does anyone here do Paleo Diet?



  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks for all your input-
    I wouldn't be cutting out veggies for good just very little till i can get my weight moving then return them to my diet... I am trying to do under 50 carbs a day- Just basically wondering if any other woman seem to find it hard to loose... men seem to do really well on it...

    Don't cut out veggies - eat, eat, eat.....cut down on fruits - if you want fruit stick with low carb/sugar ones like berries....

    the thing is if your body does well on a lower carb way of eating - then adding it back in later isn't going to help you - it is best for you to moderate what you are currently eating...

    i would stick with between 50-100 carbs a day (I have mine set at 85) and eat plenty of good fats and protiens to satiate you...

    If you want my diary is open - got back about a week or 2 - I just finished up a 30 day strict Paleo where I skewed it towards a lower carb way of eating - you can see what I ate on a typical day...and still managed to come in under about 85 carbs a day...and had a loss of a lb a week
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Because of the constant paleo threads and the varying views even from "Paleoans"( <---- Is that appropriate?), I'm beginning to think they don't even know what "eating Paleo" means.


    I consider myself eating a paleo lifestyle and I am right there with you...I think the problem comes in the fact that some (not all) people are getting their information from random blogs and decide to just give it a try without fully understanding the whole lifestyle and the reasonings (scientific not one persons reasoning) behind eating certain foods and choosing to drop out certain food groups...

    You also have a certain subgroup of people who really don't know much more beyond the very basics...or people who try it for a week and say "oh well i tried it and dont' like it " or do it for a few weeks and say "I did it for 3 weeks and didn't do so well and I only "cheated" a few times"

    I think some people see Paleo as a "Diet" to loose weight rather than a lifestyle way for eating - for some people they have to cut out certain things out of thier diet and that has led them to a Paleo way of eating...others like myself have tried different ways to loose weight and found that going to this lifestyle works for me personally...

    THAT BEING SAID...Paleo is not a diet and some people think it is...even if you are eating a Paleo lifestyle you still have to watch what you eat, you have to watch portion control and you have to watch your macros if you want to loose weight while eating this lifestyle - just like any other lifestyle eating choice.

    to me choosing to eat a Paleo lifestyle is no different than say someone choosing to eat a vegetarian lifestyle - it is eating within a sort of set perimeter of food choices - I fully understand when someone says "I could never eat Paleo because I love Pasta too much" - that's great - to me I would say "I could never eat vegatarian cause I love Bacon too much"....It's all what a person chooses...I'm happy to give up Pasta but don't touch my bacon :)
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I'd say that the current archaeological consensus is that pre-agriculture man would have gotten most of his calories from tubers and very little from meat.
  • graygirl73
    graygirl73 Posts: 11 Member
    I hit a major plateau and my nutritionist recommended dropping my carbs from the recommended 50-100g of carbs to closer to the 50g range to make sure I still had room for lots of vegetables. Maybe try to keep them at 50, but you should probably not go lower.