What made you decide that its time to lose weight?



  • BreanGuerrero
    I have always been bigger than most women, but was never what I consider "fat." Somewhere along the lines of moving back home in the middle of college, meeting my husband, having our daughter, getting married, I lost myself. Now when I picture myself in my head, its the college body me, not the mirror reflection me. I don't feel healthy nor comfortable in my own skin. I feel unattractive, slow, sluggish, etc. I suddenly just had an epiphany one day that if I didnt start taking time to care for myself, I wouldn't be here much longer to care for my husband and daughter. so I joined a gym, started counting calories to 1600-1700 a day and working out 4-5 days a week. I'm in week 2 and already feel better about myself, because I am finally doing something for me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I have always been overweight, a recent breakup helped me lose a few pounds, and I liked it.
    You could say revenge is part of my motivation. I want to look amazing the next time I see my ex so that he will be even sorrier to have lost me.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    What really changed me was when my mother-in-law, who I was really close to, die at the age of 63. She was very much obese and had many issues with diabetes. She married a farmer and that is when her obsession with food really started. She learned to love cheese, milk, meat, homemade deserts, etc. Yes, these can be good for you, but in moderation. She learned to cook very large meals since she was feeding 4 kids who also worked on the farm. She was a wonderful woman and the world's best Nana to my kids. I miss her everyday. I don't want my kids to look at me and tell me that I shouldn't eat that because it is not healthy for me. They liked to try to help my mother-in-law all the time. They are 7 and 6...so this was quite a shock to us all when we noticed what they knew was good for them and what wasn't. It has been a very long road so far, she passed on January 3, 2012. I want to be around to see my grandkids and my great grandkids, so this is why I am starting my life over again in regards to controlling my weight. I also plan on having another child, this would make 4 (I have a 10 month old also), so I want to try to control myself while I am pregnant so if I know the kinds of foods are best for me, I can do this.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    I know the feeling.. i had to stop dieting and call it a life style change as well
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    WOW, My bestfriend, told me that too..... She look at me and said" Friend it's time!!
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    I had some of the same moments.... It was married for 17 years so we gain and lost weight together.. once he was gone I started eating my feelings
  • elysianashes
    Our baby girl just turned 9 months old. I realized one day that she's supposed to be trying foods from our plates, and with the crap we were eating on a regular basis, I didn't want her touching any of it. Then I realized that I've been wheezing every time I play with her or walk up and down our stairs with her, and it hit me that I've felt bad about my weight for a really long time... but this time I have the motivation of wanting to be able to keep up with her as she gets older and make sure she doesn't fall into the unhealthy lifestyle I did.
  • puppysmuggler
    I basically just woke up one day and snapped, "This ends NOW!" No excuses, no telling myself "Oh I'll just wait until after christmas..." I put my foot down and got MFP and haven't looked back since. I only wish it had happened sooner.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I went to bed one night and had my usual fantasy of where I got off my fat butt and lost the weight. How everyone thought I looked great. How my medical issues disappeared and I felt and looked great. Where I could keep up with my kids. Look great in clothes. Be able to breath when walking up stairs. And then I thought "....well why don't I?" I remembered how much success both my mom and sister had when they exercised and counted calories.

    So the next morning I googled "free calorie counters" and MFP was the first hit. It has been all downhill from there.

    I went from 262lbs in Feb 2011 to 195lbs in Feb 2012 :happy: when I found out I was pregnant. Already this pregnancy has been different from my others. I actually CARE about being healthy, fit, and eating right. I have gained some (5lbs) in 11 weeks...but I am healthier and have more energy.
  • athinnerme16
    i realized i need to lose weight because i dont feel good when i look in the mirror. i dont feel good when i get dressed. I want to look good, feel good and just be super confident with who i am. I want to do this for me and no one else.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    That number on the scale in the dr's office, especially when I just got through saying I was 15 lbs lighter! #realitycheck
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    That number on the scale in the dr's office, especially when I just got through saying I was 15 lbs lighter! #realitycheck

    I'm happy to say that was March 1st and today, almost a month later, I am 17 lbs lighter...thanks to mfp!
  • JenniferA8974
    JenniferA8974 Posts: 3 Member
    Like a lot of women, I didn't think my weight was too bad. As another poster said, they still thought of themself with their college body. When I got married 16 years ago, I weighed 145 and could have stood losing about 10-15 pounds. Now, after 3 kids, I weigh 215. But my wake up call truelly came a few weeks ago when I went to the doctor for a simple UTI. They took my blood pressure and it was 219/118! Next thing I knew, I was being transported to the ER by ambulance and filled full of all sorts of drugs to get it down. I had my butt chewed by no less than 4 doctors/nurses that were amazed that I had not had a stroke! It has been difficult getting into the habit of eating better and remembering to exercise, but I am working hard.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I had been logging my calories for several months and then came here to the boards. I saw pics of before and after of women. I had my hubby take frontal and back pic . OH MY! I didn't know my butt was so fat, dimpled, and saggy! I always thought "eh, I could lose a few pounds" but NEVER imagined my backside looked like that!

    I know the feeling, LOL!
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Health Reason: I turned 40 in January and decided I need to get serious about this health thing as it only gets harder as I get older.

    Vanity Reason: I 'm 40 and will be sporting & LOOKING GOOD in a bikini this summer!!!!!
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    Reading you all storys has giving me so much more motivation. I look forward to keeping in contact with you all so that I can stay motivated..
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    I have that same Vanity Reason.... I will be 40 this summer and I want to be the BEST 40 I can be
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    For me - it was sitting in the Cardiac Care Unit - waiting to hear if my Dad had survived his 4th Heart Attack. As I was sitting there - they had the pamphlets laying around about how to prevent heart disease. Of the 7 top risk factors, I had 6 at that time. I was a walking time bomb - and something had to give.
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    So sorry to hear about the passing of your husband. For me I've always been on the curvy side till after I had kids and then there was no curvy about it I was overweight and unhappy! But still I didn't do anything about it. Last year my dad had 3 mini strokes and then had to have his Carotid artery cleaned out.Because of all the bad stuff he had eaten over the years the artery got 85% blocked. The carotid artery provIdes blood to your brain hence the mini strokes dad had. Seeing dad in the hospital after having his surgery was hard. The right side of his neck was swollen to the size of a grapefruit not to mention all the tubes/IV's they had in him. Heart problems run rapid in my dads side of the family and among his many brothers and sisters (he is 1 of 12) he is not the first to have needed this procedure. I don't want that to be me! So here I am like a lot of people here wanting to make a permanent lifestyle change :)