Thoughts? *rant



  • gabimcd
    gabimcd Posts: 9
    It depends on the -type- of food they're eating. Fruits and vegetables take up a lot more space in our stomachs than most processed foods, and are usually way lower in calories as well. If someone is eating only clean foods, it's very possible that they can hardly make themselves eat 800 calories. If they're eating milkshakes and honey buns, they could easily go over 800 calories before lunch even rolls around.

    Totally agree with this.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    I eat 500 when I wake up.... 800 Cals is 120 cups of Pop-eyes favo food!!!

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    This happened to me when I was obsessed with my body image and losing weight. I would intentionally plan meals that would give me between 700 and 800 calories a day (last year). I "thought" I was full, but my head was telling me that I would gain weight if I ate any more. It was a game between me, myself and I to see how little I could eat.

    This is very sick and unhealthy behavior, it is a eating/ body image disorder and I am so freaking happy that I actually wrapped my head around the eat more concept. Now I eat 1400 to 1600 calories a day, sometimes way way more than that even. I am at my goal weight and running between 19 and 20% bmi. Did I mention I was 43 years old?

    So this is MY experience and mine only. So if anyone gets their panties in a wad freaking out thinking that I am saying they have one, well that is not the case, but I will say this, if you do not have an eating disorder, you will not freak out at the thought of it. :tongue:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I don't want to offend anyone with what I have to say.. I just want opinions.

    I really don't get why some people can honestly say their full off 800 calories. If your on
    here to lose weight, clearly you were eating more than that to gain weight..
    If anything wouldn't you be even hungerier from restricting so much. It just really frustrates
    me to see people say their full off such a small amount. Personal opinion, I think their lying to

    Sure there might be exceptions.. but what do you think?
    Everytime I see something like this, I delete them.

    Excuse me, but how the hell can you sit there and say they are lying to themselves?? How do you know if they are hungry or not? You don't, it is always best to reserve your judgement.

    It is good you delete them as friends, because it is highly likely they would delete you first if they knew you were calling them liars.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I don't want to offend anyone with what I have to say.. I just want opinions.

    I really don't get why some people can honestly say their full off 800 calories. If your on
    here to lose weight, clearly you were eating more than that to gain weight..
    If anything wouldn't you be even hungerier from restricting so much. It just really frustrates
    me to see people say their full off such a small amount. Personal opinion, I think their lying to

    Sure there might be exceptions.. but what do you think?
    Everytime I see something like this, I delete them.

    also a pet peeve of mine
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    There has not been one day where it wouldn't have been EASY for me to go over.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    I can't imagine eating 800 cal daily. I love food all the different types and tastes. I enjoy every meal or snack I plan everything and look forward to all it. This is just me though as for everyone else well to each their own. We all do whats right for us.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    There could be many reasons for this.... despite what they ate before, they are now changing their choices, which would include eating more protein and fiber (things that make you feel fuller as oppose to the empty calories they may have been eating before). These changes could also include drinking much more water, which could also make them feel fuller than normal.

    I don't personally tend to eat lower than 1200 (usually more around 1500 or higher on high exercise days), but occasionally it has happened. I personally watch my calories very closely as the reason I got as big as I did (268 lbs) was because I was an under eater for many many years. It wasn't until a dietician told me I wasn't eating enough that the weight started coming off. It definately took some time to get my calories up though.
  • Monkeyrhea
    Monkeyrhea Posts: 39 Member
    I've been going at this for about 2 weeks now and have found myself sitting around 900-1000 net calories at the end of the day and my recommended is 1640. I was full and just couldn't force myself to eat anymore. I never would have believed it either, but I have replaced my chocolate, potato chips, french fries, and cheeseburger with turkey, carrots, broccoli, and other fruits/veggies. I actually made a comment to my husband the other day that I had this gigantic plate of food for hundreds of calories less than some stupid meal I would have gotten at McDonalds. I also think that I used to eat out boredom and stress so I wasn't really hungry when I was eating 2-3 thousand calories a day. The days that I actually exercise are a littler harder for me. I am starving on those days.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I often get to the end of the day and find that if I had not eaten that chocolate bar, I would have barely hit 1000cals. I don't eat chocolate out of hunger... i eat it out of pure want.

    I don't eat until I'm full, though. I eat until I'm no longer hungry. I find 'full' painful and annoying.

    I gained weight because I became largely immobile for a year. However, I tracked my cals while I ate whatever I wanted during some of this period (so that i had baseline data for what I do), and I rarely hit 1600 cals, which is well below my supposed TDEE.

    Therefore, a lot of people on here would tell me that I probably lived in 'starvation mode' when i was fit and active, and did not net enough calories. This, perhaps, is what caused me to gain weight while netting below my supposed maintenance.

    I still question this story because my food supply is darn plentiful compared to anything we've encountered as a species historically/evolutionarily.

    Bottom line: no, I never starve myself, and it is impossible to kid myself about it because when i get hungry, i get ravenous and can think of nothing but food until I have eaten it. I spend half an hour, tops, before a meal feeling hungry. Yet, somehow, at the end of the day, i am at 1000cals and I eat a chocolate bar.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    If I'm hungry I eat. If I'm not I don't. If I'm under my calorie goal I'm not going to force myself to eat something just to hit it.
  • TracyRFogleson
    take it for what it is worth, i was always wearing the same size pants as my age when I was younger, when I got pregnant with my first daughter at 15 yrs old I wore a size 14 through eight of my nine months. I became a couch potato pretty much after she was born. Though I ate whatever before pregnancy I started eating because i was isolated after my baby was born. That started my eating out of depression and loneliness. I am now 40yrs old, weight is way out of control, but there are days that IF I can manage to get 800 calories consumed it is a miracle as i now don't eat because I am the only one home. It really depends on so many factors. I found that if I keep water in a gallon jug in the refridgerator or even sitting next to me while I am doing crafts I will forget to eat. Just not think about it. Not that I am forgetting to be honest with myself about what I have or have not eaten today. I have gone for days not eating because I will sit down start on my crafts when my husband would leave for work and next thing i know it is 8-10 hrs later and I have not moved from the spot I was sitting when my husband left and he is home now. Not good for you by any means but it does happen once in a while.
  • TracyRFogleson
    I have never though of eating just to hit the calorie goal. If for some reason i go for weeks coming in under my goal, then I look at lowering my numbers, never been told that it isn't a good idea but the nutritionist I have talked to was trying to get me down to 1200 calories per day and after knowingly consuming over 2600 every day that is just to much to ask so slowing going down was the plan that we set up
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I totally believe them, because my husband is that way. He is six feet tall and slender. He does not eat unless you remind him to. Seriously. He is a very hyper, busy man. He can not sit still for a minute. He always has to be doing something. So when he is busy, which is always, he doesn't think to eat. He just keeps doing what he's doing until he is ready to pass out from hunger. Then he will make a quick sandwich and keep moving. Won't eat again til ten or eleven at night. (Eats a sandwich at about two pm.) He doesn't eat a lot because he doesn't think about food constantly.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I've had days like that. For instance, I'm on about 1300 calories a day (BMR is 1274). I work out late at night. I ate my calories for the day, then worked out longer than I planned (long story, but my streaming video quit half way through, and the new DVD I popped in turned out to be twice as long as I thought it was). At around 11PM, I found myself short by something like 600 calories. All I wanted to drink was water, which filled me up, and I went to bed not in the least bit hungry. It's happened a few times, and when I've forced myself to eat t make up for the calories, I feel sick, overstuffed, and cannot sleep properly.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I totally believe them, because my husband is that way. He is six feet tall and slender. He does not eat unless you remind him to. Seriously. He is a very hyper, busy man. He can not sit still for a minute. He always has to be doing something. So when he is busy, which is always, he doesn't think to eat. He just keeps doing what he's doing until he is ready to pass out from hunger. Then he will make a quick sandwich and keep moving. Won't eat again til ten or eleven at night. (Eats a sandwich at about two pm.) He doesn't eat a lot because he doesn't think about food constantly.
    My brother is like this. He's in his Sophomore year of college and a film major. Plus he works at a dealership inspecting new cars. He's also living up tot he whole "college student" life. He eats when he remembers to eat. I remember asking him one day why didn't he eat and he simply told me "I forgot to". I didn't understand it at first but I can understand it now.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    . So if it ends up being 800-1000 cals a day then so be it. I'm not going to overdo it just to make a few strangers happy.

    it wouldnt be to make a few strangers happy. it would be to take proper care of your body.
    My body is MY body.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I totally believe them, because my husband is that way. He is six feet tall and slender. He does not eat unless you remind him to. Seriously. He is a very hyper, busy man. He can not sit still for a minute. He always has to be doing something. So when he is busy, which is always, he doesn't think to eat. He just keeps doing what he's doing until he is ready to pass out from hunger. Then he will make a quick sandwich and keep moving. Won't eat again til ten or eleven at night. (Eats a sandwich at about two pm.) He doesn't eat a lot because he doesn't think about food constantly.
    My brother is like this. He's in his Sophomore year of college and a film major. Plus he works at a dealership inspecting new cars. He's also living up tot he whole "college student" life. He eats when he remembers to eat. I remember asking him one day why didn't he eat and he simply told me "I forgot to". I didn't understand it at first but I can understand it now.

    My husband is the exact same way... he actually ended up having health problems because of this. He's 6ft tall and got down to 105lbs... you can imagine how terrible I felt. I felt like it was my fault, because I never really used to cook him dinner. (Now I do it almost every night and I'm on him constantly about eating. lol) I also didn't notice the weight drop in him, probably because it was gradual and of course I see him every day. It took a while, but he got back up to almost 120lbs. He should still gain about 10 more to be safe - but he is doing much better. It's just one more reason I think people should eat on a schedule instead of only eating when they feel hungry. My husband went to the hospital for a collapsed lung, and they told him if he quit smoking and put on more weight, it would be a lot less likely to happen again. He was in the hospital for 9 days with a tube in his chest waiting to find out whether or not he would need surgery to repair his lung. It was hell. (Spontaneous pneumothorax - look it up- for those of you who might think smoking / weight has nothing to do with a collapsed lung.) I got him to use MFP for a while to help him, although he hasn't used it in months... I really need to get him back on here because he's lost about 5lbs again.