Who has the worst neighbors???



  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    LOL...We had a neighbor who was a screamer and I'm not talking about sex! She'd scream at her kid, scream at her man, scream any chance she got about anything. I loved hearing every month "I've got my F&*$#ing period!" Like she didn't PMS 4 weeks out of the month!
    Then, when her man was working nights, her downstairs neighbor would come on up for a visit...apparently she liked to be spanked.
    They would throw loud parties that would end up on the front lawn (actually it was just a patch of grass) drunk, screaming and yelling at each other. We finally asked the cops to come by and quiet them down so we were the bad guys...

    I don't know which was worse, these people or the drug dealer that moved in after them. She at least seemed nice.

    Of course there's the Hill Billy house on the other side. While not really bad just weird. They would all line up on their front porch. That's it, just sit in rows on their porch. They didn't turn and look at each other or talk to each other, just sit there. I thought maybe they should invest in some cable or something.

    We have since moved...our neighbors are much better.
  • linda768
    linda768 Posts: 22
    Boy, I thought my neighbor whose yard looks like a junkyard was bad. lol But, seriously, my neighbors are all nosey and up in each other's business.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I live in a neighborhood full of people who own farm animals, mainly chickens...note that I do NOT live in the country and we still are well within city limits. Ever get chased by a chicken while trying to check your mail?

    You win by my vote! Next time capture one and cook up some dinner! = )
    Those things are evil they sit and wait for me to come outside before trying to kill me. Our dog chases them out of our yard and stands at the end of the grass to make sure they know not to some back :laugh: She's a little yorkie terrier.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    My neighbors aren't ABSOLUTELY horrid, but they have this awful pug (to be clear...I love dogs and have one of my own) and they absolutely refuse to keep her in their huge, fenced backyard...they just let her run around the neighborhood. Since she's never been confined to their property, she thinks the entire block is her property and constantly barks, growls, and poops in everyone's yard. She nipped at my next-door-neighbor while she was riding her bike and she broke her toe trying not to hit the dog...told the owners and they didn't even apologize. She came into my yard once, growled and tried to bite me, and my 90-pound lab broke his collar AND tie-out and chased her down...I am pretty sure he would have killed her if he would have caught her (he is in no way vicious, but he was NOT a happy camper about her trying to bite me on our property). My husband confronted the owners and they still wouldn't keep her in their yard. Animal control has been called several times, and then they keep her in the yard for a few days, then let her back out. Grrrrr. She used to try to chase me on my runs trying to bite me until I kicked her in the face, square on. Now she just yips and growls from across the street.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Grrrr.....grumble, grumble, grumble!

    I hate sucky neighbors.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'm pretty sure my boyfriend's neighbors (he lives in an apartment) hate it when I come to visit :laugh: :laugh: I only get to see him one week every month so...yeah...
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Boy, I thought my neighbor whose yard looks like a junkyard was bad. lol But, seriously, my neighbors are all nosey and up in each other's business.
    Do you live in my town?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I think I am my neighbors worst neighbor. Let me explain.

    Yesterday night, I tried to goto bed at 4:00 AM (like I normally do) however, since the folks in the apartment above me are youngsters, they like to be loud and party late. Call me old (I'm 28) but I gotta get up early and 4 AM is too late for me to be awake due to loud music so in the past I have called cops on them. However, yesterday was a new kind of noise.

    The couple above me were having LOUD sex. I mean the girl was clearly a screamer and it was keeping me up. You know its bad when you wake up in the middle of the night due to the girl screaming in pleasure. A part of me was happy for the couple. I mean...kudos to them but I cannot allow this kind of behavior. Everybody needs a grouchy neighbor and since I dont know anyone else in the apartments to be one, it was my task.

    So this morning when I saw them, the first thing after a polite hello was "looks like you kids were having fun yesterday!" looking more towards the girl than anything whos face was starting to look a bit worried. The guy goes "yeah sorry if my music was a bit too loud man, we tried to keep it down" to which my answer was "oh the music was fine but salutations for pleasuring your girl the way you did because I was up all night. Infact, since I havent been able to get any action myself, hearing her moan was used as a starter fluid to my own fire yesterday night so thankyou!".

    I imagine they wont be too loud anymore...
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Err...crazy riz.

    I know I'm the bad neighbor in my building, everyone else is 60+..which irks me.
    I mean if my music is too loud, take out your damn hearing aids!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I think I am my neighbors worst neighbor. Let me explain.

    Yesterday night, I tried to goto bed at 4:00 AM (like I normally do) however, since the folks in the apartment above me are youngsters, they like to be loud and party late. Call me old (I'm 28) but I gotta get up early and 4 AM is too late for me to be awake due to loud music so in the past I have called cops on them. However, yesterday was a new kind of noise.

    The couple above me were having LOUD sex. I mean the girl was clearly a screamer and it was keeping me up. You know its bad when you wake up in the middle of the night due to the girl screaming in pleasure. A part of me was happy for the couple. I mean...kudos to them but I cannot allow this kind of behavior. Everybody needs a grouchy neighbor and since I dont know anyone else in the apartments to be one, it was my task.

    So this morning when I saw them, the first thing after a polite hello was "looks like you kids were having fun yesterday!" looking more towards the girl than anything whos face was starting to look a bit worried. The guy goes "yeah sorry if my music was a bit too loud man, we tried to keep it down" to which my answer was "oh the music was fine but salutations for pleasuring your girl the way you did because I was up all night. Infact, since I havent been able to get any action myself, hearing her moan was used as a starter fluid to my own fire yesterday night so thankyou!".

    I imagine they wont be too loud anymore...

    I think the guy upstairs from me actually gets a little self-conscious (or distracted). When she turns it WAY up, I feel like it ends pretty quickly afterwards. Like he's trying to hurry it up so she'll shut up. Then, they start walking around seconds later.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I am literally the youngest person in my condo complex....everyone else is older than 60...lol
    needless to say , ALL the lights are off in their homes by 8 pm....
    thankfully there is no one living below me or above...

    BUT!! there is ONE old guy who has this demon dog...a mini poodle...who runs out every evening without a leash and comes to MY condo to pee on MY lawn and bark at my dog...

    and each time ive asked him very politely to not let his dog run around without a leash....he waves me off with curse words worse than a sailor!

    the guy is almost 90 yrs old!!!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I do.

    My neighbor to the east has two sons who are in their 30's or older. Both live with her along with various girlfriends and girlfriend's children. I shall call them "John" and "Jim" for the purposes of this narration.

    The oldest son, "John", looks like he is older than his mother due to excessive drug use and is well known by the local police force as a druggie and as a thief. As soon as we started moving into our home, other people from the neighborhood stopped by to specifically warn us to keep our doors and windows locked at all times when he is out of jail and at his mothers' house. Numerous neighbors have left their garage doors open and stepped inside their house for a few minutes only to come back to find him rifling through their belongings. We were told that even though he is a thief he isn't harmful and will run when confronted. I have had to call the police on him for breaking into my car. He stole my husband's running shoes though we didn't realize it until a few days later, after he had been picked up that night for being under the influence. He's also wandered over to say hello to my husband while stark naked. My husband was working on the boat when John started speaking to him. My husband looked up at him as their yard is about 3 feet higher than our driveway and got an eyeful of another man's junk. Thanfully our children and I weren't home at that time and he responded well to my husband telling him to go get some clothes on.

    One day when my car was parked on the street in front of their house, I went out to retreive something. I found my passenger front window completely shattered. There was a good sized pebble laying on the ground next to my car and a glance at the neighbor's yard was sufficient to explain what happened - the yard was mowed in up to a certain spot across from my car and the rest left long and no lawnmower in sight. I was furious and told my husband what happened. He went to the neighbors and told the mother what happened. She called for the younger brother "Jim"(who was hiding in the back yard) and when questioned he fully admitted he was mowing and a rock shot out from the mower and hit my window, shattering it. Then he got scared and put the lawn mower away. His mother made him come over and apologize to me since it was my car and I told him. Things like this happen but when they do, own up to it instead of trying to hide it and making it turn into a huge deal. Needless to say he replaced my window. Other than that, he's the one who has the live-in girlfriend he likes to fight with. Loud screaming matches. Joy.

    Thankfully they have left us alone since we put in our security cameras. Once my husband got the first one put up, we watched them checking it out from the street. Ironically, they were burglared during the day not long after that. The girlfriend was there asleep and two people came in her bedroom looking for stuff, saw her and took off running. We had the two who did it on our cameras so we made a dvd of it and turned it over to the police. Since then "John" has informed us we're good neighbors and he has no problems with us. Hopefully that keeps him out of our house.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I do.

    My neighbor to the east has two sons who are in their 30's or older. Both live with her along with various girlfriends and girlfriend's children. I shall call them "John" and "Jim" for the purposes of this narration.

    The oldest son, "John", looks like he is older than his mother due to excessive drug use and is well known by the local police force as a druggie and as a thief. As soon as we started moving into our home, other people from the neighborhood stopped by to specifically warn us to keep our doors and windows locked at all times when he is out of jail and at his mothers' house. Numerous neighbors have left their garage doors open and stepped inside their house for a few minutes only to come back to find him rifling through their belongings. We were told that even though he is a thief he isn't harmful and will run when confronted. I have had to call the police on him for breaking into my car. He stole my husband's running shoes though we didn't realize it until a few days later, after he had been picked up that night for being under the influence. He's also wandered over to say hello to my husband while stark naked. My husband was working on the boat when John started speaking to him. My husband looked up at him as their yard is about 3 feet higher than our driveway and got an eyeful of another man's junk. Thanfully our children and I weren't home at that time and he responded well to my husband telling him to go get some clothes on.

    One day when my car was parked on the street in front of their house, I went out to retreive something. I found my passenger front window completely shattered. There was a good sized pebble laying on the ground next to my car and a glance at the neighbor's yard was sufficient to explain what happened - the yard was mowed in up to a certain spot across from my car and the rest left long and no lawnmower in sight. I was furious and told my husband what happened. He went to the neighbors and told the mother what happened. She called for the younger brother "Jim"(who was hiding in the back yard) and when questioned he fully admitted he was mowing and a rock shot out from the mower and hit my window, shattering it. Then he got scared and put the lawn mower away. His mother made him come over and apologize to me since it was my car and I told him. Things like this happen but when they do, own up to it instead of trying to hide it and making it turn into a huge deal. Needless to say he replaced my window. Other than that, he's the one who has the live-in girlfriend he likes to fight with. Loud screaming matches. Joy.

    Thankfully they have left us alone since we put in our security cameras. Once my husband got the first one put up, we watched them checking it out from the street. Ironically, they were burglared during the day not long after that. The girlfriend was there asleep and two people came in her bedroom looking for stuff, saw her and took off running. We had the two who did it on our cameras so we made a dvd of it and turned it over to the police. Since then "John" has informed us we're good neighbors and he has no problems with us. Hopefully that keeps him out of our house.

    You win!!!!
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218
    My neighbors aren't ABSOLUTELY horrid, but they have this awful pug (to be clear...I love dogs and have one of my own) and they absolutely refuse to keep her in their huge, fenced backyard...they just let her run around the neighborhood. Since she's never been confined to their property, she thinks the entire block is her property and constantly barks, growls, and poops in everyone's yard. She nipped at my next-door-neighbor while she was riding her bike and she broke her toe trying not to hit the dog...told the owners and they didn't even apologize. She came into my yard once, growled and tried to bite me, and my 90-pound lab broke his collar AND tie-out and chased her down...I am pretty sure he would have killed her if he would have caught her (he is in no way vicious, but he was NOT a happy camper about her trying to bite me on our property). My husband confronted the owners and they still wouldn't keep her in their yard. Animal control has been called several times, and then they keep her in the yard for a few days, then let her back out. Grrrrr. She used to try to chase me on my runs trying to bite me until I kicked her in the face, square on. Now she just yips and growls from across the street.

    Dog bites are serious. Here the dog gets taken by animal services for 10 days. Report every dog bite and every attack.
  • janelle1993
    janelle1993 Posts: 128
    I had room mates ( 4 bedroom house) and they lived in the master bedroom. It was a young couple probably both 20 with a 3 year old daughter. There daughter they had live In the walk in closet and she would constantly wake up screaming and crying for no reason at like 2 in the morning, they would get high in the room and make the house smell we asked them to stop but they kept saying it was incense and stop for 2 days and then continue. The girl would wash her clothes all day and night it was annoying! The last straw that made my parents evict them was when the girl (she went to beauty school ) brought her clients to our house and used the kitchen as her salon dying and cutting there hair. It was crazy how they didn't understand why they were being asked to leave. Doesn't seem as bad though compared to some of yours.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    We had moved into a neighborhood and the neighbor (an adult woman) would threaten to call the cops every time we walked out of our house. We coudln't even work out in the yard because she would stand there screaming at us for no reason. We hadn't talked to her, made any noises or anything. It was literally every time we walked out the front door. One day she said she was going to call them and we told her to go ahead. She didn't do it, so we did. Once the cops showed up they looked at us and said...And I quote "They didn't warn you about MaryAnne?" Heck even the cops knew about her crazy ways. She literally had something wrong with her. She would get in huge fights with her mother and they would stand outside and scream at each other. They did it at all times of the day or night and our bedroom window faced their house.

    We decided to sell and get out of there within a year of moving in...and NO we didn't warn the person we sold the house to! If we had no one would have ever bought it. Good thing that person was a flight attendant and gone most of the time...LOL
  • EndofEternity
    While I live in an apartment complex, it's pretty noiseless apart from the hyperactive kids upstairs stomping around from time to time. But they're just kids so I can let that slip.

    The ones I want to stab with a spoon are the litterbugs. I can't stand that. There's no excuse for it. You're two doors and about fifteen feet away from your apartment, put your rubbish in your own trashbin instead of dropping it on the ground when you get out of you car.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    My upstairs neighbors are pretty horrid, though it's improved slightly over the past few months. I chose to live downstairs because kids will be kids...they run, rather than walk & just tend to make noise. I've had people complain if we were sitting on the couch & sneezed too loud. So I said f**k that when we moved & chose a downstairs unit. I had people with kids living upstairs at one point & whoopty-do...some noise; but no biggie.

    Then, the neighbors from Hades moved in...I had to go up there @ 1:30 in the morning once because they were stomping around, banging on the balcony, slamming doors & just making sleep impossible. The late night noise isn't as common anymore; but having a meal in peace is impossible. They have 3 dogs that sound like a herd of water buffalo stampeding across my ceiling...2 of the dogs are larger & one barks non-stop when they aren't home. So, to try & alleviate that and make the pupster feel less lonely, they have the stereo playing so loud in vibrates the walls when they're not there.

    They also appear to enjoy dropping heavy objects on the floor repeatedly...and they stomp so loudly they've made the floorboards even more creaky than they were when my old neighbors lived up there. Now, I know that you can't tell someone not to walk in their home...but dang...do you have to put all of your weight on your heels with EVERY step? I mean, my hearing-impaired son said to me one evening, "Mom, they're banging...they're rude."

    I have to sleep with earbuds jammed in my ears most nights to drown out the constant stomping and running of the mutts.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    The poor people living near Paris Hilton or Flava flave.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    My downstairs neighbor told me that my walking was disturbing him and that I need to "walk less." And now when I walk from room to room be beats on his ceiling with a broomstick and makes pictures fall off my wall.

    Any advice on mid-air hovering techniques?

    OMG mine too!!! LMAO!!
    Mine also will sometimes meet me out in the hall as i'm leaving to yell at me for walking, she calls the landlord every day to complain about it.