Best Orange EVER!!



  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    I used to supervise a produce department at a retailer...LOVED stone fruit season!! White Nectarines are my favorite fruit of all time.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Also- Turnips are a great crunchy snack :)
  • jeanie_ca
    jeanie_ca Posts: 38 Member
    Dragonfruit and fresh lychee.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    blood oranges are my favorite fruit ever, but they're SO hard to find!

    Was just going to say this! I LOVE these!

    Awesome, but they will turn your hands red :)
    Ever had a pomegranate? they will do that as well, they are great but almost not worth the effort of eating all of the seeds.
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Asian Pears -- crunches like an apple but tastes like a pear. Soooo yummy! they come individually wrapped in some kind of Styrofoam mesh but I cant find them this time of year :(

    I love Asian Pears!! My friend's Japanese grandma always had them at her good when they're just ripe.
  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    I'm LOVING this thread!

    Would people mind putting what country they're in too? I'd love to know whether I had a fighting chance of ever finding some of these things that I've never heard of before!

    Perhaps more common:
    Chinese Lettuce - Yummy crunch!
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I recently developed a taste for plain ol' navel oranges. I seriously do a little jig once that bad boy is peeled and ready to be sectioned and popped in my mouth. Ridiculous, I know. LOL

    I also like manzanos or "red bananas".
    Oh my! Not as sweet as a yellow 'nana but has a berry-like flavor. Mmm!
  • prettytothinkso
    BEETS. I swear, I could eat 100 roasted beats. I roast a bunch and put them in the fridge; then I eat them like apples :)

    This too! They taste delicious roasted with seasonings :D

    I am in lust with pickled beets, but have never tried roasted. Is there a special way to do this?
  • dianeinthemuk
    dianeinthemuk Posts: 12 Member
    I have started freezing grapes - seedless red, black or green. They are a GREAT quick snack. I am not a fan of normal temp grapes, but frozen, they are great!
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I had dragon fruit in Germany. Pink and yellow. Yellow was much sweeter. Only found it once here in Virginia. Very hard to find and about $7 pound here. :(
  • Sparklie23
    Dragonfruit and fresh lychee.

    oh my god fresh lychee *drools*
  • jeanie_ca
    jeanie_ca Posts: 38 Member
    Fresh lychees are available at Asian supermarkets here in the California. As are the dragon fruit, but they were soooooo much better in Hong Kong and Singapore. Closer to the source. I don't think they ship well.
  • jeanie_ca
    jeanie_ca Posts: 38 Member
    Navel oranges. Supremed (or peeled), sliced, and sprinkled with cinnamon. Served it as a light dessert and everyone loved them.
  • reddingaz
    reddingaz Posts: 39 Member
    Think it's a little early still but I found some blood oranges at Whole Foods this weekend. I LOVE these!! I can't believe I ate 4 of them today. Completely blew my sugar intake for the day. The had dragon fruit there too but I wasn't sure how or what to eat it with so I skipped it. Can anyone give me a comparison?