Who loves to drink???!!



  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    wasted on water. whats good?

    ^^^^^^^^this for me to some time i sip a little pop once in a while
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I have a very loving relationship with vodka. vodka and anything.

    sometimes i'll have malibu with a fruity juice--like the Dole strawberry banana orange.

    then there's the tequila shots.

    oh and polar bears. I could do polar bear shots at the club all night. in fact, i have. often.

    You do polar bears??? Ummm...that's just weird.

    Only the cute polar bears. like in the coke commercials. the mean nasty ones like on Discovery Channel i stay away from. they would eat me.

    and i stay away from anything carbonated. i can't drink pop--it makes me bloat. then i can't drink as much cuz i just feel gross. and who wants that? so line up the shots boys!
  • Mizzou91
    Mizzou91 Posts: 249
    I have a very loving relationship with vodka. vodka and anything.

    sometimes i'll have malibu with a fruity juice--like the Dole strawberry banana orange.

    then there's the tequila shots.

    oh and polar bears. I could do polar bear shots at the club all night. in fact, i have. often.

    You do polar bears??? Ummm...that's just weird.

    Only the cute polar bears. like in the coke commercials. the mean nasty ones like on Discovery Channel i stay away from. they would eat me.

    and i stay away from anything carbonated. i can't drink pop--it makes me bloat. then i can't drink as much cuz i just feel gross. and who wants that? so line up the shots boys!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    (seems like we've done this before)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Budweiser Select 55 calories is pretty good, very very light though.

    Bud Select 55 is a waste of time. It is practically watered down beer. You might as well go for the regular bud select. It is 95 calories and twice the alcohol content...
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member




    Not a big drinker, here. Lol.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Budweiser Select 55 calories is pretty good, very very light though.

    Bud Select 55 is a waste of time. It is practically watered down beer. You might as well go for the regular bud select. It is 95 calories and twice the alcohol content...

    Select 55 practically watered down? It's horrid. Its water with a drop of beer added for color. lol...

    Regular Bud Select all the way! But I haven't tried the Bud Light Platinum yet.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Beer is actually a waste of time altogether. I hate beer. It tastes like piss and doesn't get me drunk. Lol.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Although I would happily drink spirits with a diet mixer I could never drink light beer, its just not right. Imported stella is what I generally go for. Maybe be 150 odd calories, but I can fit it into my week and its worth it.
    Might have a little trouble with the long weekend this weekend and calories though.
  • NavajoGypsy
    I LOVE Red Deaths when I go out, for one it has a kick and two it doesnt have that many calories...I'll have one or two depending on what I ate for the day..if i'm low on calories then I cut it with seltzer

    RED DEATH-118.9 Calories
    1 ounce vodka
    1/2 ounce Southern Comfort
    1/2 ounce sloe gin
    1/4 ounce triple sec
    1/2 ounce orange juice
    1/4 ounce lime juice

    1-Combine ingredients in a shaker filled with a cup of ice.
    2-Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass
  • arock1000
    arock1000 Posts: 61 Member

    HAHA! 0 calories :glasses:


  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    Sugar free red bull vodkas baby.

    ooo i like that :)
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    Saw this on the message boards a few days ago...

    "Alcoholic drinks can be a sneaky source of calories, sugar, and even salt — but not when you play bartender. Try to get a few healthier alternatives under that (suddenly much looser) belt to impress friends and family and order with confidence when out at the bar.

    Here are the eight key guidelines that make our drinks healthier options:

    Use only fresh-squeezed or 100 percent fruit juice to reduce added sugars. Fruit juice can still be a dangerfood, though, so sometimes it’s best to dilute it with water or ice to cut back on calories.
    Choose seltzer water over other carbonated waters to eliminate added sodium and other additives. For recipes that call for soda, skimp on portions, or opt for diet or natural (read: less added sugar) versions — though those can have their pitfalls, too.
    Make simple syrup with honey which, though sugary, has some added benefits, like a healthy dose of antioxidants. It also gives you better control of the sugar content. Any recipe that calls for simple syrup will use the following recipe: ½ tablespoon honey mixed with ¾ tablespoon warm water.
    Use whole fruit instead of sugar or flavored syrups. The fruit itself adds fiber, natural sugars, and vitamins.
    Choose light alcohol over dark alcohol. The dark stuff contains more compounds known as congeners, which can worsen hangovers.
    Limit yourself to one shot per drink. Multi-alcohol cocktails can pack in serious calories, so we kept ours to one shot (or 1 ½ ounces) each. The shooters and shots we included actually containless than one shot each to further lessen the caloric load.
    Size matters — especially when it comes to consuming liquid calories. That’s why we kept all our drinks right around the 8-ounce mark.
    Choose nutritious ingredients. Ginger, coffee, and lemon star in several of our drinks. They’ve each got their own proven health benefits, even though they may not totally counteract the negative affects of alcohol. (Note: Too much alcohol and caffeine can both dehydrate — making hangovers even worse — so try to keep it at no more than one cup of Joe for the night.)

    *We’ve tried to simplify the recipes to make them easier to understand. So we simplified all the liquid measurements to shots or cups — none of this “ounces” nonsense!

    SOURCE: http://www.greatist.com/health/60-healthier-drinks-for-boozing-030712/

    Awsome i think im gonna print this out
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm a drinker myself... I used to go out religiously every weekend... at LEAST Friday and Saturday... and down double 3 Olives Grape Vodka and Sugar Free Redbull all night... usually putting down between 10-12, ALONG with any number of shots from various friends. My drink of choice is Crown (XR is the shizzle), but love numerous craft beers, Makers Mark and Jameson as well. There really isn't much I WON'T drink when it comes to alcohol... but now that I've been doing this since the last quarter of 2010, I make it out once every few months.

    For those of us who like to booze it up, we aren't going to quit... so we just have to make slightly better choices... that being said... consider yourself armed with powerful knowledge now... the following link is a very large list of various alcoholic beverages and calorie data.




    Haha very true thx for the link
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member
    Budweiser Select 55 calories is pretty good, very very light though.

    Blahhh i rather go with a cup of water than that lol
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I was never a big drinker.. remember drinking beers to try to fit in as a teen and hating the taste of it.

    The few times I've tried hard liquor I've regretted it. I'm tiny and have little tolerance for it, I'm not a happy or angry drunk but a sick drunk.. if I have too much I just end up getting sick from it.

    As an adult I've developed a taste for wine.. it used to be dry wines originally.. then I developed a taste for sweet wines.. and now I'm back to the dry ones because they are lower in sugar/carbs.

    Cabernet Sauvignon is a nice smooth/dry red wine that I've discovered I like. It has a few health benefits when used in moderation. Only, it's a stronger % alcohol than some wines (13% rather than 8%)

    I've cut back a lot to only a couple glasses at most in a night and not every night.. but what's annoying is lately when I have any (at all) it gives me killer hiccups.. so embarrassing. :blushing:
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member



    Im sorry everyone seems to get thiis except me LOL
  • cr9576
    cr9576 Posts: 79 Member



    Im sorry everyone seems to get thiis except me LOL

    Oh wait i just got it lol
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i plead the 5th
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Vodka and lime with cranberry
    American Honey which is Wild Turkey Bourbon smooooooth