Today's my first day on MFP--can someone check out my food d



  • kendra0224
    I noticed that you use Arnold brand bread. I use the same brand but instead of slices I pay a little more for the for the deli flats, but they are only 100 calories for the two pieces.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,240 Member
    Those calories burned are automatically added to your allowance for the day. What you've been eating seems to be well rounded and pretty healthy-i dont know what times you at each meal at, but the best way to keep your metabolism going(and optimal fat burn) is to eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Also, a general rule for protein is (at least) 1g protein per lb of body weight. This site usually has protein set too low. Also, the best way to lose weight is with high(er) fat and low carb, or high(er) carb and low fat. However, a midground between the two isn't going to change things too too much so you should be fine.

    Thanks so much for clarifying all of that for me!!

    I have to say the eating small meals every 2-3 hours thing is simply wrong. Lots of research has went into this, and it has zero effect on metabolism or fat loss. In other words a person eating 2 meals a day or 6 meals a day, if they are eating the same amount of calories total, will have the same metabolic effect from the food no matter what the eating pattern is. Eat how it is convenient for you, that is, eat in a way that will keep you eating your goal calories and not cheating. A good write up on this is here

    Just so you know, for me eating a bunch of small meals, I did it for six months, was a constant chore. I was always dissatisfied because the meals were so small, and always felt hungry. I switched to eating 2-3 big meals a day, and I love it. In terms of weight loss, it made no difference to me. So don't get caught up in the you must eat every 2-3 hours. Eat your calorie goal in the eating pattern that is comfortable to you.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I know this isn't really my question/thread, but... I have a question :p How could I up my protein intake while lowering my carbs? I've tried protein shakes/protein bars, etc but the protein shakes make me feel super queasy and I can only get partway through a protein bar without feeling super full.

    My food diary is:
    Normally, I'll eat a little more meat (like, maybe 3-6 ounces), but lately I haven't been feeling... carnivorous. Other than that, my food diary is pretty spot on for what I usually eat.

    Thanks to anyone who looks/helps :)