Calling all Geeky Weridos



  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I'm a geek of the 4e dice-rolling variety!

    I'm also a bit of an MMORPG nerd and I'm trying to keep a website called Generation Geek afloat on my own. Not easy, I tell ya!

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I'm a steampunk enthusiast! :D
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 286 Member
    There's "geeky" and "weird" and then there's "delusional." Orcs in the forrest? No.

    But I love me some video games.

    In fact, Mafia II is calling my name...

    How do you know there are no Orcs there

    Orcs? Good grief! All this time, I was thinking Borg.

    I guess we all qualify
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I watched all 3 LOTR one day and then went for a night walk ...which is bad for me beacause i am a huge scaredy cat . So after watching all those movies i started thinking the noises out on the counrty road were Orcs lol ...Now i know they are not but in my werid noggin they were
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm an old Geeky Weirdo from the days of MUD/MUSH/MOO.

    "You cross the drawbridge and enter the castle, brushing away cobwebs as you go. Several suits of dull armor line the hall, with swords, shields, axes and mace interspersed with the faded tapestries hung on the walls. Everything is covered with inches of dust. Something seems strange about the last suit of armor on the left, it appears to be shinier than the rest."

    l armor
  • Chrystibel
    Chrystibel Posts: 116 Member
    I watched all 3 LOTR one day and then went for a night walk ...which is bad for me beacause i am a huge scaredy cat . So after watching all those movies i started thinking the noises out on the counrty road were Orcs lol ...Now i know they are not but in my werid noggin they were

    ahaha, no sorry not really funny, I totally get you on this....except for me it's after I watch a zombie movie I look out my windows throughout the night thinking i'm going to see a horde of zombies approaching my house >< I completely freak myself out sometimes, and living out in the middle of nowhere, in the woods, at least 30 minutes from the nearest thing that qualifies as a town doesn't help.
  • silentviolet
    Love being a nerd! I imagine the villain in whatever current video game I'm playing to be chasing me when I'm on the treadmill :D
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    1. I do have elf ears
    2. I spent days as a teenager charting tengwar and runes and translating the frontpiece of my Tolkien books
    3. I had just about every model of Palm Pilot there was
    4. There are more computers in our house than there are people. Ditto phones and tablets.
    5. I can't go anywhere without my FitBit. I accidentally left it at home one day this week, so now I have an alarm set on my iPhone just in case I forget it.
    6. I own and moderate numerous discussion groups on far ranging topics
    7. I write for fun, including participating in NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy (2 more days!!!)
    8. I enjoy filling out forms
    9. I have shortcut searches set up for Wolfram Alpha

    Well, I guess that should leave little doubt, need I go on?
    Hmmmm i do not know lol i guess its up to you :)

    My weird thing for the week i am convicnce 1. Orcs live in my woods and 2. I want Elf ears
  • Panda_Path
    Panda_Path Posts: 86 Member

    Let's see, I took a quiz once, are you geek/nerd/or dork, and I think i was in the "nerd" category. Qualifications? I enjoy science in general, but in particular geology and biology (historical geology is my favorite favorite). I wish I could be around to see what the elephant line evolves into. Maybe what species will become the next "intelligece" on this planet.

    Oh, and I like Pokemon!
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm the biggest nerd I know, albeit in unconventional ways. Read LOTR and The Hobbit far too many times. I don't play WoW or watch Star Trek. I love Star Wars, Indiana Jones and many terrible movies (original Clash of the Titans, anyone?). I've read most of the Dune novels. I hardly ever listen to hard rock, but I can't stop listening to Viking / Folk metal (The Lord Weird Slough Feg = BEST BAND EVER!!!). I'm a fan of Norse / Celtic / Greek mythology and sometimes hold "Greek Night" for myself, which includes Greek cooking, wearing a toga and carrying a goatskin of wine.

    Perhaps nerdiest of all...I'm STUDYING TO BECOME AN ENGLISH TEACHER!!!

    Nerd friends out there?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member

    Join us!! Everyone is lovely, and full of geeky loveliness
  • AnneH1977
    AnneH1977 Posts: 86 Member
    ME! Oh, me! I freak myself out sometimes. Please be friends with me! I need friends who GET the weird stuff I post...and like it.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Well hello.

    Steam addict, add me! confusedtruffle
    Love D&D.. Shamans all day!

    Skyrim fiend..although these days I haven't had time for it :(

    I still love Pokemon, too :blushing: Maybe a bit old for it but I don't care!!
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    do i count? i've already registered for the MMO firefly game being released in december.

    also, i married a man with an engineering degree and the majority of our "arguments" regularly contain the word "technically..." with an explanation.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I'm the biggest nerd I know, albeit in unconventional ways. Read LOTR and The Hobbit far too many times. I don't play WoW or watch Star Trek. I love Star Wars, Indiana Jones and many terrible movies (original Clash of the Titans, anyone?). I've read most of the Dune novels. I hardly ever listen to hard rock, but I can't stop listening to Viking / Folk metal (The Lord Weird Slough Feg = BEST BAND EVER!!!). I'm a fan of Norse / Celtic / Greek mythology and sometimes hold "Greek Night" for myself, which includes Greek cooking, wearing a toga and carrying a goatskin of wine.

    Perhaps nerdiest of all...I'm STUDYING TO BECOME AN ENGLISH TEACHER!!!

    Nerd friends out there?

    If you're into viking metal, I know my boyfriend is -really- into Tyr. Might be worth a listen? :)
  • PinUpGirlAtHeart
    PinUpGirlAtHeart Posts: 136 Member
    Well, I'm obsessed with that show. I told my husband and friend that I wish I had a roommate just like Sheldon in which case, my friend said: ".... You are Sheldon." This I found extremely flattering and made me smile. The same friend's girlfriend gave me a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock t-shirt. It's right up top of my favorite shirts to wear. Right up with my spider-man shirts and vintage looking transformer shirt. Well, and with all "my" other geeky shirts and band shirts that I steal from my husband. I love stealing his shirts. He's extremely smaller than me weight wise. He's actually underweight for someone of his heigh (6'2), but he has all these big shirts because of the roominess, I guess. I love to steal them for the same reason and the fact that they're awesome. I've thought about this the other day. I mean I've known for quite some time that I'm a sucker for tall, underweight geek/nerds with poor eyesight, but I was thinking that this must've started when I was born. I was born in early '84 and later that year. I've always favored Egon and other characters along the road that were like him. Now I'm married to just such a man. ^_^ I love my geek. I use to tell him that in lovely languages of the elves. Hm, I also wrote on my friend's christmas present "Enjoy my friend." in huttese. ^_^
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Yeah I fall into that geeky category with a little nerd on the side and a sprinkling of dork too.

    I have those cape socks also - I wear one of the Batman and one of the Robin - they are the dynamic duo!

    I also wear my Superman with my Wonderwoman :-)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    and many terrible movies (original Clash of the Titans, anyone?).

    That was terrible? At the time we thought it was pretty good..... LOL! Even Roger Ebert gave it 3.5 stars.
    Quoting Roger:
    "All of this is gloriously silly. But because the movie respects its material, it even succeeds in halfway selling us this story; movies that look like "Clash of the Titans" have a tendency to seem ridiculous, but this film has the courage of its convictions. It is also blessed with a cast that somehow finds its way past all the monsters and through all the heroic dialogue and gets us involved in the characters"
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Steam addict, add me! confusedtruffle
    Love D&D.. Shamans all day!


    What version do you play?
  • Bheller234
    Bheller234 Posts: 150
    Hmmmm i do not know lol i guess its up to you :)

    My weird thing for the week i am convicnce 1. Orcs live in my woods and 2. I want Elf ears

    I must say i agree...Orcs live in my woods too and i have been looking for a good set of elf ears ( since i don't have pointed ears :/ )
    But on the other hand, Video games, cartoons, Syfy tv shows and movies. I must say the sadist thing about me that i absolutely love is that i love and still watch the Power Rangers and i am not afraid to admit that! :happy: :heart: I go to anime conventions and dress up as my favorite people. I think i am pretty weird! :bigsmile:
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member

    If you're into viking metal, I know my boyfriend is -really- into Tyr. Might be worth a listen? :)

    Tyr are great :-D