What gave you that final push to start this journey?



  • Thanks guys! Yeah he's been texting me asking what's new and I actually say what's new.. running, organic foods, etc
    And he laughed "Since when do you run"
    I said "Since when is it any of your business what I do anymore?"

    You tell him girlfriend!!! ;) lol
  • One reason was a pair of jeans. I tried on the 12, they ALMOST fit (which is unusual, I'm a reliable 14). They were great jeans, fit perfectly (I have a big booty), narrow enough in the knee to wear with boots, not "skinny" but slim in the leg.
    I got an e-mail saying they were out of 14s, so I bought the 12s.

    Another was seeing a bunch of my old friends... it's embarrassing not being as attractive as you used to be.

    AND I'm trying to get pregnant (YAY!) I know if we have trouble, the first thing they would tell me to do is lose weight.

    I never thought I could lose weight healthily and happily. I have tried every wrong and miserable way to do it, but never healthy.

    Best of luck with trying to get pregnant!
  • I was diagnosed with Graves disease in 2007. When I went in to see the specialist, I was down about 25 pounds due to the disease. They immediately discontinued all my blood pressure meds and put me on a medication to control my thyroid. Of course, I immediately gained all the weight back and had to go back on the BP meds.

    That made me think that if I could lose the weight and keep it off I might be able to get off my BP meds for good. It's taken 4 years now, but I am almost there!! :bigsmile:

    Just 1lb to go! That's amazing. You should be proud of your achievements.
  • My Dad passing away at over 400 lbs this year and having only 2 caskets to choose from not to mention we were unable to cremate him since most creamatoriums don't have the capacity to do his size and it would cost us a small fortune to send his body to one able to do it. Also going into WalMart to buy some new shirts and finding that I only fit into the 5X made me burst into tears and realize how much I hated who I was on the outside.

    You can do this. You don't have to hate who you are on the outside anymore. Any time you feel insecure just think "I'm a work in progress."
  • steph2606
    steph2606 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks guys! Yeah he's been texting me asking what's new and I actually say what's new.. running, organic foods, etc
    And he laughed "Since when do you run"
    I said "Since when is it any of your business what I do anymore?"

    Brilliant! :laugh: Bet he felt a little dumb after that... Keep it up hunny! xxx
  • Baurus
    Baurus Posts: 27
    2 years ago i was in holidays and i had free food on buffet. I had ate really a lot and when i got back to home i was 220 lbs. way too much also i couldn't see food anymore cuz i was full of it. So i decided to start my journey and i lost 50 lbs :D right now i'm trying to lose last 5% of bf then i'll bulk muscles cuz i'm getting addicted to gym. I'm so happy :D
  • 2 years ago i was in holidays and i had free food on buffet. I had ate really a lot and when i got back to home i was 220 lbs. way too much also i couldn't see food anymore cuz i was full of it. So i decided to start my journey and i lost 50 lbs :D right now i'm trying to lose last 5% of bf then i'll bulk muscles cuz i'm getting addicted to gym. I'm so happy :D

    I'm glad you're happy! Good luck
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    I'm getting back into coaching youth sports and I want to be a good example for the kids. When I was younger I used to really respect when my coaches would condition with the team and I want to be able to keep up with the kids!

    Also felt pretty awful the other night when I went out to the bar with my friends and ended up sitting alone after guys had come up to talk to everyone but me. I don't really want to meet guys at the bar but I also don't want to feel that low and unattractive again.

    I lost 40 pounds in high school and gained twice that back. I'm aiming to lose 105 pounds!
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    My ultimate motivation was my Dad. He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in 2010 and oesophagal/stomach cancer in 2011. He's doing well after having some of his digestive system removed and had radiation for the prostate cancer and takes a cocktail of tablets to keep everything under control. My Uncle and Aunt both died of cancer - pancreatic and of the colon respectively, and my grandfather had diabetes.
    I made Dad a promise in 2010 that I would take better care of my diet. Initially I failed miserably and spent more or less a whole year comfort eating and highly stressed (I was mum's shoulder for what seemed like an awfully long time). I can't put my finger on what exactly gave me the final push but in August 2011 I sought help from my doctor and now see the nurse every month. It took me a further 3 months to realise that it wasn't the nurse that could make things right, only I could do that. So here I am, some 4 months down the line, focusing on positive thoughts, mastering regular exercise and learning how to eat better. Fear is a big motivator!
  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 113 Member
    I just got this saying stuck in my head that if you want something different you have to do something different. I kept saying how I wanted to lose the weight yet I wasn't "really" doing anything about it. I have other areas in my life that I want better control over and taking charge of this was what I felt was a first step. I want to be healthier, happier, and more energetic. I wanted to show me some love and taking better care of myself was a huge step in that direction. Looking different and feeling different takes action and I knew I needed to do just that!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    Myself, my 12yr old daughter and husband took a trip down to Orlando in October 2011. We went to Universal Studios and I was afraid to try to ride most of the rides. I told myself it didn't really matter if I fit or not cause I wouldn't have ridden them anyway. We had a great time anyway, but I KNOW as usual my weight held me back. I started playing with losing weight right after we got home but as usual didn't have any good results.

    Then in November I gad another appt. With my nuro eye doc and he told me point blank that if I did not lose weight he would be drilling a hole in my head and putting in a shunt to help relieve the pressure behind my eyes. Well that scared the crap out of me and that's when I joined MFP and decided to make a lifestyle change.

    And I am happy to say at my follow up appt at the end of Feb the doc was very happy with the 25lbs I had lost. I am now working hard to continue my journey and hit the next goal he set for me which is 250lbs by the end of July.

    I truly feel that I can do this!!!!!
  • kalikelli
    kalikelli Posts: 22
    When I realized even when getting out of the shower and standing in front of the mirror I didn't ever look at myself. I force myself to look in the mirror for a few seconds everyday to motivate me and keep doing it until I like what I see.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    For me I hated what I saw and wanted to get healthier for my career BUT the main reason for mine was to actually get a muscular physique and because of my ex i had lost weigt the wrong way. To the point where I'm sure I had a minor eating disorder. So in reailty I'm happy I gained the weight back so I can A. do it healthy this time B. Do it for me and no one else.


    and to meet the real me :D
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I took my 8-months-pregnant best friend to Target to register for her baby shower, and the girl behind the counter said, "Which one of you is pregnant?"

  • mikedhatz
    mikedhatz Posts: 15
    My boyfriend of the time breaking up with me because I wasn't physically attractive.
    Plus I didn't feel great, and couldn't buy cute clothes.
    Now single and happiest I've beeen, look at me now haha

    At the risk of saying something which seems out of place coming from a guy, I'm going to paraphrase Marilyn Monroe:

    "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

    True that. If that's the way he felt you are definitely way better off without that in your life.
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I had just moved to Kansas. Figured new place, new me (lame, I know). And I waned to get in shape before I started college and I wanted to have some self esteem and confidence which I have NEVER had. It was a rocky start at first. I'd do a walk here and there, rent some videos from the library, but I never stuck with anything. Finally in December, I looked around the local gyms to see what I could afford, joined the gym at my local community center. Was a New Years Resolutionist who actually stuck to their goals. :drinker: The progress isn't happening as fast as I'd like it to, but I feel a million times better.
  • fudgeinator
    fudgeinator Posts: 7 Member
    A friend of mine died three weeks ago from a heart attack. A second friend had a heart attack the week after. He survived, but it was a wake up call. I will not be a statistic.