What food is your KRYPTONITE?



  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    PEANUT BUTTER......a jar used to last a couple of days! cut it out completely because i know i wouldnt be able to resist it!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Pasta with white sauce. I eat that shiznit like it's going out of style. Which, since I don't eat it more than once every few months, I suppose it is.
  • BurkeshireFarms
    BurkeshireFarms Posts: 45 Member

    I can't have just one... I mean I can, and I do, but it just seems odd to me. Life before MFP was having 2 or 3 while out with family and friends. But now squeezing just one onto the food diary can sometimes be a calculated process. And I am not a light beer kind of guy. I like labels like Guinness and Boddingtons Bitter etc.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    KFC Hot Wings (or any kind of hot wings from pizza places) and Pizza - love takeaway pizza, but really must must MUST stop having it!!!

    Edit: Seeing as someone mentioned beer - Sailor Jerry's rum and coke - it just can't be drunk with diet coke, does not taste nice at all!!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Mmmmmmmm Nutella
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Peanut butter or just plain peanuts!! Unfortunately I can eat an entire container in one sitting if I don't reign myself in!!

    Same here I actually just ordered PB2 online its a powdered peanutbutter that has 45 cals for 2tbs and I heard it was really good and the only things they put in it are "Roasted peanuts, sugar and salt."
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    mcdonalds :S but only once every 4 months ish.
  • KaDazzle
    KaDazzle Posts: 36 Member
    Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!! I'm being tested big time right now.. my favorite are the Easter Eggs, Christmas Trees, and Pumpkins.. all that peanut buttery goodness that's inside! Mmmmm I've been really good.. walked right past them today and never picked them up or gave it a second thought. Something must be clicking in my head heh
  • wnwilli05
    wnwilli05 Posts: 19
    Pasta... anything with noodles and garlic bread! I love my carbs so cutting them has been the hardest for me. :(
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Pizza rolls and Cheetos
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Tortilla chips. We had dinner at a healthy mex restaurant last night. My entree was very healthy and reasonable., but the chip bowl somehow was by me all evening. I cannot eat just a couple...that's why I don't buy them. It was a great meal with friends anyway...laughed until my cheeks hurt!
  • missyh1
    missyh1 Posts: 18
    Good bread with butter. I could live off it. Forget dessert, just give me a fresh baked roll and real butter.

    Second to bread would be cheese. I love cheese!

    And for those two reasons alone, I am on MFP!
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    anything with cheese on it
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    french fries. PERIOD! I have to drive past a french fry truck all the time...it's killing me! The other day I made homemade french fries at home for the Kid, and I"m proud to say I only ate five!!!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Peanut butter and cheeseburgers:))
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Peanut butter and cheeseburgers:))

    at the same time?:noway:
  • TaraERZ
    TaraERZ Posts: 8

    Any kind. BBQ, Sour Cream & Onion. Tortilla chips. If it crunches, I like it LOL.

    Havent been buying them at home. if I have, making better choices. Special k crackers or chips. Small bags or kinds i DONT like...
  • b_h_bloomer
    b_h_bloomer Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely hot wings!

    I used to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and eat like 50 in one sitting. I'm afraid if I eat one again I won't be able to stop. I'd be like a hot-wing addict in full on relapse!
  • ElliieMental
    Good bread with butter. I could live off it. Forget dessert, just give me a fresh baked roll and real butter.

    Second to bread would be cheese. I love cheese!

    And for those two reasons alone, I am on MFP!

    Exactly this...... so pizza is obviously like double kryptonite !
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Dirt cake!! Oreo dirt cake wth French vanilla pudding, cream cheese, powered sugar and cool whip! Good thing I hate making it, otherwise I would eat it all the time!! LOL!!