What gave you that final push to start this journey?



  • thinoninside
    thinoninside Posts: 1 Member
    Feeling uncomfortable in my clothes. Having asthma. Hard to breath bending over to tie my shoes. Finally got totally disgusted with how I was feeling and looking. I am at an all time high for my weight at 240 lbs and did not want to let it get any higher. I had lost quite a bit of weight about 20 years ago with Jenny Craig but gained it all back and quite a bit more. So I know that I can do this on my own this time by counting calories(my Dr's suggestion for losing weight). I've only been at it a week and have lost 6 pounds. I have tried dieting many times over the years but this time I have a different attitude about it. I am going to lose this weight and keep it off this time. My goal weight is 130 lbs so I've got a long way to go but with support from family and friends I know it can be done.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    My 3 year old, poking me in my thigh and asking me why I was so "Cushy" as he put it. I new I was in need of change, after seeing pictures of myself in my sisters wedding, but I didn't have the motivation last year and started then stopped. But my 3 year old made me realize I needed to change for them. I have a 4, 3 and 1 year old that need me to be here and healthy for a long time. There are quite a few illnesses that run in my family and I want to try and avoid as many of them as I can by being fit and healthy.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    for me it is about setting a good example for my daughter. I have been naturally slender most of my life and have never had to do much to stay that way, however I have 20 pounds that have stayed with me for two years from my pregnancy and I am sick of it. I want to be that healthy, sexy mom that gets to be active with her kid and whose husband still has that spark in his eye and is proud of what his wife looks like. I know my hubby loves me no matter what my size but I like to feel attractive for him.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    My sweet husband of 30 years had a heart attack on January 14. WOW! What a wake up call. They had to shock him 11 times to get his heart out of d-fib and back on a normal beat to stabalize him to do an angioplasty. He had a 100% blockage in the main artery on the right side of his heart. He's 60 and I am 55. He ate what I fed him. He had to quit smoking and take care of his health. I became deterimed to do this for both of us. He went and had tests done on Friday just to check and see how he was doing and the dr. said it was an amazing recovery. It is in a big way due to our lifestyle changes. We are eating healthy, losing weight and exercising. It was the push I needed. He has already lost enough that he's happy where he is. I still have a long way to go (90 or so pounds) but I am going to do this. YES, I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!!!!!
  • i think your ex was the one with the problem, you are adorable no matter what size you may be that he can never take from you, so do not let him have anymore power over you. there are men out there that will want you for you. i know i have a wonderful man but it took me 2xs being married and cheated on too realize that I deserved better than that. i still have low self esteem , but every morning with bed head and morning breath my boyfriend tells me i am beautiful. so hang in there and you will be blessed in all that is yours too come
  • smallerman
    smallerman Posts: 25 Member
    At 298 lbs, I realized if I didn't change what I was doing, I'd be over 300 soon. I decided I wanted to be more active with my three kids and be around for them as they get older.

    I started in Oct 2010 with walking and lost about 4 lbs. I switched to logging my food in Dec 2010 and the weight started coming off slowly. I lost over 50 lbs, but then plateaued. I got a fitbit a few months ago and it has spurred me on to increase my activity. I'm getting close to a total of 70 lost- soon I'll not be obese, but just overweight-what a goal!

    I feelso much better- lots more energy and I'm the size I was when I got married. By my 20th anniversary in July, I'll be smaller than at my wedding!
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    For me, I had gone through a pretty painful breakup. I have been suffering for a long time with self esteem issues, and well, the person I loved couldn't handle being around me anymore. My weight spiraled out of control after that. I looked in the mirror recently and cried, stepped on the scale and saw that I was at the heaviest I have ever been. I had never been over 200 lbs, and yet here I am, weighing over 200. The first step was getting help for my mind and now it's time to work on my body. It's time to get back to being happy with me because I have been unhappy for far too long.
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    For me it was a guy that I like very much. Met him on a dating site. We emailed each other for about a month and were very compatible. When we met for the first time, it went well, but within a couple of days he sent me an email stating that he could not overlook nor live with my "neglect of not doing anything about losing weight", but that we could still be friends. Additionally, he said that my goal should be a size 6 or 8.

    I replied to his email pointing out items from previous emails as well as items on his profile that he had posted, all without attacking him in any way, just stated facts. I included an inquiry as to how he could state that I have neglected to do anything about my weight when he had only seen me once as he had absolutely no basis for that comment. We continued to correspond and saw each other for about another 6 weeks. On Christmas Eve he said that he felt he could commit to me and the week between Christmas and New Year's Day was great!!! I spent most of New Year's weekend with him only to have him dump me on New Year's Day, although he wanted to remain friends.

    Since then we have seen each other a couple of times and exchanged a few emails and text messages. I want more than anything to show him that I can do this and look like and feel a whole lot better. I have no idea what the future holds for me in regards to having someone special in my life, but I have a dream that I will someday have someone special in my life who will appreciate me for the person I am, regardless of my physical attributes as they tend to change as one ages.

    I do not know if my future will include this man in any aspect of my life or not, but it was great for a while to connect with someone as much as I felt we did on multiple levels and to be as compatible as I was with this man. Today it has been nearly 2 months since I have seen him and about 2 weeks since we have exchanged any sort of communication, so it may be a total lost cause for me in regards to him being a part of my life at any level, friendship included.

    Understand that my current journey isn't being driven by my like of this man, but it certainly has given me added motivation. I AM doing this for myself as if anything, he did give me hope that there is someone out there for me. I just understand that I will have better luck in meeting other men if my physical looks were more appealing, i.e., smaller size. Although I am 5'8", I don't really feel that a size 6 or 8 is possible for me, but I will never know. I just keep on keeping on.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    2 classmates. that saying about being the example you wanna see = so true.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    My boyfriend of the time breaking up with me because I wasn't physically attractive.
    Plus I didn't feel great, and couldn't buy cute clothes.
    Now single and happiest I've beeen, look at me now haha

    he is a loser and he doesn't deserve you at all ..
  • kirsty736
    kirsty736 Posts: 65
    Crying in a changing room! it was the worst Ive ever felt! But only 3 seeks in Ive started to feel much better and so motivated to make this the time to be successful :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I had been getting bigger and bigger and there were a number of things that were making me realise I couldn't carry on this way.

    ♦ Going to Frankie & Benny's and not being able to fit in the fixed seating.

    ♦ Barely being able to fasten my seatbelt on a plane and certainly not being able to put down the tray without it pushing into or resting on my belly.

    ♦ feeling breathless when I walked into town

    ♦ sweating like a pig when I walked (briskly) to get a seat on the train

    ♦ getting a stitch in my side when wiping my backside & not being able to see the wee man unless I leant over or pushed my belly aside

    ♦ looking at my wedding photos and seeing how fat & round my belly was when my sporran slipped underneath my gut

    ♦ having to buy 46" trousers and XXXL shirts for the summer

    Yet, despite all these incidents screaming at me to lose weight, I didn't seem to have the motivation to do anything about it.

    In July of last year me and the hubster went out and bought ourselves new push bikes, with the idea of getting some exercise. We went out a couple of times together, but the weather turned and it wasn't always that nice. Nevertheless I started going out for an early-morning bike ride at the weekends, but I wasn't even thinking about what I was eating.

    Then one of my best friends took me to task in the pub one weekend and had a go at me for saying that I was going to do something about my weight, but never actually doing anything. So worn down by all the nagging I agreed to give up sweets and chocolate for 8 weeks as we had our friends' wedding to attend at the start of October.

    I started keeping a food diary and went online to find the calorie values of the fresh foods I was eating and that's when I stumbled upon MFP, or Facebook for Fatties as I affectionately call it :laugh:

    The rest as they say is history.

    I've been logging for over 7 months now, I've lost 50 lbs and have gone form couch potato to super-swim-star.

    I've made changes that work for me; I eat/drink what I want, but I account for it and in doing so I am happier and healthier (not that I had any major health issues - my blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar levels were always within normal parameters - but I have greatly improved my aerobic capacity) and because I can physically see the changes, it's made a world of a difference :happy:
  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    My final push was when I had to unbutton some jeans that I could previously fit comfortably...It was time for me to stop being in denial....and also constantly feeling heavy!!
  • sherryk5133
    sherryk5133 Posts: 106
    I'm a type 2 diabetic and my Dr. said she was going to have to put me on insulin!! I didn't want that at all so I sarted watching what I ate and the pounds started coming off!! My blood sugars are under control now and I have actually been taken off one of the 3 diabetic medications I've been taking!! =)
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I used to be very active and after a very dramatic pregnancy and one normal one, I stopped doing a lot. I went on hike with a friend and couldn't breath by the time we got back up the hill, my face was bright red.... I was a hot mess. This wasn't even a big hill..
    It had just topped off other things, like my cloths not fitting, not being able to keep up with the kids.
    My new rules -
    Rule 1 - you can't complain if you're not doing anything to fix it
    Rule 2 - No Excuses
    I've lost 15 pounds since then all together, and a dress size. Not done yet, but on my way!
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm sure we've all tried this many times before - I know I have. But this time, I'm in it to "thin" it (lol).

    Love that!!!
    Was just so tired of being fat & feeling fat.
  • rachaelh84
    rachaelh84 Posts: 45 Member
    My boyfriend is super fit and I always feel like people look at us thinking "Why did that fit and attractive guy end up with that fat girl? He can do much better." Her thinks I'm pretty, but I want him proud to be with me. I hate how I look in a bikini, this year I want to feel like I actually deserve to wear one. I'm also tired of being the fat friend. Not that anyone says anything, I just feel that way.
  • Doingit4me45
    Doingit4me45 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys! Yeah he's been texting me asking what's new and I actually say what's new.. running, organic foods, etc
    And he laughed "Since when do you run"
    I said "Since when is it any of your business what I do anymore?"

    ^^^ Love this!!! What an *kitten*!!! He isn't worth your time....

    and for the question... I knew I had needed to lose weight for a while now but I didn't know where to start so it made it hard to do that .... Started to eat alot of fast food and gained a few more kilos.. Then my sister put me onto this site and I haven't looked back... I love that I can eat what I want (in moderation of course) and still lose weight.... and now I've lost those extra kilos I had put on in not a very long time, I lost it in about a month... I am loving life right now and my journey has only just begun :bigsmile:
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    I climbed on the scale one day to see a number looking back that would have put me in the morbidly obese range. Granted, it was late in the day and I was weighing myself with clothes and shoes on, but still, that was a number I just couldn't abide by. I began working out the next day and found MFPthe next week. I am really looking forward to the day when my BMI puts me in the overweight range rather than the obese range!
  • jap1148
    jap1148 Posts: 19 Member
    I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes....that was all it took. That diagnosis also nudged my husband into taking a look at his diet/lifestyle...slow but sure....