30 day shred starts today!



  • miles2105
    miles2105 Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting tomorrow hopefully when the DVD arrives from Amazon! Would love to hear how you get on!
  • embclark
    embclark Posts: 186 Member
    So today will be day 5 of level one for me! I am using 5 pound weights, so the side lunges are killing me and my arms are not completely straight, but I finish them!

    Yesterday the scale finally dropped a little over a pound. The first few days I stayed the same or went up a little.

    I am planning to do this everyday for 30 days and do each one for 10 days. I am not very sore, my arms were for the first day or two. But I have been doing EA Sports Active 2 for the past 11 weeks and I was SUPER sore for the first 3 weeks I did that. So I think my muscles were pretty well warmed up!

    I am currently about 167 pounds and count this as 180 calories burned, but my HRM should be arriving soon so I will reassess then!
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    My weight also went up and just came down about day 7 or so to where I was when I started. I think that is pretty normal.
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Hi guys,
    Is shred a DVD program you are following? Does it also have diet plan with it? sounds interesting and 20 minutes is something I could fit in. Thanks!

    It's actually closer to 30 minutes...between the warm up and cool down you are pushing 30....27 minutes to be exact. But whose counting????
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    Lol the bicycle crunches!! While the girls demonstrated grace and control, I demonstrated flailing and exaggerated facial expressions :embarassed:

    hahaha.....this is ME!!! I do the sammmme thing!!:ohwell:
    TRUDIVA88 Posts: 37 Member
    I am on day 3 level 1 and loving it! i do have some soreness in my arms, mainly from the side lunges and vertical raises. I am very excited to see everyone's results :smile:
  • kellym0710
    Hello All... today will be my 3rd day of level 1. I am loving 30 DS! As of yesterday I have also decided to do a 30 min. kettlebell work out with it on three days a week. Last night was the first time that I did both and my body is hating me today!!! Tonight will be a relief to just do 30DS.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    This is my second time trying the shred I'm on day 3 level 1. I'm sore but going to keep going want to complete the program in 30 days. So definitely can use the support! Good luck everyone!
  • sarat1987
    sarat1987 Posts: 14 Member
    This is my first time trying - i'm only on day 2 but I'm gonna give it a good go. I hope I keep it up! I'm also training for a 10k so following a training programme for that. I've found I can't run in the morning so Im going to try to keep up the shred in the morning and running at night.

    Feel free to add me anyone that's doing the Shred! Good luck everyone!!!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    Hope your all doing well& please tell me it gets easier??

    It gets easier!!!!
    First 5 days of each Level are PAIN.
    After that it gets better :)
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    It does get easier! My legs were so sore the first few days, now not at all. I kind of miss the leg burn because my legs need so much work!

    Level 2 will give you leg burn. TRUST ME
  • Liv829
    Liv829 Posts: 160
    Level 2 will give you leg burn. TRUST ME

    Uh-Oh! Careful what I wish for?? : )
  • jodibethG
    jodibethG Posts: 21 Member
    I just finished level 1, day 9 and I'm already seeing changes in inches, my clothes, and on the scale! I'm excited to see what happens after 30 days!! I'm going to be starting level 2 on Friday, and I'm nervous because I feel like I can just now get through all the exercises on level 1 without taking a break. I take one day off a week to rest, otherwise I'm just going to power through. I'm so motivated by all the before and after success stories with this workout!
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    everyone seems to be making great progress... am I the only one who is putting on weight?!
    Ive been under my cal goal every day and yet I seem to have put on about 3lbs! Also havent noticed any difference in my shape, but maybe im not looking enough
    Im feeling really down about it tbh since the boyfriend does no exercise and eats whatever yet is losing it.
  • startnewlife
    startnewlife Posts: 5 Member
    I started 30 day shred two days ago. Today I did level 1 day 2.
    After day 1 and day 2 i feel sore in my thights and back. To be honest, I cannot walk, sit or do anything else:D But it gives me motivation because my goal is tone legs and belly. Well, and lose weight :} I hope I won't lack the motivation with all of your help!!!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    everyone seems to be making great progress... am I the only one who is putting on weight?!
    Ive been under my cal goal every day and yet I seem to have put on about 3lbs! Also havent noticed any difference in my shape, but maybe im not looking enough
    Im feeling really down about it tbh since the boyfriend does no exercise and eats whatever yet is losing it.

    Why are you bellow your calories? You should eat them!!!

    Don't look at your weight. Take measurements. I only lost 0.7lbs but already lost 6.3 inches and my butt is so much better.
    I took before pics also, and next week I'll compare to check if i see any differences.

    We can't compare man and woman weight loss..., so don't compare yourself with your boyfriend :)
  • sharonwitten
    I must try this. I need some strength exercise added to my routine. I am looking for any support our there. Send you friend request.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Does anyone have pain in the outside edges of their feet while doing the 30DS? Mine is really painful during, but goes away within an hour or so after the workout. Could it be my shoes?
  • firsttimebridesmaid
    Does anyone have pain in the outside edges of their feet while doing the 30DS? Mine is really painful during, but goes away within an hour or so after the workout. Could it be my shoes?

    I've had that a bit too... I've tried it with both pairs of trainers I have and barefooted to see if there was any difference and there really wasn't... I credited some of it to wearing heels at work a few days in a row. I'm on day 10 of Level 1 and the foot pain has subsided quite a bit... But, I think the pain from my shin splints may just be over-riding it :(
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    everyone seems to be making great progress... am I the only one who is putting on weight?!
    Ive been under my cal goal every day and yet I seem to have put on about 3lbs! Also havent noticed any difference in my shape, but maybe im not looking enough
    Im feeling really down about it tbh since the boyfriend does no exercise and eats whatever yet is losing it.

    Why are you bellow your calories? You should eat them!!!

    Don't look at your weight. Take measurements. I only lost 0.7lbs but already lost 6.3 inches and my butt is so much better.
    I took before pics also, and next week I'll compare to check if i see any differences.

    We can't compare man and woman weight loss..., so don't compare yourself with your boyfriend :)

    Im not hugely below them, 1600 a day and I exercise around 500, sometimes more sometimes less... I eat a minimum of 1200 but I struggle to eat more, im trying foods that are healthy but high cals like nuts.
    I should get a tape measure to be honest most people go on about inches instead of weight.
    I dont like to compare but since hes doing naff all and eating whole packets of biscuits it just makes me think "why bother" lol
