Green Team Week 3



  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hi GT!! Well my dog got lost today, so I did a two hour power walk/call in the rain - didn't eat lunch as a result of said stress but the dang dog was hiding in the back yard under a tarp!!!! Old stinker she is (think her hearing is about gone so she proably didn't hear Raffy calling her to come in :noway: ):noway: so immediately thereafter went to Liberty Travel to pick up my vacation package for Curacao!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    I hope I'm not the only one on all weekend, it gets lonely here sometimes!
    Porka-sorry to hear that you had to stress with your dog but so glad you found her. And sorry that she is losing her hearing. Had a dog and cat like that and its just so sad.
    you wont be the only one on b/c I will need to be checking in and making sure I track my calories this weekend.
    Soooo jealous that you are leaving to go to Curaco....when are you going? ahhhhh I need a vacation so bad. My hubby and my 1 yr wedding anniversary is coming up and I am getting us tickets to the Biltmore so will be doing that some time before Nov.( thats when it expires)
    I cant wait b/c its sooo rare we get any time to ourselves with having 4 kids in the house....3 are teenagers too.
    well I hope my GT gets in a great and fun weekend. Wish you all happy sunshine days and hope for no rain on any of you.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Well kitn, I think your wishes for sunshine went unheeded in S Well, it's hotter than a dog's (not lost one :laugh: ) breath out right now but we have 80% chance of thunderstorms today. Really, I told my neighbor, we've had a drought on for so long that it's weird to have rain EVERY day and afterwards it's quite like a sauna sooo steamy.:mad: Ladies, my hair is not straight like my avatar photo (spec occasions courtesy of my hair dresser), but naturally curly and that steam kills my look..............:laugh:

    I'll stop for now and getting in some water but will check in through out the day if possible. I'm thinkin with all these storms maybe a movie would be good tonight>>>>will think on it, any suggestions?
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all,
    Well I lost it!! I think I am officially in Menopuase. As that Jack in the box comerical goes, STREET RAT CRAZY!! Something snap with me yesterday, everybody just seem to irritate the #$!! out of me. I don't know if from the stress of mom being inthe hospital or the two (trying to think wonderful) teenager of mine or my 2 young co-workers that are so agh!!
    Well I cut off all my hair and dye it strawberry blond but loks more orand and pink (at least to me it does) I like the shortness but with a fat face it, well I am just not sure
    Porka-sorry about the dog, I had lost one of mine last month and the other is getting old, she crying because she can't do the things she used too
    Wow !! I think everyone is having a rough time, Maybe we all need to figure out our emtional side to this, maybe because of the changes we are trying to make we are leaving our comfort zone, you know the ones that help us put on the weight.
    I know part of the reason I cut my hair is I always like short hair and I kept telling myself once I lose more weight it would looke better and I'll do it then, But then yesterday I decided What ever I am gonna do it and if nobody like it whatever, maybe this will give me the push I needed, who knows? I am just getting tired of one day and I decided I need to do the things I want regardless what other people think.
    Sorry I kinda dragged on. Well let me eat brunch I guess since it no lunch time yet and then I am gonna spend time at the gym. Talk to ya later
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Just did my squats, forgot to do them yesterday!! So I just did 28 of them, My calf and thigh are not bother with them but the knees do not like them. That why I doing just the amt and not more. I will not ket these knees stop me
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    No exercise for me yesterday, but it was a planned day off. Trying to motivate myself to go to the gym this morning. I know I should. And I should want to, but just not feeling it yet. Maybe too early for me. I just woke up. I'm out west... It's still morning.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so yesterday I went over my cals here by 450......still gave me a 97 cal deficit if you figure in my true activity BMR.........So today I am busting my *kitten* I am hitting the pool! It is finally OPEN!!!!!!!!!! So no excuse this summer...other then school.....I start classes Tuesday - Saturday 8:30-5pm daily for 10 months :(. But until I start I am gonna hit the pool for an hour a day....even if it is jogging in place in there.....

    I desperately need ALOT more motivation ya'll. I have been here since Jan 21st and the steam is running out for me. I have done a ton of combo changes......1200 don't eat the exercise.....1200 do eat the exercise.....1350 don't....1350 do......1450 don't/do. Now my nutritionist has me at up to 1500 cals......whether I exercise or not only eat 1500 cals.. no exercise cals unless I feel I am gonna see how that works and swim daily...........drink tons of water and make the next 30 days major workout days......cause when school comes I will not have the luxury I have had the last 6 months.

    Argh :(:(:(
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    HAHAHAHAHA so didn;t realize the caps was on.
    saa- all I can say is just keep mixing it up. I really don't think only one way is the right way. You just gotta find your way
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi all, well yesterday I went to a BBQ, which had us end the night in a club (The one here is LAME) Drank some, got some water in too.
    Today was a harder day to drink the water, but I got my squats in from yesterday today! ended up with 35 after the sets that it say to do in the begining, (Which is a few better then last week)
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Sassie_Thank you so much for the cheering, my husband quit smoking for a few days and yesterday he started full on again, It has been annoying me because I don't like it anymore! You know what I mean. :grumble: Stupid man! But believe me I am not throwing those days away for him! Had to see the doctor yesterday (spiting blood) He checked me out and said it was cuz my lungs are cleaning themselves out. WTH!!!!! If I knew then what I do now Ill telll you! WOW! This week has been WOW!
    BUT really thank you I need so possitive reinforcement !!!:flowerforyou:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    hey everyone! i only got 30 min today, but it was intense. I did a customized workout on the wii active. it said i burned 183 cals, my hrm said 469, i compromised with 300. cause i was sweating. a lot. tomorrow is kristian's bday, so i won't be on. see you monday!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Did much better at dinner yesterday than lunch. Went out last night and had some fun without drinking, just wateer and 2 diet coke. Well today I am gonna try for the gym
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had a nice salad for lunch. Headed to the gym
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all, went out to breakfast today and didn't order gravy n biscuits!!!:flowerforyou: BTW - if ya like WW Smart Ones, Target has a big sale....some at $1.80 and rest $2,00
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Had a good work out, face a fear and did some weights today mostly focus on arms
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ate a little too much spagetti for dinner, going for a swim
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    wow the swim really relaxed me. Hope everyone has a good week
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    hello greenies! i seem to finally be settled here with grandma, so now have more time to myself and i can visit MFP more... i haven't set myself an excercise goal for the week, i got too much excercise at the garden and in the house anyway...

    it's gonna be tough in this small town, i can't even find me the products i eat, i munch about the same things every day, need to travel to another town to buy me some better stuff... our garden products are not yet ready, so need to mostly buy things for at least a month more... :ohwell:

    today is the 1st of the month, so i took my measurements as usual... here is the updated chart


    i'll pop in a bit later to write more, off to the kitchen now :wink:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Wow, Purr that soo cool. Glad you settled in. Take a breath:smile:
    Well feeling pretty good today. Manage to lose another pound over the weekend. Which is a new thing for me. Hope to keep on keeping on. I am really psych, my clothes are looser. This morning before work I tried on a pair of summer pants I haven't wore in two years and they fit!!! so flying high at the moment. Well I need to stay focus and Writing every day really helps. Even with alot of people MIA this weekend, I just kept writing and I thinked it really help.
    Hope evryone is having a good week!:happy:
    Any imput would be nice about using the weights machine at the gym, not very familar with them and need to start off slow
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hey Greenies. Sorry I was MIA all weekend. I did really well with my eating and excercise this weekend. Weekends aren't as much of a challenge for me like they were when I started this in Jan. I think I am finally making some real lifestyle changes.

    Well for the excercise challenge I am way over for the week. I am finding with the nice weather I am much more active. My son and I and some friends of ours went for a bike ride to a nearby lake and had a picknik by the lake and played on the playground(Big rope jungle gym). The ride was about 7-8 miles round trip It took about 2 hours. I know along time but it was my sons first bike ride on the trails so I am super excited that he made it the whole trip. I felt like such a cool mom for doing this and so did my friend. After the bike ride. We played in our above ground pool. Total excercise for saturday 3.5 hours.

    Sunday we went for a 2 hour walk and played in the pool for 2+ hours. So 7.5 hours of excercise. My goal is set I think for 60 minutes a week. I will try and get the weigh in chart updated tonight.

    Jacque~ I don't have to much advice about the weight machines that I can give you over this but my best suggestion is to ask an employee of the gym if they offer an intorduction to the machines. Ask them if they can show you how to set them correctly for you and how to use them. I know they were thrilled at my gym when I asked how to use them.

    Purrr~ Glad to hear you are getting all settled in.
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all! Hope yout Monday is going well.

    Not much to report, oh, forgot one thing about my trip to Target..............they have their own brand of Crystal Light type drink mixes (sugar free). I got a grape, apple and raspberry tea - bf loves the apple, in fact if I am not mistaken it tastes almost like apple juice. Just a thought for those of you like myself who have a hard time getting in plain ol water!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425

    I am going to Target tonight and am going to have to look for the apple one. Thanks for the info!!