Does it help having friends on here?



  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've been here a while now and just recently started adding friends. I'd have to say "yes", you get motivation, give motivation. Get inspiration as well as give it. Also people have some awesome tips.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    darn quoted before i fixed the type o,damn reader glasses are here somewhere
  • tigerbabe2
    tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes it does, am new here one week, and I was discouraged be4 meeting my new pals :p Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Sequoia_2
    Sequoia_2 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes! Having friends helps! I have my sister on my friend list too and you know how sibling rivalry can be!!! I HAVE to keep going because she is! She she can't stop cause she knows I will bug the crap outta her if she does. She we rally on together! I also have friends on here that enjoy the same hobby as me, Geocaching. and I joined 2 groups so far for more support. A Louisiana group and a geocaching group. Weight loss is tough, but we can all do it together! :flowerforyou:
  • cookierinthia
    cookierinthia Posts: 72 Member
    It does help. If I don't log on for a couple days a couple of my MFP friends will send me a message of encouragement or just check up on me and I've done the same. It also helps to keep you accountable. Feel free to add me! Also, I just joined some groups, didn't know I could and I've only been on here for 3 weeks.
  • cabg6
    cabg6 Posts: 40 Member
    NO! You can't misbehave, be a smart@$$, or flirt for fear your friends will see it!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Yes! It really helps to have s support group! :)
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    I think it is always good to have contacts on here for support and ideas. I've only been on here about 11 days and already received some great ideas from some of the members.
  • mtm77
    mtm77 Posts: 84
    Peeps on here will be great at helping and encouraging you on your journey and vice versa. Give it a shot!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    As title really!!

    I have been using MFP for the last few weeks and have lost 13lbs and now I have stumbled across the forum and see people talking about having friends on here. What's the benefits?!!! Is it like FB?! Will it make me thinner?! Lol.

    How do you do it?!

    Im not really sure how I'm doing this!!!

    Vicki :)

    I think friends are meant to be a form of accountability. Knowing they are there keeps me motivated to do well... but only if I interact with them.

    When I'm feeling low they boost me up.
    When I'm encouraged they high five me.

    And I do the same for them. :) It's just an added support system really.
  • torryn1524
    I have used MFP off and on since last summer.... i will say trying to loose weight by myself has been hard. I have gotten a work out buddy which is much better now that i'm going to the gym 3 times a week. I will say having friends help and encourage you and that you feel like you have some sort of duty to keep in touch and do stuff with your work out friends does help tremendously
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    yes, having friends on here helps a lot! I feel more accountable and like I don't want to let my mfp friends down! The encouragement and support is great! feel free to add me!
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    Wow Im really shocked at how many people are even on the forum to reply to my question!!! Thanks everyone :)

    Im going to bed now as its getting late here and I have to be up super early but feel free to add me if you like, Ill probably eat sweets and you will have to tell me off but Ill try to be good!!!

    Thanks again

    Vicki :)
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Agreed with above posters - I have an amazing set of friends and it's just great having people to cheer you along (or cheer you up!!).

    Good luck here and welcome! :)
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    one word: accountabilibuddy.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    I think it's nice haivng a tight circle on here of friends who are there to encourage you when you are down and help praise your goals when you achieve them!!
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I think having friends to whom you can relate is fun. I have friends who are similar sizes, have similar goals, have similar lifestyles (vegan), etc. I've met a lot of nice, interesting, and supportive people on here. It's like a version of Facebook that I actually enjoy haha
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    My friends on here has definitely improved my fantasy life and ability to snark successfully.

    A lot of them are bad@ss mofo fitness freaks too, which is so awesome it makes me swoon.
  • mjrandy
    mjrandy Posts: 5
    ive been doing it on my own, i'd better get adding as im starting to get fed up!!!
    feel free to add me :)

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  • SheritaMack

    My name is Sherita and I came to this website hoping to find encouragement and motivation. I have found when I am motivated I remain accountable and I become motivating for other people who are struggling to stick and stay on target.

    So here I go. I want to be 150 pounds by the time it turns cold say October. Is it possible to loose 58 pounds in 6 months? I don't know but I know staying motivated is key to reaching that goal.

    Rita :flowerforyou: