Will that #$%@! "mommy pooch" EVER go away???



  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    I have my doubts :ohwell:
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I have a little pooch, but it's really only noticeable by me, because I can tell it's looser, and doesn't have the same tonality as the rest of my stomach. I really think it's just the skin and stuff leftover that hasn't quite caught up to the rest of the less stretched stuff yet.

    I've heard many people say that it eventually goes away, if you really keep up with working out and eating right. Sometimes, your skin can take several years after babies to catch up, especially if you had to lose more weight afterwards. It's just one of those things to keep plugging at, unfortunately. Yay for babies!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I've had one kid, and mine had gotten really bad. Its shrinking ever so slowly, reverse crunches do wonders for the pooch! It may take a while but it does happen eventually!
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    Ive been wondering this too... after the first 2 kids it went away ( I was still in my 20s then ) but since child #3 (in my 30s) it seems like its here to stay... Im down to 121 lbs and mine pretty much looks identical to yours... but for me ALL my lower weight is hanging on for dear life... pouch...thighs and love handles too...and i work out!!! Ive got skinny fat that refuses to leave :(
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I had a Tummy Tuck and I didn't die.:huh:

    In fact, it's helped my libido (like, wow, sex is fun again):devil: ... Oh, and my endurance has increased ten fold. Prior to TT I couldn't finish a 5k. 6 weeks post TT I finished a 5K in 28 minutes.

    Both my babies were 9 lbs, both c-section, 19 months apart. My OB sewed me together lopsided , a huge pull to my right. Tummy tuck corrected that, but also helped my IT Band pull.

    There is new technology today that will help tighten saggy skin, which doesn't require abdominoplasty and it's also affordable. For me, a TT was the right decision as I had a 6 cm diastasis that was not correcting with tuppler technique. Redraping was required because the way I was sewn back together.
  • kendra0224
    After working out hard for the past 3 months, I still have mine! It has gotten a lot better, and still seems to be getting better, but I do not think it will ever completely disappear because it is a little bit of stretched skin. I plan to get a tummy tuck at some point in the next couple years. I am not sure if you have done/do them, but I have noticed that transverse crunches are helping a lot with my lower abdomen muscles, and it's making my "pooch" look smaller. I started doing them with the 30 day shred video.
  • Sherryh1234
    You look great and congratulations on the weight loss. I wish mine would go away, but I don't have a lot of faith in it. I think it comes with having kids, like the other lady said our badge of honour. lol
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hey there, my tummy looks very similar to yours! I am 125lbs and 5'5, I am currently doing 30day shred and 6week6pack by jillian michaels. I also just ordered Body revoultion by Jillian Michaels, if this doesn't do it, than I give up and live with it.
  • Splashlove
    I don't know but I'm getting ready to try something new. At the salon I go to they are raving about this wrap called "It Works" or "ItWorks". Every woman I spoke to had nothing but praises to say about it. One woman said she lost 10" around her waist and her stretch marks had began to fade. It's $35 for each wrap but if it'll take that pooch away I'm all in. You can look it up online.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I have a lot to lose still but mine seems to just be getting worse as I lose..... the more I lose the lower it seems to drop.... it sucks. you really look great though hopfully it will start to get smaller with time!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    OMG, my tummy looks exactly like yours! Mine too has shrunk with the weight loss but I think a little pouch might stay :( However, it's quite low and nothing compared to my sister's "pouch" who has huge stretch marks/ extra skin all over her stomach (starting above the belly buton down to the pubic area). So... consider yourself lucky that it's only a little pouch, I guess :)

    Let's not even start talkin about stretch marks... You can't see them really because the pics aren't the best quality, but my freakin stomach and hips and inner thighs looks like a roadmap for the US.

    All the above for me! I'm 49 and after 2 kids (25 years ago) and an extra 30 pounds for so many years I don't think it will ever go away :(
  • EmeriaDewes
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Your tummy looks likee mine....lol....nice to know I am not alone...

    I am trying out a radiofrequency treatment as of next week to tighten the skin in that area. It takes about 8 treatments. It gets your body in the treated area to rreproduce the collagen that is not longer <working>.... It is between 6-8 treatments..... it can takee up to six mnths before you have the 100% results. I seem to be a good candidate.... Let's hope it works.... will post before and after pictures when it is done.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    My stomach is pretty flat. It still has a little bit of a pooch when I sit down or bend over though. I'd post a picture of it but I don't know how....... lol. I'm starting to do some strength training so hopefully that will help make it look better...
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Sagging skin depends a lot on age. As we get older or for every year after the age of 30, your skin loses elasticity until it's all gone. Having multiple babies will also reduce the elasticity of your skin. This is the reason for wrinkled skin and the same reason why grandma's skin is droopy. The younger you are, the more elastic your skin will be. Ever heard the saying, "as smooth as a baby's bottom"? Since you are still in your twenties, then your skin will adhere back to your body the fastest. With women who have had a baby, it can take 2 full years for their skin to adhere back to there body but there are ways to speed up this process to make it doable in 8 months.

    1) Cardio and eating a healthy diet. The more cardio you do, the more blood that flows around your body replenishing your skin with nutrients.

    2) Building muscles. The more muscle mass you have, the less gaps there are between your skin and body.

    3) Vitamin E creams to help reduce stretch marks.

    However, Moisturizing your skin is the least important. Cardio, muscle building, and eating the right nutrients are your best bet.
  • denjoh17
    denjoh17 Posts: 18
    I have a similar pooch above my C-section scar. I call it my fat shelf. It is odd for sure. It's like a different kind of fat even...The only thing that works for me is the treadmill. Keep at it!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I think the pooch won't go away for some. I was 26 when i had my last baby. I didn't gain lots of weight. I'm not seriously overweight and never have been. Up until this last year when I got really sick I was about 5 lbs overweight. I did crunches, reverse crunches, transverse crunches and was a size 1. I still had the pooch. While my kids were in the 7.5 range, I'm very small. You couldn't tell I was preg from the back because my kids stood on my spine and went out in front. My belly was huge and I have stretch marks to prove it. I really think that I am just destined to have that pooch of loose skin.

    While it would be kind of nice to be able to put on a bikini, I don't really worry about it. My hubby loves me, stretch marks, pooch and all. I think I would be more devastated if I couldn't get rid of the little turkey wattle under my arm which seems to be going away.
  • MMH86
    MMH86 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm strugging with my stomach after having 2 c-sections.. borderline depressing lol
  • Young28
    Young28 Posts: 57 Member
    I can definitely relate.....interested in seeing the answers.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I have to keep the faith that I will cause I'm tired of watching my whole body shrink up except my tummy. The crazy thing about my stomach is that the fat is pretty much gone, but I still have the lose skin, and I only gained 35 lbs with my second baby. But I carried all up front. The lose skin has gotten better and tightened as I've lose but it doesn't seem like its going to go away completely. I will be looking into getting a one-piece swimsuit this summer and hide all my former two-pieces because I don't intend for my skin to see the light of the day.

    And I've tried it all btw. I use a salt scrub, tightening lotion, waist cincher, core exercies, etc etc. :(