Any 5 ft 3-5 ft 4 ladies?



  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    5 ft 3 here.
    Starting weight was 230, current weight 224.4. First goal weight is obviously 199, then 186---what I was before pregnant 4 years ago lol, then 135-145!
    Feel free to add me...just started walking again and doing 30 day shred!
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi.... I'm 5' 3" and my current weight is 139lb and my goal weight is 135lb.
    I am really struggling at the moment, been eating bad for a couple of days, I could really use some extra motivation so please add me if you have bad days as well.
  • HI, I'm Alicia and I am 5'4 and trying to get to the 140s. Any good ideas are appreciated. I love food! HELP!!!!!
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5'3", starting weight 203, now 198, goal is 148! Glad to know I'm not alone out there! :) I'm starting 30 Day Shred on Monday and have been doing Zumba twice a week. I enjoy exercise, but I enjoy junk food too and really need to get my eating under control.
  • I'm 5'4" tall. Starting wt was 180 lbs. The heaviest I have ever been in my life. I have been struggling to stay focused - have only lost 5.5 lbs. I kept a complete record today so I am hoping to get this going in earnest finally. Wish me luck.:smile:
  • I'm a chef and dietitian - I know what I need to do but I also love food. I had lost all this wt 5 years ago (and have put it back on over the last 2 years - ugghh) - the best tool was planning ahead. Find good recipes and measure, measure, measure - it's all about portion control. I find if I skimp on flavor I want more food vs. if I make sure the flavors are intensely good I am more satisfied and eat less. For me getting my exercise in has been a major challenge. Good luck!
  • akloewen
    akloewen Posts: 1
    I am 5 ft. 3 in. and currently 230 lbs, which is the heaviest I have ever been. I am setting a goal of 175 lbs for now, but will re-evaluate when I reach that goal. I just started MyFitnessPal and my weight loss goals today. Would be great to have others to share the journey with!!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    This is me:


    5 ft 4 in

    Start: 179
    Current: 161
    Goal: 125
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 5'4" , 166lbs currently, aiming for 140lbs.

    nice to see you all on here! Feel free to add me if you're wanting new mfp friends!
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm 5'3"....Start weight 148 Current weight 137 Goal weight 130
  • 5'4" and need to lose 110 pounds. Need to learn to eat healthier. So far I have given up soda, juice and coffee. Haven't been on a scale for about 4 weeks. I really need to get with this program really really.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    5 ft 4 in
    SW: 158
    CW: 128
    GW: was 120, but after sitting at the same spot on the scale forever now (since last spring) I've decided to change my goal to lowering body fat % and decrease the inches.

    Would love to find some friends with the same goals or anybody to help cheer each other on!
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    5' 3.75".
    highest weight: 180-ish
    starting weight: 174
    current weight: 155
    goal weight: 125-135. i just want to get big lifts and low body fat, so wherever that happens!
  • Me! I'm 5ft 3in. I started at 166. My current weight is 149, hoping to get down in to the 130's or lower depending on how I feel I look. Feel free to add
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    *almost* 5'3" and need to lose around 100 pounds now. I've been a member of MFP starting 3-10-12 and lost 8.6 pounds to date. I started just logging my food...religiously. Then I gave up regular pop. This past week, I started exercising. Today is the last day I will drink diet pop (or any kind of beverage like that)! I suppose if I had to have a goal weight it would be about 150-160 pounds. I just want to play with my kids and not feel like I am going to have a heart attack.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Me: 5'3" Used to claim 5'3.5" but my latest visit to the doctor made me realize that's one more little lie I should give up. ;)

    SW: 238.5
    CW: 217.25
    GW: 150

    I have no idea what my body will look like at 150, so I'll start with that goal. I have a vague memory of weighting 145 in 6th grade...but I was 12. Hopefully I'll look nothing like that. :)
  • fugaj01
    fugaj01 Posts: 171 Member
    5ft4 for me too

    SW: 238
    CW: 209
    1st GW: 160

    UGW: 135
  • FoxyPhoenixRising
    FoxyPhoenixRising Posts: 26 Member
    I barely missed the cut! Lol! I'm 5'2, current wt 168.9lbs.

    My starting weight was 198. Ultimate goal weight 135.
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'2''

    Start: 196
    Current: 177
    Goal: 130-140
  • Hi ladies! I am 5'4"
    SW: 141
    CW: 135
    GW: 120 (ish)
    I currently belong to a group who has the common goal of losing 10 pounds during the month of April. There is no specific diet or exercise program to follow, just a group of individuals with a common goal. Feel free check out the group and join for added support and motivation, the group is called: Lose 10 pounds for the APRIL!