Hate breakfast



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    " A lot of people go on intermittent fasting diets where they'll fast for 16 hours and won't eat until 2-3 pm. Then, they eat all of their calories in a short amount of time"

    This is a terrible idea and murder for your metabolism. expect to have very low energy and high fat storage if you do this.

    If you are overweight, and don't eat until after noon, forcing yourself to eat just a little something can be one of the fastest ways to spark your weight loss. we all ended up here for a reason. Accepting the fact that some things are going to HAVE to change is something you're going to have to do. Luckily, as breakfast is the most likely food to be burned throughout the day... you have much more wiggle room with what you can eat. As someone else pointed out it doesn't have to be 'breakfast food'. But you have to eat something. it will spark your metabolism like crazy and in turn spark your weight loss. Saying food makes you sick in the morning is nothing but a mental block. nobody said this would be easy. there is no debate here. eating within 60 minutes of waking up is one of the most important things to REAL weight loss.

    started - 260 lbs
    now - 228 lbs
    to go - 28 lbs

    You get the broscience award of the day.

    OP: don't listen to this advice^^ I have been Intermittent fasting and my metabolism is crazy. I eat over 2,000 calories ot lose weight, and don't eat breakfast even though I get up at 6 am.
  • lancasrj
    lancasrj Posts: 8 Member
    I wake up absolutely famished every day. That being said I don't think it is right to force your body to eat when it isn't ready. Perhaps your body's fast cycle is just longer and is not ready to eat till later in the day. That being said you could also be suffering from a slow metabolism. If that is the case you should probably try eating a small breakfast and see if your metabolism adjusts.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Breakfast used to make me nauseous and I was never hungry for it - especially when it was something with protein. Try getting up a half hour early, going for a jog, and then chill with tea/coffee for a bit, then use intuitive eating to see what you want. 1-2 eggs done up your favorite way and some fruit is nice for days you aren't really in the mood for anything, or you can try Larabars - 2 ingredients and are nutritionally dense so you won't feel sick after eating it. My favorite breakfast right now is organic oats with a T of natural Jif pb, and a tablespoon of unsweetened organic chocolate chips, nuked with water and agave for 2 minutes. SO good and you don't need much to get your body energized and revved for the whole day,
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 94 Member
    I can't remember ever waking up and wanting to eat, just the sound of food makes me sick. I know to lose weight you should eat something, How to i get myself to eat every morning i can go to 3 in the afternoon at times without food. are there other people like this? If so let me know what you do. I have been eating ok since starting mfp but it's getting hard like today i choked down a half of a banana. thanks for any ideas.

    I am the same way... That has been the hardest part for me, is having something in the morning.. I drink a protein shake with my vitamins..and off i go.. =) Good luck
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member

    I bought the Omega Nutrition center.... it's my new love affair! I juice EVERYTHING!!! And I will never buy bottled juice again. But the best part is, you can get into juicing veggies.... sounds worse than it is... I promise. Green apples with kale, celery and cucumbers.... tastes FANTASTIC!!!! I would have it every morning if could! Or orange juice with carrots.... holy crap. I <3 juicing. Check it out... it'll change your life!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    eat when you are hungry luv and don't force it. Time of day is a myth!! your body doesn't keep track of time luv.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I don't like breakfast, either! During the workweek, I eat the same thing every day - Stila Bar (by Quaker Oats) and black coffee. I know I "need" to eat something, but don't care that much about that meal... Stila Bars have just 100 cals, and I'm okay "spending" that small amount on a meal I don't dig...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    If you don't like eating breakfast then don't.

    Breakfast is a social convention not a physiological necessity. I skip it most days though not all.

    Of course, if skipping breakfast means you subsequently go on to hoover up everything in sight for the rest of the day you may want to reconsider your approach. It's what suits you best as an individual which is the key. You may need to experiment a little to find your sweet spot.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member

    You get the broscience award of the day.

    OP: don't listen to this advice^^ I have been Intermittent fasting and my metabolism is crazy. I eat over 2,000 calories ot lose weight, and don't eat breakfast even though I get up at 6 am.


    I've been intermittent fasting for a a couple months now and it hasn't killed my metabolism at all. It actually broke me off a plateau.

    There's no evidence of a metabolic benefit to eating breakfast. Or to eating smaller, more frequent meals for that matter.

    The only reason that people who eat breakfast might tend to be less overweight is that if they are conscientious enough to have breakfast, they may be making better food choices throughout the whole day.
  • ladyfingers39
    I'm the same way, but try and eat something before 10 am. I personally think it helps if I eat less at night, that way I wake up more hungry. If you eat everything later in the day you won't be as hungry in the morning. That is the whole idea behind fueling your body all day long.
    Good luck!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm the exact same, I can't eat breakfast most days, I eat it twice a month at most.
  • gr8dayao
    gr8dayao Posts: 27 Member
    I am the same way. I do not want to eat anything until at least an hour after I have been at work. I think it might be because I do not wake up in time to have time to listen to myself tell me I am hungry until I have settled in to the work day. So I keep breakfast/snack bars in my desk to eat when I do get hungry. I seem to go through phases as sometimes I prefer to keep breakfast shakes in the office fridge instead. Either way, something is available when I’m ready for it.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I am usually up around 5 a.m. and don't eat anything until 9 or 10 a.m. and then it's usually just a yogurt or piece of fruit or something like that. I try to eat something small before lunch, but just a small snack is fine, doesn't have to be "breakfast"
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you don't want it, don't eat it.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I can't remember ever waking up and wanting to eat, just the sound of food makes me sick. I know to lose weight you should eat something, How to i get myself to eat every morning i can go to 3 in the afternoon at times without food. are there other people like this? If so let me know what you do. I have been eating ok since starting mfp but it's getting hard like today i choked down a half of a banana. thanks for any ideas.

    Sounds like intermittent fasting is perfect for you on a 19/5 or 20/4 schedule!

    You don't HAVE TO eat breakfast to lose weight, you just have to eat fewer calories than you burn ON AVERAGE. Eating too few calories might make your body conserve calories by reducing metabolism, and building muscle can increase metabolism, but it really doesn't matter what time of day you eat. Really it doesn't.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    No. The reason we get overweight is that our intake exceeds our output. I've had days where I don't eat until 5pm and eat all my calories in a single sitting and still lost.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Yup, and the reason (or at least one of the likely ones) that you're fat is because you don't eat all day and then gorge at night. Eat more throughout the day, even if it's something small when you wake up and spread those calories through the day.

    Nonsense. If one averages fewer calories in than out, one loses weight. WHEN you eat doesn't matter. If I burn 2500 calories/day and I eat just 2000, I'll average a pound a week loss, EVEN IF I eat all 2000 calories in a single meal. If you eat one meal a day, it's sometimes easier to keep total calories/day lower.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I used to be like that, work all day, drink a pot of coffee or 2 liters of water and then eat something after 5 and workout like a horse at night. That's called crash dieting.. Not a good idea.

    To get myself motivated into eating something I just started eating one instant oatmeal in the morning while getting ready or I would have one cup of yogurt with granola or cereal mixed in.

    You don't need to eat a lot but something is better than nothing.. In my health class my teacher explained to get your metabolism revving you should eat something within the first 1/2 hour you are awake, that way you start burning right away and your body does not go on starvation mode. Good luck and I hope this helps!!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I make my meal replacement (shakology from beachbody) before I go to work and drink it on the way. I used to never eat breakfast but it seem that I have more energy now that I do.