Calling all Geeky Weridos



  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I'm more of a science geek than fantasy nerd, but I know what orcs are. I get nerdy over astronomy (I made my own telescope mirrors), composting, landscaping and gardening with native plants and flowers, collecting rocks and minerals, listening to and appreciating Frank Zappa as a composer, and pursuing fame and fortune as a sleight-of-hand artist. Count me in if you start a private group or just want to friend me.
  • Gwynhyffar
    Gwynhyffar Posts: 24 Member
    This thread is calling my name. I'm fairly certain my real parents (elves, of course) will show up any day now to reclaim me!
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    *raises hand* I have a tattoo of a light saber, am addicted to my Steam account, and train for the zombie apocalypse. Nice to meet you.

    I have a crush on you. Platonic, of course. Simply for the lighsaber tat. *love*
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    You rang?

    Star Trek, Doctor Who, ST: TOR, Superman, Highlander, Bazinga, BSG, Star Blazers, Animae

    I wear bow ties, carry a sonic screwdriver, wear kilts on occasion and get asked, "Did anyone ever tell you that you're a little weird?"

    I take it as a compliment. Who wants to be normal. Healthy, yes! Normal...No.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I am addiced to LOTR ( i want to be a elf )
    I love Dinsoaurs
    Im a huge TWI-Hard ..Team Edward like duh
    I love fantasy book and movies....really digging the hunger games seris
    I have sexy nerd glasses
    I break out in song and dance all the time ...
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    There's "geeky" and "weird" and then there's "delusional." Orcs in the forrest? No.

    But I love me some video games.

    In fact, Mafia II is calling my name...
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    You rang?
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    My profile picture is from my coronation at the LARP I have participated in for sixteen years. Take that how you will.
  • tracyface399
    tracyface399 Posts: 83 Member
    I love when I see other WoW addicts! it makes me happy!
    What are the qualifications for geeky weirdos?!

    Yes, we need some specific criteria here. For example, is being a WoW addict enough, or only if you're also a fan of Doctor Who?
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    There's "geeky" and "weird" and then there's "delusional." Orcs in the forrest? No.

    But I love me some video games.

    In fact, Mafia II is calling my name...

    How do you know there are no Orcs there
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    My profile picture is from my coronation at the LARP I have participated in for sixteen years. Take that how you will.

    My hubby used to LARP ..I think LARP-ers are sexy
  • tracyface399
    tracyface399 Posts: 83 Member
    LOVE quirkiness! I love most nerdy things, like WoW.. videogames, crafting, DIY, and just acting like a dork most of the time... because it's fun! why not right?! And definite book worm... always reading! Anyone feel free to add me, I need some fun friends on here!
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 136 Member
    All geeks/nerds/dorks/weirdos are awesome. My kind of people. Feel free to add me. I've been compared to Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. So, beware? I've started the walk with Bilbo, though I will walk with Frodo as well. However, my ocd prevents me from doing so just yet. I am a stickler for following order.
  • Psychoanalytic
    *raises hand* I have a tattoo of a light saber, am addicted to my Steam account, and train for the zombie apocalypse. Nice to meet you.

    I have a crush on you. Platonic, of course. Simply for the lighsaber tat. *love*

    Platonic-schmonic! Hahaha. My husband has a giant Yoda tattoo on his shoulder xD
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    I'm addicted to MMORPGs, video games in general really, anything that has to do with Star Wars or LOTR is awesome, and I spend 4 hours at night after my kids go to sleep reading anything fantasy, horror, or sci-fi related that I can get my hands on. I also have 80lbs to lose, so, I suppose I qualify as a nerd/geek/dork also battling the *kitten* mystical creature called fat. Feel free to add me.
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    All geeks/nerds/dorks/weirdos are awesome. My kind of people. Feel free to add me. I've been compared to Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. So, beware? I've started the walk with Bilbo, though I will walk with Frodo as well. However, my ocd prevents me from doing so just yet. I am a stickler for following order.

    True story; my parents both watch Big Bang Theory, and I watch it for the first time while visiting them. The following is real conversation we had.

    Father: "You know, this show is pretty much about you and your friends."

    Me: "Dad, my friends and I are not that bad. Besides, the show isn't even that scientific. I mean, the theme song has a huge inaccuracy in it - autotrophs can't drool."

    Father: ::glares::

    Me: "Okay; point taken."
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
    there's no place like
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    The batlle cry of my fitness campaign ("this" here referring to my former high-risk-for-Type-II-diabetes-&-heart-disease lifestyle) is:

    "To hell with *this* - I'm going to LIVE!"

  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I am so happy to find you all ...Were like a big quirky family

    Most people dont know how to take me , but its understandable ..lo l

    I also want to adopt a velociraptor ...i have a figurine in my car his name is hubert