Over exercising and undereating



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Plus I don't understand why you "NEED" three hours in the gym?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    ^^ This.
    Thank you everyone for your help I already upped my exercise and I will try eating more. As for the gym I'm sticking to my 3 hours because that is my 'me' time but I will tone it down to more pool time and maybe I'll start doing some more weight lifting.

    Wait you do three hours of cardio? With your weight how are you not dead? That is INSANE. The people on Biggest Loser do those numbers and are under constant medical supervision.

    If you are spending three hours at the gym you are not working out effectively. I do a hard workout that takes me one hour. I have days I'm barely able to walk out the door.

    Look into finding another hobby. The gym is great but three hours a day is not needed. I have friends in the national softball team and THEY don't spend that much time in the gym.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Gosh, that was a bit rude.
    Op is asking a genuine question.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if you use a HRM. That's a lot of burn you're doing.
    If you are then I don't know how to answer you.
    Trying to eat 6000 cals + seems way too hard.
    Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me will come along.
    Good luck, hope you can work this out.

    I agree with this (ALL of it in fact....); if you're using MFP to estimate your calories expended, you may be going way over. I'm sure it overestimates mine by a lot.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I think you are making a mistake exercising so much. I know it seems good to lose the weight so quickly but you should have a routine that you can keep up forever, not just while you are trying to lose the weight. I don't think you can be burning the amount you say either. It's incredibly difficult to burn those many calories, no matter how active you are. If you want to check, why not get a heart rate monitor so that your burns are accurate. I don't think you need to eat back all of the exercise calories when it is so many, but you must eat back some. Otherwise , a few weeks/months down the line your body may decide it's not going to let go of any more weight. It really is better to lose weight slowly and steadily. You will have longer lasting effects that way. Good luck!
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    Eat more! Workout less! .....haha never thought I'd say that on here!

    kidding aside.. I can feel you on your dedication. Just try to ease up a bit on your exercise since you already get enough activity without the formal exercise. And take time for your meal planning, after all staying healthy is why we do this in the first place. GL!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Unless it's a Polar - in which case you gave it the stats (age, weight, height) and it calculates BMR for it's calculations, and leaves it out of the calorie estimate.

    Are you sure about this? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I've not heard it before.

    Compared to several studies that came up with formula's NOT based on BMR (because they don't get some stat required for BMR) I've entered my info in, they come in higher than Polar, about BMR for that period of time, +/- 50, high.

    One example I still have a link for, because he has a website calculator for the formula.


    True you aren't going to get Polar's proprietary formula, at least not current ones. Patent applications contain old ones.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    I recommend getting a fitbit or body bugg type of device to get a better idea of what you're burning. Mfp isn't always accurate and gum machines usually over estimate calories burned. I have read that too large of a deficit isn't good but I'm not a dr or scientist.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    What are you doing to burn 6000 calories a day? You have your diary so we can't see it. Are you recording everything you do like housework, etc. Anything you do in your every day life doesn't count. If it puts your heart rate in the target range for an extended period of time and makes you sweat then it is exercise. Olympic athletes don't even burn 6000 calories a day. I think you need to get real.

    She already answered this.

    I didn't take time to read pages and pages of replies. I just posted my reply...so I had no idea what had already been said. I just think 6000 calories is a huge amount. I was not able to look at her diary to see the trend of her daily exercise routine for a week or so. You can't count stuff you do in a regular day as exercise. Also, unless a person uses a HRM...there is really no way to be accurate.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I tilled a eight foot by eight foot patch of garden (hoeing, shoveling, and watering) for 3 hours, mowed my lawn using an old fashioned hand mower for 2 hours, then edged it, and swept the walk. I then went to the gym and did 2 hours on the elliptical and 1 hour 15 mins doing water jogging with resistance weights.

    Holy cow!! Do you need a job?
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I think you already know the answer, it's in the subject line.

    If you are very active during the day, set your activity to reflect that.

    Eat more.

    Exercise less, 3hrs of cario a day is excessive, if that's your 'me' time, find a hobby.

    As HelloitsDan said, you can only burn a set amount of fat per day, you aren't benefitting yourself by trying to burn more.
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    Also you need to eat, don't forget. Get up a little earlier and eat breakfast without the kids. Mid morning have a small snack - for instance a yogurt or a piece of fruit. Eat lunch after your little one goes down for a nap and your other one is at pre-school. As for dinner eat early before you go to the gym or have a snack and eat when you get home.
    It can be done. We all have busy lives. I had five kids before I was 30, babysat 4 children whille I was raising mine,and always could sneak some meals in.

    You can do it!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help I already upped my exercise and I will try eating more. As for the gym I'm sticking to my 3 hours because that is my 'me' time but I will tone it down to more pool time and maybe I'll start doing some more weight lifting.

    sounds like you are stuck on doing what you want to do ... hmmm .... what was your reason for posting this??? :huh:
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with two very active boys and finding time to eat is hard because I'm always running to do something for them. Yesterday for example I spent from 12 till 5 at three different Dr. appts. Then at 5 when my hubby got home I rushed off to get my 3 hours in at the gym. So I completely missed supper. In the mornings I'm up getting breakfast for the kids and their clothes and baths and general house cleaning before dropping my son off for pre-school and then running to afternoon appointments. I don't really get hungry during the day (which is what led to being overweight) and I would eat late at night. But I'm trying to change that so that I don't eat 5000 calories a night. My oldest son eats at pre-school for lunch and my youngest son eats baby food so I don't usually cook lunch and I forget to eat it because I'm taking my son to school and my little guy takes a nap then as well so I'm rushing to feed him and put him to bed and then I'm rushing to do what needs to be done before he wakes up.

    I am mom of two chronically ill children-I spend hours a week at drs, on the phone with drs, schools pharmacies you name it, plus work 40 hrs a week. I find time to eat, if you are busy then prepare your lunch before hand, take 20 minutes to eat before the gym...I have never really felt hunger but I do get dizzy and unfoucused if I let my self go too long before eating. There is no excuse for this! Secondly MFP is over calculating your burn I would bet. Last weekend I spent 4.5 hours doing the same activities you listed...my HRM(Polar F7) gave me a burn of 848 calories....

    But really try to eat more, you are no good to anyone if you get sick!!