since joining MFP what have u bought???



  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    nike gym trainers and plenty of trainer socks
    heart rate monitor w/ chest strap
    66fit yoga mat
    yoga brick
    gym clothes
    sports bra
    swimming goggles and ear plugs
    cycling helmet
    kitchen scales
    zaggora hotpants
    everlast workout belt

    ...oh, and then £55 a month gym membership, it's all so costly!
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    Wii Fit with Zumba :wink:
    30 Day Shred DVD
    Brown rice :happy:

    Next on the list:
    Sports bra

    MFPLOVE :heart:
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Quite a few bits, some I might have bought anyway although I don't know how determined to exercise I would have been without a site like this;

    Bathroom scales, digital that also do body fat
    30 Day Shred dvd
    Basic Yoga dvd
    Yoga mat
    Sports bra - I haven't actually used it yet
    New jogging bottoms
    2 sports tops
    A sports crop top
    A Cross Trainer/bike elliptical cross - this was only because my old one broke.

    That's all that I can think of.
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    A new scale, a food scale, a FitBit, a gym membership, a bike, and a dog (though not really connected but it helps).
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Whey Protein, Weights, 30DS DVD, Yoga Mat.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I've been on MFP for over a year and I'm STILL buying things. Since joining, in order:
    -Hand weights
    -Yoga Mat
    -Food scale
    -New running shoes
    -Sports bra (most expensive bra/article of clothing I've EVER purchased)
    -Whey Protein
    -New flat-soled shoes for strength training
    -Weight bench/straight bar/weights
    -Entire new work/home wardrobe for Fall/Winter as none of my clothes fit anymore
    -Various kitchen appliances for easier & quicker prep in the kitchen
    -More weights
    -Pull up bar
    -In the process of replacing my summer wardrobe for work/home

    I wish I could get a dog but I should probably wait until I'm not renting a place with 4 other people :D Someday!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I am on the verge of my 1 year anniversary, so a lot in the last twelve months:
    Nano, armband, nike+ units
    Work out clothes including winter outerware
    New sneakers
    30ds and butt bible
    Resistance bands, hand weights
    Olympic curl bar and 50lb of plates
    Lots of new and second hand clothes in smaller sizes, thats my favorite part.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I've bought a HRM and one of those scarf/tube things that you can wear as a headband/hat/scarf etc.

    Oh! And an armband for my phone and a C25K app.
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    An HRM, Taebo DVDs, Jillian DVDs, & Walk Away the Pounds DVDs.
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    Better athletic shoes, Jillian Michael's dvd...and greek yogurt :)
  • UpAgainstTheBackBurner
    I've bought bathroom scales, a new sports bra, a new running top, running jacket, weights, skipping rope, a yoga book, exercise dvd, and yoga trousers :)
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    HRM, more gym clothes , another pair ear buds ...
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    A 2nd HRM as a spare, a fitbit and a selection of bra-tops from Victoria Secret :happy: Actually, I ordered a second online order from VS with a couple more bra-tops and a pair of jeans I liked... The jeans were only available in a size smaller than my usual but I told myself I'd lose enough to fit them. They should arrive in another week or so - hopefully they'll fit me by the time they arrive!
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    hrm watch+pedometer combo (50$)
    workout clothes (200$)
    a gym membeship (60$ pr month)
    A loaded gym bag (it's got shampoo, shower gel, a set of sweat/shower towls, a water bottle, hand sanitizer, lotion, and a combo lock)
    gym shoes (30$)
    a wii (200-ish?) got it on the wii fit sale.
    wii games (200$)
    several exercise DVDs (30$)
    a dog. (priceless)
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I think I have been using the app for about a year, but have really only been active on the site for the last 2 months or so. Since that time, I have bought:

    Slim in 6 series
    Brazil Butt Lift
    Resistance bands
    Blood pressure machine
    ~$500 in new work clothes and shoes (I have gone down 1-2 sizes since I stopped working full time, so my wardrobe for appropriate clothing was a little lean)

    Next up will be a new food scale, as we just realized that ours died sometime around when we moved in January. I also need to invest in smaller underwear and maybe a good sports bra.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Workout Clothes
    Les Mills Pump
    Workout Shoes
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I bought new running shoes, some arm band reflectors (for running at night), and some workout gear. I only joined in January. However, I'd like to get a HRM for sure. That is my next big purchase.
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    I bought a brand new knee so I can exercise without pain!
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    New ASIC gels, kettlbeball, more weights, HRM, a load of fitness apps and a (yet to be used) gym membership
  • laurenlind
    Actually, not much yet. I already had a gym membership (that I wasn't using, ha), hand weights, food scale, etc. from previous journeys in weight loss attempts. Probably my biggest continuing expense is buying whole, organic produce... and lots of it.