Anti-runners Starting to run? Anybody?



  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Being obese + having asthma = I used to LOATHE running. I'm still no Steve Prefontaine, but since then I've completed four 5Ks and ran just about every day in March. I gotta say it gets easier and more fun the more I continue. Plus, tons of calories burned and the feeling of accomplishment afterward. :flowerforyou:
  • aheartbeatsos
    Anti-Runner here :)

    I've never been keen on running (or exercising in general) but this year I decided I had to change.
    I am currently training for a 5k for June which I will run with my father (an avid runner).
    Currently trying to build up my stamina on the treadmill with the Personal Trainer 5k Sports Conditioning option.
    It takes me about 45 minutes to complete, but as the weeks progress I can see improvements.
    I went from 2 minute intervals (walk/run) to 5 minute intervals to 15-20 minutes jogging (~4.7mph) and 5 minutes walking.
    Some days I get on the treadmill and just don't want to do it, but I always notice about halfway into it I start to get into it :)
    Let that 5k motivate you because it's going to be a great feeling when you cross the finish line :)
  • YarnAndWhiskey
    YarnAndWhiskey Posts: 13 Member
    Hi my name is Tessie and I'm also a recovering Anti-Runner! I started C25K about a year ago and just this week conquered week 5. I was terrified of running when I first started because there are knee and hip problems that run in my family and my knees were already popping before I started the program. But you know what? About 5 months in I realized that I had fallen in love with running and even though I was taking the program *slow* I was doing it at a pace that felt comfortable in terms of progressing to new weeks. I'm signed up for my first 5K in June and I'm super stoked! The added bonus - my knees aren't nearly as sore and while they still pop when I'm going up and down stairs it's not painful anymore! Between taking some weight off and strengthening the muscles around my knees they are much better protected from injury then they were a year ago! I had been running on the treadmill but it was getting so boring and I have the option of running on an indoor track and the workouts have been so much more enjoyable off the treadmill.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    totally can relate
  • Allisonnleigh
    Allisonnleigh Posts: 29 Member
    Yu go girl! Good for you!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I've never been a runner either and never really got it, although that runner's high and marathons/races were a curiosity to me. I've put C25K on my fitness plan this year and will be starting soon. I've already started incorporating jogs into my walks and feel really good about it! Excited to start. Don't knock it until you try it I guess :tongue:

    here's a C25K group I joined:

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I started a couple of months ago doing the C25K program loosely. I was doing well but then it started raining and the weather got pretty bad so I stopped. I'm going to start again tomorrow! I am registering for a 5k in SF that is in July so I need to get ready! I used to HATE running but I want a new challenge and I loved how I was feeling when I started running. It feels so great when you set goals & achieve them! Feel free to add me!
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    I started the couch 2 5k today! Downloaded the app on my phone and away I went!
    That's where I am. I am doing my first 5K in May...definately not a runner. Do a C2 5K program not a C2 25K program. Best of luck to you! P.S. Get good running shoes! :smile:
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    At my weight I didn't think I should or could run.
    I did week 3 day 2 yesterday(April 1st)
    I keep the jogging slow, verrrrry slow. My average jogging speed was 5 to 5.5mph according to gps recordings.
    The gps readings have been going above 6mph now. I really didn't think I had increased speed.
  • Strivn2day_4aBtrTmrow
    SO I JUST started the c25k last week, and being asthmatic running has always brought bad situations. BUT im learning.
  • Allisonnleigh
    Allisonnleigh Posts: 29 Member
    Good for you! I also started last week, keep it up!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I enjoy the responses to your thread.
    I think you are on the right track. I'm glad you have like-minded support here at MFP.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I am proof! I HATED HATED HATED running with a passion (because I sucked at it). I could power walk like crazy but running was just a no go for me.
    I did P90x last year and suddenly I could run more than a block w/o dying. I could actually run about 25 minutes w/o dying. Then I worked on it and went up to 30 minutes, then my goal was 45 minutes and now I can do an hour. I'm slow and am working on it but that is a HUGE accomplishment for me. The first time I did an hour, I did a Rocky dance and cried. Seriously. At 4pm at the popular lake here in my city. :blushing:
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I also despise running. I think I've always hated it bc I couldn't do it. It hurt my knees and my feet and no cardio endurance. With the weight loss I want to acheive (about 50 lbs), I know that running will get easier and hopefully will get more fun. One of my long term goals is to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Feb 2013 and Pgh Marathon in May 2013. If I don't like running, so be it. I can get cardio elsewhere. But I want to say that I had the will power and the physical stamina to finish a marathon. I have found a bunch of good beginner running programs and strength exercises on Pinterest.

    ADD ME!!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    SO I JUST started the c25k last week, and being asthmatic running has always brought bad situations. BUT im learning.

    I'm asthmatic, too! I finished week 4 last week and i'm scheduled to start week 5 today! We can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • Allisonnleigh
    Allisonnleigh Posts: 29 Member
    Hahaha that's awesome, thanks!