Diet pills - anyone use them?

Does anyone use diet pills? I just bought one yesterday called Xenadrine. I started it this morning. Has anyone else used this? What are your thoughts on it? Also, what other diet pills have you used and what were your results on it? What do you recommend? Any thoughts on diet pills will be great! Thanks!


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Does anyone use diet pills? I just bought one yesterday called Xenadrine. I started it this morning. Has anyone else used this? What are your thoughts on it? Also, what other diet pills have you used and what were your results on it? What do you recommend? Any thoughts on diet pills will be great! Thanks!

    Never used it..

    To be honest.. i think all of those things are a waste of money that we get sucked into buying becasue they promise a quick and easy fix.
    No offence.. ive been there.

    But with this site you will learn.,, Hard work makes the difference, not pills or shakes or supplements.

    Track ALL of your food.. Work HARD, you will see results.

    Those things are always filled with a lot of stuff thats not really great for your body. Ephedrine, too much caffine.. and even if they do work, when you stop - they stop..

    if you train yourself to log and work out diligently.. you only have to rely on you... but then also you only have yourself to blame too if it doesn't work..

    Good luck.. but i don't recommend it..

    There is no magic pill.
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    I personally have not used them mainly due to safety issues
    they are known to mess with your brain./kidney/live functions and can cause heart issues

    Look up the Dr Oz website - he has safe supplements that you can use to reduce fat/weight can watch it under the video he has a lot of tips on weight loss

    Its your personal choice to use diet pills or not but the above is another alternative
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    Does anyone use diet pills? I just bought one yesterday called Xenadrine. I started it this morning. Has anyone else used this? What are your thoughts on it? Also, what other diet pills have you used and what were your results on it? What do you recommend? Any thoughts on diet pills will be great! Thanks!

    Never used it..

    To be honest.. i think all of those things are a waste of money that we get sucked into buying becasue they promise a quick and easy fix.
    No offence.. ive been there.

    But with this site you will learn.,, Hard work makes the difference, not pills or shakes or supplements.

    Track ALL of your food.. Work HARD, you will see results.

    Those things are always filled with a lot of stuff thats not really great for your body. Ephedrine, too much caffine.. and even if they do work, when you stop - they stop..

    if you train yourself to log and work out diligently.. you only have to rely on you... but then also you only have yourself to blame too if it doesn't work..

    Good luck.. but i don't recommend it..

    There is no magic pill.

    absolutely right & cute doggie
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    My diet pills come in the form of food.:wink:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    The weight loss industry thanks you for your contribution to their profits.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Diet pills are not going to help you change your lifestyle. Unless you change your lifestyle the weight loss will not stick. I have used them before and gained back everything I lost PLUS more! This time I am doing it with a healthy diet and exercise. It has been a slow process but an effective one. Good Luck to you!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I prefer meth. I see results alot faster.
  • dkimbriel
    dkimbriel Posts: 17 Member
    I went to my doctor and got prescription pills. Even with the cost of the doctor, they are less expensive than the over the counter kinds and I know I'm not hurting my health. They also work much better.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I havent used this, but a friend of mine did...and started vomiting and got horrible headaches.

    I really think you should stick to eating healthy and exercising.
  • kriztyn723
    Don't waste your money

    I have tried ever diet pill under the sun.. they just make me sick.. Just track your food and exercise... you're weightloss will be more permanent this way too...
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Does anyone use diet pills? I just bought one yesterday called Xenadrine. I started it this morning. Has anyone else used this? What are your thoughts on it? Also, what other diet pills have you used and what were your results on it? What do you recommend? Any thoughts on diet pills will be great! Thanks!

    Xenadrine hasn't been good since they took out the ephedra.
  • magdamccraven
    magdamccraven Posts: 75 Member
    I have a prescription for Phentermine that I have used off and on. It is really just speed like you could buy on the street. It is effective but made me jittery a lot and my heart beat really fast. I might use it occasionally on days that I fear I will really cheat but not daily.

    Over the counter diet pills are usually caffeine or bulk fiber from my experience. The fiber ones at least make you full and keep you regular.
  • RussetBrunnette
    RussetBrunnette Posts: 107 Member
    Tried it a few years ago. Did not like the effects. Made my heart feel like it was going to explode, I got extreme hot flashes and stomach pain. I will never be taking another diet pill again. For me its all working out and eating right.
  • cherrytulips
    Yep, I've used OxyElite Pro and UltraOxy, which are both similar. They would pump me up and give me energy but I would get dehydrated very quickly and I felt jittery/manic/weird/not myself like as if I was on adderall or something.

    now hate diet pills because they are all a ploy to make you waste your money and screw around with your body's natural chemistry. They are horrible for your health (read the ingredients and then google those side effects, you'll see) and they make your heart feel like it's going to pop out of your chest it's beating so fast!

    i've lost more weight by just dieting and exercising than i did when i was using those pills, which was probably just water weight from peeing so much anyways :p
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    I've read the fine print on some of these pills... most promise to help you lose weight either quickly or without changing your terrible current eating habits.

    Fine print says differently... usually they say you need to diet and exersice at the same time and the VERY small amount of extra weight loss certainly doesn't make it worth it... like lose 3 lbs instead of 2.5.

    I agree with the others, logging everything that passes your face on here, exercising and staying accountable is the way to go. This was my 2nd try on here and i've lost weight by simply promising myself to be honest, good or bad.

    Save your money and your health!! Good luck :heart:
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Oh man, this is going to get good. *grabs bowl of popcorn flavored, assorted diet pills*
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Does anyone use diet pills? I just bought one yesterday called Xenadrine. I started it this morning. Has anyone else used this? What are your thoughts on it? Also, what other diet pills have you used and what were your results on it? What do you recommend? Any thoughts on diet pills will be great! Thanks!
    I recommend that you throw them out.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Nah, I like money more than I like useless junk.

    I hear cocaine and adderol work pretty well though
  • BreanGuerrero
    I am taking OxyElite. My husband started his weight loss journey about a month before me and he swears be them. I am now taking them and I feel less hungry with more energy. :)