Why is this not enough?



  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    Umm you look amazing.

    Tell him his d!ck is tiny.

    And then get a divorce.

  • murielm88
    murielm88 Posts: 12
    I understand what you're going through but taking are of yourself
    Is enough ! I'm sorry and I don't mean to be offensive but what a douche ! I felt upset when my husband asked I I'd consider a boob job after having my son! And he didn't her the end of it! Keep doing what you're doing and point out everything wrong with him and see how he takes it ! You're awesome and don't you forget it !
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    I can't even see your picture, so I can't comment on the way you look... BUT I will say that his remarks are insensitive and downright cruel. You should strive to make yourself happy, not someone else. His opinion does not determine your worth.
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    Yeesh. Yeah, your husband's got a serious problemo.

    Here's what you do: sign up for a class (maybe Argentine Tango!) and spend a lot of time talking about how Jorge, your teacher or class partner, is soooo attentive, and how you feel so beautiful in his arms. Watch the hubster have a li'l change of heart.

    Hee. Or, as someone else suggested, leave his sorry *kitten*.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Your pictures are no longer visible, so I can't judge as others have. However, I can say that I'm very sorry that your feelings were hurt and your husband doesn't have much tact.

    That said, in a healthy relationship there must be a way for couples to discuss these things with each other. Physical attractiveness comes and goes, and certainly should not be linked to emotional attraction (although it is for many people). An open and understanding relationship would give people the safety to discuss these things without causing hurt or offense.

    In other words, it's important for you to realize that his physical attraction to you may change, but it's equally important for him to get his head out of his *kitten* and recognize that he hurts your feelings by telling you this.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I have a weird opinion on that one... I also can't see the picture in the first post somehow, but I think anyway in this case what you actually look like really is not important.

    First I think it should not change anything regarding your efforts and results. Being fit has a lot to do with heart health and tons of other health issues, and losing those 40 pounds was a very big victory for you, congrats for that.

    Appearance though is really the tricky part... Beauty evaluation is wildly different from one person to another, and it is unlikely to change for one particular person I think. At your starting weight, some people would find you attractive, some not, same right now, and same even if you become "Olympic athlete fit", there will always be people to find you attractive and unattractive.

    I have obviously not been in a relation long enough to have several kids yet, so I don't know exactly what else to tell you... But it takes nothing away from your accomplishments. You got all the health gains from that in it's probably permanent. You also seem to have a whole bunch of kids that should be proud of you (your husband probably is too, it has nothing to do with the attractive part).

    Don't be sad, be proud of what you have done and go from there :) Of course it's also really nice when you get someone you love to find you attractive, but that is always out of our control (the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" thing...)

    Good luck!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I would like to smack your husband - preferably across the face... with my own loose tummy skin.

    And I'll use my saggy boobs.

    If my husband EVER said anything like to me he wouldn't have to worry about sex, he'd need to be worried about what is in his dinner...
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    **** that! I would be looking for a new hubby. hahah
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Omg...will you please..please..PUHLEEEEZE give me permission to slap the rat *kitten* outta him?

    He's looking to make you feel bad about yourself..because he'll NEVER be able to do a damn thing about his stubby, thumb sized turtle penis!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm sorry but no matter what your size is, if he says that crap to you, he's a jerk. Don't listen to him and do this for YOU not him or anyone else. Good luck to you. <hugs>
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Your husband is a narcissist jerk. I'm sorry, but you need to not care what he says because YOU are amazing.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    sorry, but you should not be made to feel unattractive. My best friend since High School (1995) and her husband went through a bout of something like this- he told her she wasn't beautiful to him, and probably never would be. She felt VERY unattractive, even started signing herself up for that show the SWAN, and offered to save up and have surgery to nip, tuck, and have a face lift, and he told her it wouldn't matter......now, he has a thing for pin up pics- you know, Betty Paige, (sp) and the 50's pin ups- he even had framed pics of them in their entertainment room/den whatever you want to call it (an unrealistic view of women for the most part)........ at some point she had a one night stand, felt incredibly guilty over it (the guy made her feel beautiful, and after months of doubting herself and feeling like crap she said it just "happened" - which I don't condone, by the way - as I believe marriage is sacred) she then told her husband about the affair, a few months later and even though she offered to go to counseling, he said no, and that was the end of the marriage. they've been married over 5 years, but have been a couple for about 15 years. I never saw this coming until it was too late, and she wasn't confiding to me that he told her she wasn't attractive, and they always put on this "show" of the loving couple in front of everyone. So, he should be making you feel beautiful, because someday he may lose you to someone that does.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Umm you look amazing.

    Tell him his d!ck is tiny.

    And then get a divorce.

  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Ask your husband if he is willing to pay for surgery. Then you'll see if he loves money more than your body.

    Maybe he will see the beauty in your natural body after knowing the price of the surgery.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    If anything you should be more beautiful to him as he a seen you carry his children, give birth to them, feed them and still take care of your motherly and wifely duties! Shame on him for saying that to you and making you feel this way!
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I would like to smack your husband - preferably across the face... with my own loose tummy skin.

    And I'll use my saggy boobs.

    If my husband EVER said anything like to me he wouldn't have to worry about sex, he'd need to be worried about what is in his dinner...

    And these are just two more of the reasons I LOVE the awesome strong women on MFP! I agree with them both, by the way!
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I can't see any pictures but the man is a jerk. He should not be talking to his wife and the mother of his children that way. Tell him to take his saggy b@ll$ and hit the road.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I think it's pretty ignorant of him to say anything bad about your body...I'd smack the hell outta my fiance lol
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    your husband sounds like an *kitten*.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I'm just curious how, after the many years you've been together and been through so much together, this topic even arose?