw it away. you'll have homemade chicken stock which can be frozen in small portions and used in even more recipes. Take the time to learn how to cook. You will never be sorry.

    I found other previous threads the OP posted on.. .seems as though he professed at making his own pizza... onions and garlic from what I recall reading..... I think we were just taken for a ride, folks... unless it isnt true... ????