Too Old for Stroller?



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I always had my son in a stroller up until this past year, when the stroller wore out. Most of the time, a 4 year old is not going to walk very far or very quick. For me, that defeated the purpose of exercising. My son now rides a bike and I walk along with him. Even with the training wheels and bike it is a challenge for him to keep up but it is more fun for him as well!
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    He's not too old. I have 3, ages 5, 3, and 18mo. My two older ones ride in the stroller and I carry the baby in a Moby so I can speed walk for exercise. There's really nothing speedy about it, but pushing a 100lb stroller and carrrying 22lbs in a front carrier is a great workout for me. If you're going a longer distance or you need to get somewhere quicker then I see no problem with your 3 yr. old in the stroller. If it's a short leisurely walk, then let him walk or ride a trike. My 5 yr. old can ride is bike a little over a mile now, but it's a slow bike ride for me.
  • KristysLosing
    IMO, 3 years old is not too old for a stroller, esp if you're trying to get somewhere in a timely fashion. Though little kids may be able to walk at that age, they tend to toddle along at their own pace. If you were going for a Sunday stroll or something sure... but kids get tired and lose interest quick. Hell, there's a couple that comes into the store I work at with their kid in a stroller and she's got to be atleast 4 or older. She barely fits into the thing! Do what works for you and don't worry about what other people think, because they don't even know why you're doing it.

    Agree 110%
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    My son hated the stroller and I still have muscle imbalances from carrying him on my left side everywhere. I just couldn't hold him securely on my right side.

    There is nothing wrong with it, especially for longer distances or if you need to get somewhere fast. I used to also like to keep my little guy confined and out of trouble. If he' s in a stroller you know exactly where he is. ... not running around under clothes racks at Macy's....
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Most people don't realize that for every step we adults take, our little ones have to take two or three steps. I don't see anything wrong with a 3-year-old being in a stroller, especially for longer walks, or long days filled with multiple short stops. They get tired, they can nap in a stroller, and it really isn't anyone else's business. Every child is different. You know yours better than anyone.

    This, absolutely.

    I have a very small 2.5 year old, and I still use the Ergo for some grocery trips, long walks, and sporting events in arenas where we have a long walk to our seats but don't want a stroller. I get some looks for still wearing him, but he's so light and small for his age it just works for us.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I don't think it's too old at all, especially since you're talking about a pretty large distance for such little legs. No one would think twice about a kid that age riding in a wagon. If you're worried about looks or comments you could always get a sturdy wagon instead, but it mig be awkward pulling one for a long distance. Go with whatever you feel will work best for your situation and don't worry what others think.
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    He's not too old. I have 3, ages 5, 3, and 18mo. My two older ones ride in the stroller and I carry the baby in a Moby so I can speed walk for exercise. There's really nothing speedy about it, but pushing a 100lb stroller and carrrying 22lbs in a front carrier is a great workout for me. If you're going a longer distance or you need to get somewhere quicker then I see no problem with your 3 yr. old in the stroller. If it's a short leisurely walk, then let him walk or ride a trike. My 5 yr. old can ride is bike a little over a mile now, but it's a slow bike ride for me.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    When you think he's too old, then you can make him walk. My daughter was 4 or 5 when I stopped. She never wanted to walk in the mall and if she was in the stroller, then she wasn't running up and down the aisles or hiding under the racks......And I knew just where she was......
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    If your 3 year old sits in a stroller without complaining , you should go for it.
    My 2 year old only sits in the stroller for half the time and then wants to run :indifferent:
  • nickynkay
    I was searching online and saw all this so I decided to make a profile to comment. I am a mother of one which has special needs. It isnt easy for any single parent or parents to have a child with special needs to go around places. Children with special needs has there own way in life some are okay of how they see life and there are some that get scared by anything. Instead of some commenting a little negative think about what if your child was like mine. Think of how its stressfull for others to take there child(ren) to a mall and they freak out by something they dislike and the mother, father, or both fill if they lost there child. What im trying to say is before posting what you think. observe what other parents or single parents go thru. why they have there children in strollers past the age of 5. There are many disabilitys people in this world have and no one in this world should go on and judge, stair, and whispers comments about people having there kids in strollers with special needs or with nothing.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    One of my kids turned 4. She only rides in strollers if we are doing something on her feet ALL day like an amusement park or something. Or if she's being lazy, which she does sometimes.