Green Team Week 3



  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    yeah, I only lost .2 this week as well. but i agree, a loss is a loss. i'm in for the exercise challenge as well. i'll have to go check what my goals are, i think it's 60 min a day for six days. angie, you work out 150 min a DAY???? that's awesome! do you worry about overtraining at all?

    I am not working and my son is in school so I have all day to exercise so I usually break it into 2 session. I swim for an hour and I do the elliptical for about an hour. I have nothing else to do so the more I exercise the less I am at home eating.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    We got free lunch today, did good had a samll portion of everything and did not go back for seconds. I am proud of myself
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    :WTG Jacque!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: It really sounds like the free lunches are a hard spot for you. Keep up the great work and the pounds will continue to melt off!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Wow, Purr that soo cool. Glad you settled in. Take a breath:smile:
    Well feeling pretty good today. Manage to lose another pound over the weekend. Which is a new thing for me. Hope to keep on keeping on. I am really psych, my clothes are looser. This morning before work I tried on a pair of summer pants I haven't wore in two years and they fit!!! so flying high at the moment. Well I need to stay focus and Writing every day really helps. Even with alot of people MIA this weekend, I just kept writing and I thinked it really help.
    Hope evryone is having a good week!:happy:
    Any imput would be nice about using the weights machine at the gym, not very familar with them and need to start off slow
    If you can afford a personal trainer, I would recommend one. I won 3 sessions with a personal trainer and I love it. I wish I could afford one. Also, usually when you get a gym membership they offer a free lesson on the machines for new members. Well, at least at the few gyms I have joined did.
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hey Greenies. Sorry I was MIA all weekend. I did really well with my eating and excercise this weekend. Weekends aren't as much of a challenge for me like they were when I started this in Jan. I think I am finally making some real lifestyle changes.

    Well for the excercise challenge I am way over for the week. I am finding with the nice weather I am much more active. My son and I and some friends of ours went for a bike ride to a nearby lake and had a picknik by the lake and played on the playground(Big rope jungle gym). The ride was about 7-8 miles round trip It took about 2 hours. I know along time but it was my sons first bike ride on the trails so I am super excited that he made it the whole trip. I felt like such a cool mom for doing this and so did my friend. After the bike ride. We played in our above ground pool. Total excercise for saturday 3.5 hours.

    Sunday we went for a 2 hour walk and played in the pool for 2+ hours. So 7.5 hours of excercise. My goal is set I think for 60 minutes a week. I will try and get the weigh in chart updated tonight.

    Great job on all of your exercise for the weekend. I do a lot during the week and very little on weekends especially since my son is not around for the next 6 weeks.

    Will you email me the chart when you are done so at the end of the week I can update it? I think that is what I am supposed to do correct? If not just let me know. Thanks.:happy:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello GREEEEEEEEEEEN TEAM!!!!
    I know I know it is monday and mondays are usually the worst! But as mine was starting out to be a typical junk monday (Woke up late, rush to get the kids ready for school, my kitchen floor felt sticky for some odd reason:huh: ....ect.) Well I decided to go to the gym today, so i went, the hubby met me there for his lunch break, and we got to watch the kids in the same room (Although they were rotten:huh: ) It felt AMAZING!!!! I havn't gone to the gym in forever, and usually the thought of going in somewhere up there with the thought of going to a dentist :yawn: But I went and I feel SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!
    Hopefully everyone gets to feeling good like this today!
    :drinker: So got my workout on (CHECK) Got my water in (CHECK) And hopefully I can get some late night exercise in as well :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HAaaaa ahaaaaaaa!!!!
    Im funny!
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I did 30 minutes on the eliptical in the gym. I just couldn't get into it. I jamed on it Saturday. But, at least I did something. Still need to get my squats in. But, will do so now.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    hey everyone. kristian's bday went well, adn i started classes today, 9 hours. it's all online, so there are discussion questions and lots of papers and stuff. i've done 30 min on the wii active and i'[m trying to convince myself to do another 30.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all got my exercise goal in today and did my squats/ Did 32. My knee is still not happy about it but we did it
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    hi team!!! I oly did mall walking yesterday, but better than nothin. We've been on drought for so long but I am so sick of rain!!!! jac-be carefu; on that knee.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hi team...

    sorry its been so long since I have gotten on. Yesterday here at work was sooo crazy never could get in the computer and once at home couldnt find the time or energy to sit down and do it.
    This weekend went okay for me except that I didnt do that great on food. Went to the olive garden to reunite with friends from HS and ate LOTS of salad and bread and then had dessert. It was yummy though and didnt care. (my fav restaurant)
    Then went to a wedding that night and it had a chocolate fountain that I loved! oopps...but sunday I worked in our garden for almost 2 hrs and burned almost 500 calories...WOW then went to the gym yesterday. i have runners knee so any stress on my left knee is hard so did just 10 mins of cardio on the treadmill and had to stop so did the leg press machine without overdoing weights and ab workouts on the ball then did the glute machine to work my *kitten* and did the circuit training machines....45 seconds on each machine with a total of 10 machines. I worked out for about 45 mins. Not bad....just wasnt feeling it yesterday but I got it in.
    Lots to do this week...step daughter graduating Friday and having her a party saturday.
    Wow.....lots of shopping and cleaning at the house. Should be able to count alot of that for exercise, huh.
    Well I will check in again this week....hope to do better with food as i have not done so well but will get better. It will take me awhile to be able to adjust to the right way to eat and live as I have developed the bad habits over MANY MANY years and nothing can change over night. Good luck with everyone else!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Hope everyone is feeling good. Well just like to say I am doing ok for the moment and hope to eat a little better today. I have been staying within and sometimes less then ccalories range but notice that I been to high in protein and fat. So got to figure away to reduces those. Any ideas?
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Jacque - with all the cardio and exercise you've bee doing, I can't see how the protein could be anything but good. Also fact is that we need fat too.................just not on the thighs:laugh: :laugh: j/k had to write that after I re-read what I wrote, boy who can't practice what they preach - me:bigsmile: You are doing great and a big inspiration to me,
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Thanks Porka, These free lunches are gonna kill me. If I wasn't so broke I bring my lunch. So today I ate only i faijita, and less rice, and chips. But Im still gonna have to work out big time for that. Why can't anybody bring salad. Oh well free is free
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey everyone!!! :smile: Wake up!!!:laugh: Come by and say HI!!!:love: I know it crazy with graduation and school almost out. But part of the problem is not taking care of ourselves, it ok to be selfish for and hour or two. Remember if you don't take care of yourself you go back to horrible comfortable bad habits!!!:grumble:
    So let take time to help ourseleves
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm here...................!!!!! Watching Grease
    yeah I know, dude - who knew I could sing almost all the songs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I agree that posting here keeps me from or sometimes :blushing: not overindulging.

    What b green team? Que pasa? :tongue:
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    I'm a leetle over on my cals, so i'm going to do my wii active when munchkin goes to sleep. i was going to take an extra day off, but apparently not. i'll rest on sunday when it's my BIRTHDAY.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I love Grease!!! I own the DVD and tape. My kids love it to. Even with the workout I am 36 calories over, so going to go swiming. see ya later
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I hope you had a great swim jacque.:smile:
    missheidi great job doing your wii active today instead of taking the day off.:smile:
    porka, I also love the move Grease but it probably a good thing I am not watching it. I would have to have popcorn with the movie.:smile:
    I think I might have over done it today with my exercise today. I am a bit sore. I guess that what I get for doing very little exercise for the last 2 weeks but I am going to get back into my routine.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    aahhh feel so much better, the swim relaxed me alot. Ready for bed
    missheidi- hope you have a great b-day, hope you treat yourself,have a little fun. If I lived close by I babysit so u could go out.
    amm- becareful not to over do it. I started to do that today with the weight and had to stop
    See ya all tomorrow