gained 1.2 pounds since upping my calories--SO WHAT!

NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
YEP, since increasing my daily calorie intake, I've regained 1.2 pounds and ya know what???


I shall stay the course, count it all joy and continue to "do this thang" with all the Power, Enthusiasm, Gladness, Wisdom and Courage that God Himself continues to bless me with.

So take that scale...I'm counting this seemingly negative into an NSV--because it's going to take my body TIME to get accustomed to these changes and I shall stay the course, until and unless I get commands from ABOVE to do otherwise.

Big ole NSV for me--:bigsmile:


  • :flowerforyou: :heart: :love: :laugh: I love this!! Atta girl!! Love ya hun!
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Thumbs UP to you! I believe in you! GO GIRL GO!!! :drinker:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    When I upped my cals I found the hardest thing was continuing to keep my sodium low.

    Water weight. MEH. :flowerforyou:
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Your weight may go up for a bit, but I bet your body will thank you in the long run! What did you change it from/to?
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Good to see someone not freaking out.

    And in case you are wondering, it is common and normal to see an increase on the scale when you increase your calories. It is your body adjusting to getting more food. Usually takes up to a month for the weight to come back off and you to start actively losing again. :)
  • r_keller
    r_keller Posts: 21
    I love this! I wish more people had this attitude! :smile:
  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 208 Member
    I upped this week too. I'll be keeping your awesome attitude in mind when I see my most likely gain. :D
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    This is the best post I have read....ever!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    When I upped my cals I found the hardest thing was continuing to keep my sodium low.

    Water weight. MEH. :flowerforyou:


    Sodium is every freaking where! But I sweat a lot when I work out and do that 6 days a week. That has to do something with my sodium levels.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    In the first month of upping my calories I lost only 2 lbs. I have lost 2 lbs in the last week. It'll work out. Good for you for sticking with it.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    When I upped my cals I found the hardest thing was continuing to keep my sodium low.

    Water weight. MEH. :flowerforyou:


    Sodium is every freaking where! But I sweat a lot when I work out and do that 6 days a week. That has to do something with my sodium levels.

    I realize this is not a Sodium board.... but... I found this pretty interesting.

    Exercising is one of the activities that leads to sodium deficiency in the body. By sweating, your body is excreting this important electrolyte from your body. How much sodium you lose is dependent on many factors. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that anyone exercising for more than one hour should consume 500 to 700 mg of sodium for each 32 oz. of water they consume.
    Amount of Sodium Lost
    How much sodium you lose while exercising depends on how hard you are exercising, how much you are sweating, how hot it is, and how long you are working out. Sodium loss is highly specific to the individual so no specific answer exists about how much sodium you will lose while exercising. suggests that an individual will lose between 460 to 1,840mg of sodium per liter of sweat. To get an idea of of much you sweat, you should weigh yourself before and after you work out to determine how many pounds you lost in sweat and estimate your loss in sodium.

    Read more:
  • mommymeg2
    mommymeg2 Posts: 145 Member
    Fabulous! This is exactly where I am right now also. I've upped my calories and have started weight lifting and I'm going to keep at it. I know I'm eating less than I burn and I'm getting stronger and smaller while seeing zero movement on the scale! Your attitude is a true NSV!
  • Hope1971
    Hope1971 Posts: 110 Member
    Love your attitude!! Perfect to get er done!:bigsmile:
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    Sodium is the hardest thing for me to keep down. I read that the average American male consumes 6-8K mg of sodium everyday! I am at about 3-3.5K so I don't feel so bad. I am working on getting it down, but there are just somethings I still like!
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    Remember, what goes up must come down! :drinker: The other day it said I gained like 3lbs. Just brush your shoulders off and keep on trucking! Awesome job! Awesome attitude! :bigsmile:
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    Awesome attitude. I upped my calories last week and gained a lb back the second day. I freaked out a liitle but then told my hubby to hide the scale from me. I'm going give this eating more cals a real go and don't want the scale to scare me back to 1200. We can do this!!!
  • I just upped my calories from 1200 to 1600 about 3 days ago, and already I'm up 6 lbs - I only weighed 134lbs at the time, so that's a lot! Though, it's also that time of the month, so that never helps. I'm also going to try to stick with it for the next month, and it seems like it will eventually pay off?!?!

    Thank you - your post was some much-needed motivation!!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    The exact same thing happened to me the first 2 weeks. I upped my calories and the scale jumped from 155-156 to more like 157-158. But now that it's been 4 weeks, it's come down again and I'm at 156 this morning. But I also look smaller from my strength training so I'm going with it! Adding in extra calories is almost always going to add a pound or two at first, you have more food in your body and you likely retain extra water too. Stick with it!
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    I upped my calories at the beginning of March and waited until today to hit the scale. I will admit that I was disappointed by my whopping 1.4 weight loss. I guess I heard these success stories where people ate more and lost 7 pounds. I know that i was in severe deficit for a few months and it might take awhile for my body to right itself. So I may have gained a few pounds that first week - thus losing more like 3 or 4 pounds overall.

    I also know that there are 2 things that might be holding me back - water and some days I struggle to net my BMR especially if I had a hard workout.

    So, I am trying to be better about water and at least make sure I eat my BMR regardless. My BMR falls between 1371 and 1554 depending on what formula I use. So I need to net somewhere in there each day - at least. I try to eat 1750....which is what I'm set for.

    So, it's a marathon not a sprint. It took years and a combination of may factors to gain the weight - it will be the same deal to lose it.
  • NicoletheFaye
    NicoletheFaye Posts: 19 Member
    Every time I read that someone didn't immediately lose 7 pounds or that someone didn't gain just 1 or 2 pound, but gained like 6, it really encourages me. I upped my calories in early March and have been flinching every time I get on the scale. It's finally stopped hopping up and down and settled at a 6 pound weight gain. It's good to hear that some people gain more than just a pound and that it doesn't all go away right away. I'm going to see this through to the end of April, I think, and then reevaluate.

    What's the longest it has taken any of you guys to break a plateau by upping your calories?
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