pasta suggestions



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Nothing wrong with white pasta and in Italy they do eat hard packaged pasta made from durum semolina, and funnily enough most of the flour is from Canada. Fresh pasta are for certain applications where hard pasta is not a good substitution, like lasagna, tagliatelle, tortellini, agnolotti, ravioli etc.

    To make a basic pasta is real easy. Basically dump some flour on a work surface, (doesn't matter how much because the excess is just put back and used another time) hollow out the middle of the pile of flour and crack some eggs into the hollow with some salt, again the amount of eggs is irrelevant simply because your only going to incorporate as much flour as the eggs can handle to make a dough that starts to come together to the non tacky stage. Using a fork or your fingers mixthe eggs and start incorporating the flour from the edges until you get to that non tacky stage, and remove it from the rest of the flour. Scrape the excess flour away and nead the dough for about 10 minutes until it become elastic and pliable. cover in plastic wrap, put in the fridge for about 30's ready to use. use can use a rolling pin and cut to shape or you can use a pasta roller, which are about 50 dollars. easy, peasy and tasty.

    Real Italians don't eat whole wheat, so don't even think about it............
  • seamonkey789
    You would probably have to get creative with your logging, but have you seen Zaza's pasta on etsy? They hand make theirs and it's fairly inexpensive
  • gia54
    gia54 Posts: 7
    I replaced pasta with spagetti squash
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    Although I am not Italian biologically my Mom was raised in Chicago surrounded by Italians so it strongly influenced our home. I like to make homemade pasta and could easily eat it everyday. I just stumbled onto Ronzoni Smart Taste at Safeway only 170 cal for 2oz. Lowest cal count I've found and it tasted great. I do want to try shirataki noodles too but I couldn't find them at the store. Turns out they are in the refridgerated section. I try to pair the pasta with a great salad and savor every bite. I'd much rather give up dessert for an extra serving of pasta any day! In 1981 I met a guy who came over for dinner. I had made my favorite spaghetti sauce with meatballs, and all the trimmings. Turns out he hated spaghetti and munched down on a whole bag of potato chips while I did the final prep for dinner. He finally decided to at least taste it but I new the relationship would quickly end because there would be no way he could ever fit into my life. It turns out he had only had overcooked pasta topped with Ragu or a homemade grease laddened sauce. He absolutely loved it and was miffed that I let him eat a whole bag of chips so he was too full to eat it. We've been happily married for more than 25 years and still enjoy a great pot of sauce and freshly taosted garlic bread! And to think it all would have ended if he never tasted my sauce because I was ready to dump him.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member

    I just saw that like 2 days ago. I haven't tried it, and it looks kind of expensive

    This is not "pasta". It is yam bean. Some people use as pasta but note before you try, it it does not smell good and is rubbery. Buy just one bag at a time as I don't think many people actually like it when they try it.

    You likely dont' need to order just check out Asian stores or if you grocery has a "hippie" section check there (health food). The brand I often see is Shiratake Tofu Noodles. But there are others. Just look for konjac noodles.

    Just in case you are interested --
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Although I am not Italian biologically my Mom was raised in Chicago surrounded by Italians so it strongly influenced our home. I like to make homemade pasta and could easily eat it everyday. I just stumbled onto Ronzoni Smart Taste at Safeway only 170 cal for 2oz. Lowest cal count I've found and it tasted great. I do want to try shirataki noodles too but I couldn't find them at the store. Turns out they are in the refridgerated section. I try to pair the pasta with a great salad and savor every bite. I'd much rather give up dessert for an extra serving of pasta any day! In 1981 I met a guy who came over for dinner. I had made my favorite spaghetti sauce with meatballs, and all the trimmings. Turns out he hated spaghetti and munched down on a whole bag of potato chips while I did the final prep for dinner. He finally decided to at least taste it but I new the relationship would quickly end because there would be no way he could ever fit into my life. It turns out he had only had overcooked pasta topped with Ragu or a homemade grease laddened sauce. He absolutely loved it and was miffed that I let him eat a whole bag of chips so he was too full to eat it. We've been happily married for more than 25 years and still enjoy a great pot of sauce and freshly taosted garlic bread! And to think it all would have ended if he never tasted my sauce because I was ready to dump him.

    awesome story!!