The GOOD Carb...



  • BoxingCoachMo
    All carbs in my opinion have their uses.

    I try stick to wholegrain carbs, like oats, wholemeal pastas, bread, fruits and vegetables.

    The only time i have simple sugars is post workout as my body is depleted of them.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    There's bad diet's, not bad carbs and this thread is proof the confusion will continue. :tongue:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    A bad carbohydrate is basically a simple carbohydrate. They are simple because their molecular structure is simple and thus easy to digest. For example, table sugar is composed of 2 molecules of glucose only. If a carbohydrate is easy to digest, then all the calories are released immediately to your bloodstream, causing peaks or highs in your blood sugar level.

    A bad carbohydrate also does not contain anything else (no fiber, no vitamins, etc).

    A good carbohydrate contains other nutrients besides sugar. (That's why fruits are considered good carbohydrates although they are mainly fructose (a simple sugar) because they have fiber and other good nutrients as well).

    A good carbohydrate is also a complex carbohydrate, that is, their molecular structure is more complicated and is harder for your body to digest. A difficult-to-digest carbohydrate will release its calories more slowly to your bloodstream which eliminates the sugar high.

    One measure of differentiating good from bad carbohydrates is the glycemic index.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    good carbs are tasty,

    bad carbs shoot your dog, steal your truck and molest your wives.