Easter Dinner, what are you having?



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,417 Member
    Ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans and strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. (and as much candy as I can snag from my kids baskets!)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I think the key to holiday meals is- eat all you want. THAT DAY ONLY. Package up the leftovers and ship them out to the family and friends. If I deprive myself of a holiday treat, I'm just pissy. Whereas if I enjoy the day, and ship everything out, I don't feel like I missed out on something.

    Above all other things:


    Everything in moderation :)
  • dreamzvt
    dreamzvt Posts: 96
    I think the key to holiday meals is- eat all you want. THAT DAY ONLY. Package up the leftovers and ship them out to the family and friends. If I deprive myself of a holiday treat, I'm just pissy. Whereas if I enjoy the day, and ship everything out, I don't feel like I missed out on something.

    Above all other things:


    Everything in moderation :)

    Like this idea alot, I think I will be pissy too if I don't eat.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Tossed salad (bleu cheese dressing for me), probably rolls, (not for me), asparagus, maybe corn of some kind, deviled eggs, scalloped or mashed potatoes w/gravy, ham, maybe baked beans (traditional for my hubby's family), homemade rhubarb pie ala mode.

    This is our traditional menu. I will eat reasonable portions, and divvy up the leftovers carefully (eat on them for a couple of days). It will be over my calorie level, but I'll add more workout time before and after.

    It's my belief that to be successful at weight loss, and to maintain loss, one needs to discover how they best cope with things like holiday meals, special occasions, etc. Everyone's plan will be different. For me, it is taking part in the celebration, using my head, and knowing it's one day, and need not be the beginning of a downward slide. I do not try to modify the occasion or alter everyone elses' experience to fit my special interests.

    Chocolate? Yep, I'm planning to allow myself something decadent. Altho after months of eating carefully, it won't take much to seem "decadent" ;-) Thanksgiving and Christmas were the same way, and I didn't lose ground.

    (I also believe one can take smaller portions, avoid specific foods, without being obnoxious to the host or making others feel uncomfortable- just a personal pet peeve...)
  • court122383
    We're doing a brunch this year- so I'm going to bring Jillian Michael's recipe for a frittata, and then a hungry girl recipe for a coffee cake- with some fruit and a salad, I figure at least I'll know the best options! Good luck and plan ahead- that's the key!
  • miss_september
    We actually have two days of Easter this year, one with my husband's family on Saturday, and mine on Sunday. Saturday will be ham, roasted potatoes, and green salad (we were clear that dessert wasn't necessary, but we'll see). Sunday will be ham, beef roast, hopefully baked beans, possibly green salad, lots of pickled eggs (my second-favorite easter treat), and lots of apricot, popyseed, and walnut bread! (my favorite easter treat). We are going to work out like crazy--and eat whatever we want! I think we'll be sick of ham by the end of the week, lol. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!!
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Grilled salmon with a yummy rub (cumin, chili powder, brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano).
    Grilled Garlic Asparagus
    Potato salad
    MAYBE a Quinoa tabbouleh salad
    Homemade sourdough bread and butter

    Dessert, I was thinking a Peach and strawberry shortcake (real deal, real whipped cream, angel food cake)
  • dreamzvt
    dreamzvt Posts: 96
    Grilled salmon with a yummy rub (cumin, chili powder, brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano).
    Grilled Garlic Asparagus
    Potato salad
    MAYBE a Quinoa tabbouleh salad
    Homemade sourdough bread and butter

    Dessert, I was thinking a Peach and strawberry shortcake (real deal, real whipped cream, angel food cake)

  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    We don't really do family dinners for Easter. It never fails that several of us have to work. I'm almost certain that hubby is working that afternoon and evening, so probably just lunchables with the kids.
  • tmpetrie01
    tmpetrie01 Posts: 8 Member
    a protein shake for easter? really?
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    no idea what my family is making but my guess is:

    honey glazed ham
    candied yams
    mac and cheese

    i am so freaking excited.
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    My husband wants a Turkey & all the trimmings! He has been so supportive I will go along with this. I have my food scale ready!
  • Tasha_uk
    Tasha_uk Posts: 70
    I'll be at my mothers so. Rice and peas, macaroni pie, veggie meat substitute(sp), coleslaw and plantain. Easter egg for desert lol.
  • Crystalchaos72
    Whatever is available to eat, I will have some, unless of course it is something I don't like :) that is how I roll
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    We are having a full roast dinner, going for Lamb, roast potatoes and veggies - not going to worry too much about how many Cals I eat although still going to log it all down
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Chicken Schnitzel and green salad
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Kapusta! The only thing I care about eating on Easter!
  • shellyj40
    shellyj40 Posts: 15
    I`m loving this thread as I can see the difference in menus between our different countries,there`s few things i`ve never heard of before, i think from people in the states (going to google them and widen my knowledge), and i can also tell which people are from here in sunny england (sorry i mean freezing) due to you having a proper roast dinner lol. In my household we`re having lamb with roast potatoes, veggies, yorkshire pud and mint sauce and gravy. I`m going to have a bit of everything and log it as usual. My son bought me a small easter egg so will have a bit of that too and log it. You have to have a treat now n again, just a small amount! Happy Easter everyone. xx
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    bar b que steak
    baked potatoes
    casear salad
    garlic bread
    maybe devilled eggs
    fresh ebible fruit arrangement
    and ice cream
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    We're having brunch at our house:

    French toast bake
    Breakfast sausage
    scrambled eggs

    Not entirely sure what else. Then later on probably some hot ham sandwiches and snacks.

    DEFINATELY not a low cal day!!