Placenta Eating (DO NOT MOD)



  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    OP you create a thread talking about cannibalism but then put do not mod in the subject?

    I think I've seen it all in my time. =)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    We are just like any animal just with a higher IQ, But its natural to eat the placenta among humans and other animal! It's full of good things and can help with PPD! If they did not need to take my daughters for testing because of her IUGR i would of took it and had it turned in to supplements. In todays society it's looked at as taboo. . . among other natural things likes breast feeding. . .

    breast feeding is not taboo :O its encouraged specially since it reduces chances of breats cancer

    Have you been a breastfeeding mother? We say it isnt' taboo, but try finding safe places to do it without people passing extreme judgement on you for doing it.

    as a nursing student we are told to encourage breastfeeding if possible. it does the whole mother child bonding thing. so i dont see how this is taboo if we are told to encourage it -_-... because society doesnt want you to show your boobs everywhere is another story and COMPLETELY unrelated to this subject. kthanksbye
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I couldn't possibly try that. Ick.
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    Ah, where to begin-

    There are NO scientific studies whatsoever about placentophagia. None.

    There is also no evidence of the placenta containing special hormones or nutrients.

    Animals do it as a protective thing. They don't do it to help with bleeding or ward off PPD. Animals also ingest their own feces and vomit and sometimes their young!

    Indigenous people do NOT usually consume the placenta and people have not been eating or encapsulating it since the beginning of time. This is something made up in California in the 60's by natural childbirth advocates because it was "natural".

    And lastly, something a DR friend posted on one of the blogs we read " After a three day NUCB labor with ROM and some distress involving meconium and infection, that placenta would show acute and chronic chorioamnionitis, funisitis, hemosiderin laden macrophages, meconium stained membranes, infarcted cotyledons with fibrinous deposition, and thrombosed blood vessels. Did I miss anything. Compared to a CS placenta which should be fresh and clean. Difference is like a filet mignon and a gristly steak left out on the picnic bench for two days where bugs and rodents picked at it. "

    Yummy! And imagine cross contamination (lab background in your own kitchen=/= a REAL lab).
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member

    This just made my day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I don't think I'd eat the heart, liver and brain of a worthy enemy I killed in battle, I'd pass on placenta too.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    But when you breast feed in public people stare and stare and make comments like its wrong. . .

    Don't people just stare to try and get a glimpse of boob? If someone wasn't property covering the boob, me being a heterosexual female would be all grossed out at the nudity and lack of shame (they make really cute, affordable easy to use swaddler things that mom's can use and you don't see an ounce of skin so there is no excuse) but that's not due to the act of feeding, it’s the lack of discretion some women have when wiping out your baby-feeders.

    Regarding eating the placenta, sounds pretty gross because after all, how bad did that baby smell coming out?? EWWW! Would you suck on a tampon if it was good for you? Ground up however is a different story - to each their own. A co-worker is preggo and I saw hiring a Dula who performs no medical actions once or ever costs $850, boo! That prob. does not include the drying of the placenta. I'll take my free doctor and nurses, supportive family and 1 year off from work with pay so no concern with breast feeding hiding there but that’s just my deal hunting nature.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member

    Doula Tabare Depaep is a placenta lady. She works out of her Annapolis kitchen, and said a placenta feels “like a big rump roast.” She doesn’t find it any worse than handling meat. (Depaep is a vegetarian.) “I actually feel warmer toward the placenta because it grew a baby,” she said.

    If all this sounds a bit too cannibalistic, there are “placenta encapsulation specialists,” often midwives or doulas, who transform the placenta from its messy postpartum condition into neat, sometimes even flavored, pills. “Mad Men” actress January Jones told People magazine that she began taking placenta pills after giving birth last fall and credits them with helping her to bounce back quickly. “It’s not witchcrafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms,” she told the magazine. “Your placenta gets dehydrated and made into vitamins. It’s something I was very hesitant about,” but she ended up taking the pills daily

    personal opinion?

    would you do it?

    how did this become a craze?

    Sorry, I don't care how good it is supposed to be for me, I draw the line at eating it. The thought of it makes me feel totally and utterly sick. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Ew.. no.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    We are just like any animal just with a higher IQ, But its natural to eat the placenta among humans and other animal! It's full of good things and can help with PPD! If they did not need to take my daughters for testing because of her IUGR i would of took it and had it turned in to supplements. In todays society it's looked at as taboo. . . among other natural things likes breast feeding. . .

    breast feeding is not taboo :O its encouraged specially since it reduces chances of breats cancer

    Have you been a breastfeeding mother? We say it isnt' taboo, but try finding safe places to do it without people passing extreme judgement on you for doing it.

    In the UK, there are laws stating that a mother can breastfeed in public.

    I used to do so and I didn't used to give a damn who objected either. Mind you, I was quite discreet, I never used to have my tits dangling out.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Would you suck on a tampon if it was good for you?


    It's not?
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    My placenta was the biggest my midwife had ever seen--it was 2 kilos, or 4.4 lbs (they are usually around 1.5 lbs). When she told me that I said, "Good thing I'm not living in one of those aborigany tribes that has to eat the placenta afterwards--I would have been screwed!!" ha!
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    I did the encapsulation after the birth of my son 15 months ago. He was my first, so I can't compare it to not doing it. But, I can say, that I didn't go through PPD after the birth. I would do again! :)
  • karmaticgeek
    I can't even stomach liver so I doubt I could ever eat my placenta. But to each their own.
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    But when you breast feed in public people stare and stare and make comments like its wrong. . .

    Don't people just stare to try and get a glimpse of boob? If someone wasn't property covering the boob, me being a heterosexual female would be all grossed out at the nudity and lack of shame (they make really cute, affordable easy to use swaddler things that mom's can use and you don't see an ounce of skin so there is no excuse) but that's not due to the act of feeding, it’s the lack of discretion some women have when wiping out your baby-feeders.

    Regarding eating the placenta, sounds pretty gross because after all, how bad did that baby smell coming out?? EWWW! Would you suck on a tampon if it was good for you? Ground up however is a different story - to each their own. A co-worker is preggo and I saw hiring a Dula who performs no medical actions once or ever costs $850, boo! That prob. does not include the drying of the placenta. I'll take my free doctor and nurses, supportive family and 1 year off from work with pay so no concern with breast feeding hiding there but that’s just my deal hunting nature.

    Where do you live that you get a free doctor and nurses, and 1 year off with pay??? I want to live THERE!!!!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I don't think have an opinion one way or another on this topic and I'll be the first to admit that I've barely skimmed most of the responses. But the first thing that came to my mind reading this post was an episode from last years "American Horror Story" - quite disturbing! That is all...continue with your discussion...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Roast Placenta
    1-3lb fresh placenta (must be no more than 3 days old)
    1 onion
    1 green or red pepper (green will add colour)
    1 cup tomato sauce
    1 sleeve saltine crackers
    1 tspn bay leaves
    1 tspn black pepper
    1 tspn white pepper
    1 clove garlic (roasted and minced)

    (Preheat oven to 350 degrees)
    1. Chop the onion and the pepper & crush the saltines into crumbs.
    2. Combine the placenta, onion, pepper, saltines, bay leaves, white and black pepper, garlic and tomato sauce.
    3. Place in a loaf pan, cover then bake for one and a half hours, occasionally pouring off excess liquid.
    4. Serve and enjoy!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I looked up the calorie count for Placenta in th MFP database but came up emply?
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    But when you breast feed in public people stare and stare and make comments like its wrong. . .

    Don't people just stare to try and get a glimpse of boob? If someone wasn't property covering the boob, me being a heterosexual female would be all grossed out at the nudity and lack of shame (they make really cute, affordable easy to use swaddler things that mom's can use and you don't see an ounce of skin so there is no excuse) but that's not due to the act of feeding, it’s the lack of discretion some women have when wiping out your baby-feeders.

    Regarding eating the placenta, sounds pretty gross because after all, how bad did that baby smell coming out?? EWWW! Would you suck on a tampon if it was good for you? Ground up however is a different story - to each their own. A co-worker is preggo and I saw hiring a Dula who performs no medical actions once or ever costs $850, boo! That prob. does not include the drying of the placenta. I'll take my free doctor and nurses, supportive family and 1 year off from work with pay so no concern with breast feeding hiding there but that’s just my deal hunting nature.

    Where do you live that you get a free doctor and nurses, and 1 year off with pay??? I want to live THERE!!!!

    Welcome to Canada!