Working out while having a baby/ young kid



  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old and now that they nap at the same time I work out during naps and after they go to bedat night (if I still have the energy)... Also sometimes my 2 year old will ask to do situps and "legs" with me so we'll get on the floor and she'll count while I do my situps and then she lays on my legs and I lift her up (she never tires of this btw).

    hehe my son also loves this, he giggles every single time i bend up to meet him
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    I have 3 and 4 year old boys who keep my running all day long. I get up at 5:45 every morning to work out while they are still sleeping. Then I shower, get ready, and wake them up so we can eat breakfast together. I love having my workout over and done with in the morning - that way I can't use the things that inevitably come up every day as an excuse to miss it.

    wow good on you. My husband refers to me as the 'sleep dragon', referring to the fact that i'm quite grumpy in the morning when I've had a lack of sleep lol (was almost better when my son was younger and sleep just wasn't an option).This is a great idea though, I think I ma try it thanks
  • AcesMommy22
    AcesMommy22 Posts: 7 Member
    Story of my life and I only have one kid. I decided to join the gym and take him along with me.
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    My kids are 2 and 5 and I work 3 days a week. My husband works and often works nights (like till 8 or 9) 2 days a week and several weekend days, so I spend a lot of time at home alone with the kids. My 5 year old is old enough now where she can come down with me while I work out and not get in the way. She will watch a movie or color or even "work out" along side me. But my 2 year old....OY! Whole other story. He gets into everything. The best time, really, is after everyone is in bed, so I do a lot of late night work outs. I can't seem to drag myself out of bed any earlier than I already do, especially given that I like to be mostly up and dressed before I get my daughter up for school. It's a challenge and I don't think those without young kids or whose spouses are home most evenings and weekends really understand how hard it can really be.
  • JennInMA
    JennInMA Posts: 33 Member
    I also work and workout...two kids - 4 and 9 months - my advice - either early mornings before work or I try to do it after they go to bed. I don't go to the gym - workout at home...I have a tread mill so I spend time on that.
    I'm actually going to try working out in the morning tomorrow vs. working out at night like I usually do. By the time I had lunches made, bags packed it was 9pm!
    It is hard, but I feel better about myself WHEN I workout so I know I need to fit it in!
  • abirkel
    abirkel Posts: 60
    When I work out at home I usually workout during naps or after they are in bed at night. This is what I did when my babies were very little.

    Now that we belong to a gym and my kids are a little older (3.5y and 20 mo) my husband and I trade days...I go T, TH, S and he goes MWF after the kids are in bed or right before dinner. Sometimes depending on his work schedule we go together and put the boys in the childcare there.