Ladies...girlie question!!



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Not to be even more personal...but have any of you had any vaginal pain since changing everything up?

    Let me exclude;

    -I'm not pregnant
    -No STD's
    -Not on birth control

    When I first started doing a lot of core strengthening, including keeping those muscles engaged on long distance runs - it had a two-sided effect. 1 - sometimes I would get turned on and orgasm in the middle of pilaes because my pelvic floor muscles were all excited to exist. 2. Sometimes the day after getting drilld would leave me in severe pain- cramping and just all kinds of out of the ordinary pain. After about 3 or 4 month of strengthening up my middle- it tapererd off again. No clue why it happened.
  • ericaelainefields
    ericaelainefields Posts: 14 Member
    I have barely spotted for my last two since I started seriously working out.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    edited April 2015
    I had a tubal ligation last summer after losing about 40 pounds. I've since lost about 15 more. Between the two my cycle is all screwed up and I don't know which to blame. I went from regular 28 day cycles with maybe one day of spotting, to 21-25 day cycles with 5-10 days of spotting before a heavy period starts. So aggravating to only have at most two weeks with no bleeding.

  • skbrodie
    skbrodie Posts: 81 Member
    I've been wondering about this too. I'm on the pill and have been for about 10 years... my period has been getting shorter/lighter over the years, but last month was VERY short and light for me relative to the past. This was right after I began working out and eating better. I'm wondering what is going to happen this month. It kind of freaks me out since I'm on the pill but I know that I'm making really big changes too...
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Zombie thread, back from the dead.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It's pretty common to have changes in your cycle when you increase activity and eat less. I will suggest seeing your doctor. Mine was not concerned but he knows my health history and yours is likely different. My situation resolved itself but I still experience changes when my calorie or activity levels change greatly. For example, I chose to maintain instead of lose weight around the holidays and ended up having a 64 day cycle. I'm used to this now so I don't get worried but, again, you should check with your doctor.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I wish . . . mine decided that it wanted to get on a 21 day schedule . . . like clockwork. The only good part was that was the time that I usually lost weight. Also, for the most part like a faucet it will start and stop - no tapering off points.