Does a Man always want to Smash when . . .



  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Not always it could just be a compliment , e.g I told my roommate yesterday that she looked good in a dress , doesn't mean I want to "smash" her though :laugh:
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Hi All,
    Hubby is very secure and I have only seen him display jealousy twice in 2 years. I think He can be a tad jaded because of his line of work : Police Officer. We often mention compliments, etc to one another. I personally like to hear that another woman wants my Hubby. :) I find it comical when he realizes another woman is flirting with him because he is normally clueless about these things.

    The Term "Smash" was used long before Jersey Shore started airing. The show simply made it mainstream.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    The Term "Smash" was used long before Jersey Shore started airing. The show simply made it mainstream.

    As soon as Jersey Shore start doing something, that is your indicator that it is time to stop...
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Nah...Half the time I just complement women to make their day and/or to watch em squirm. I think it's cute...and it's effortless on my behalf. You can find at-least SOMETHING about just about anyone to complement.

    'Hey you have really pretty teeth.'

    'Your hair is beautiful.'

    'That outfit looks perfect on you.'

    Good vibes, ya dig? ;]

    Yeah, my husband compliments me every day. I love it. He does it for his 'girls' too. He is very complimentary. :) I in turn also compliment my girlfriends just 'cause they deserve it. :) Good vibes and all that..... :flowerforyou:
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I don't know. I think saying "you look nice today" or "cute outfit" may be OK, but "you look beautiful" is a bit over the top for a professional work environment.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    No. But depending on the words used, frequency of the compliments, how he States them he may want too, I mean you are smoking!! I got a bunch of hot sexy married pals on here but I temper my comments to them out of respect to them and the institution of marriage. But a lot of guys could care less about you being married.......calling you beautiful is kinda on the innocent side.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Yes. Always.
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    No. But depending on the words used, frequency of the compliments, how he States them he may want too, I mean you are smoking!! I got a bunch of hot sexy married pals on here but I temper my comments to them out of respect to them and the institution of marriage. But a lot of guys could care less about you being married.......calling you beautiful is kinda on the innocent side.

    Thanks Dave. :) I think Hubby is a tad jaded . . . I think Hubby is right in this instance : I gave another colleague a hug in front of him and he said "Hey, I never get hugs." I then gave him a Hug and he turned to my colleague and bragged that his hug lasted longer. SMH! I think he knows that if he said anything less respectful I would call him on it.
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    no, i don't think so deahva... BUT i have been accused of being a bit naive at times when it comes to this subject... so let me sit back & see what the peanut gallery has to say...

    oh, & i don't watch jersey shore, so i had no idea "smash" had gone mainstream :laugh:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Does a Man always want to Smash when he pays a Woman a compliment? I told Hubby that I was called Beautiful by a Colleague and he immediately asked me : Who wants to F%*@ you? I personally can appreciate a Good Looking Man without lusting over him.

    Inquiring minds want to know . . .

    Your husband and mine have the same thought process. I can't even mention a man to him without him thinking someone wants to sniff it, ok! Oh and I get the same reaction from him if a woman pays me a compliment. He is a mess. I've learned not to play into it. I just tell him he's silly and KIM.

    No all men don't want to smash it on first site, but ummmm if you open that door there may be a good chance they might walk through it.

    "Smash" was out before Jersey Shore was even thought about.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Is the man The Hulk? Because Hulk always want to Smash.



  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    My hubby actually appreciates when Im complimented by another man, I think he feels like he's got something they cant have. If a compliment turns into a "touch" in any way...then he gets Heated! that becomes disrespect!
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member

  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    No. But depending on the words used, frequency of the compliments, how he States them he may want too, I mean you are smoking!! I got a bunch of hot sexy married pals on here but I temper my comments to them out of respect to them and the institution of marriage. But a lot of guys could care less about you being married.......calling you beautiful is kinda on the innocent side.

    ^^ totally agree! if he keeps saying sexy or more descriptive based remarks that might be a sign
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I sure hope that isn't the reason! HA

    My husband is very good about complimenting his female friends and coworkers (in an uncreepy way). I think it goes back to his childhood, he has an older sister and his father always made a point to say how nice his mother and sister looked when all dressed up. He always compliments me as well, and that is for the reasons you stated. :blushing:
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Does a Man always want to Smash when he pays a Woman a compliment? I told Hubby that I was called Beautiful by a Colleague and he immediately asked me : Who wants to F%*@ you? I personally can appreciate a Good Looking Man without lusting over him.

    Inquiring minds want to know . . .

    Your husband and mine have the same thought process. I can't even mention a man to him without him thinking someone wants to sniff it, ok! Oh and I get the same reaction from him if a woman pays me a compliment. He is a mess. I've learned not to play into it. I just tell him he's silly and KIM.

    No all men don't want to smash it on first site, but ummmm if you open that door there may be a good chance they might walk through it.

    "Smash" was out before Jersey Shore was even thought about.

    Lol! Mess to the 2nd Power. I did think about My Hubby and compliments--he rarely gives me a verbal compliment and when he does he usually is feeling extra amorous. So maybe He is projecting his compliments/desire onto other Men . . .

    Words typically are "out of style" before the mainstream starts using them. Lol! The Mainstream is still doing the Running Man and Cabbage patch for Pete's sake.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    If another man pays a compliment to my wife -- then he obviously has wonderful taste in women.
    CAKEDOC Posts: 110 Member
    No - I will tell someone they are looking good and it doesn't relate to me trying to 'smash' them, as it was so eloquently put lol

    I have a friend who is pretty much like a sister to me, and I'd seen a picture she was posted in on fb where she looked really good so next time I saw her I told her she was looking hot in the pic. Pretty sure she didn't take it any way other than I meant it.
    I have a very similar situation.... I agree ... doesn't always mean SMASH
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Does a Man always want to Smash when he pays a Woman a compliment? I told Hubby that I was called Beautiful by a Colleague and he immediately asked me : Who wants to F%*@ you? I personally can appreciate a Good Looking Man without lusting over him.

    Inquiring minds want to know . . .

    Your husband and mine have the same thought process. I can't even mention a man to him without him thinking someone wants to sniff it, ok! Oh and I get the same reaction from him if a woman pays me a compliment. He is a mess. I've learned not to play into it. I just tell him he's silly and KIM.

    No all men don't want to smash it on first site, but ummmm if you open that door there may be a good chance they might walk through it.

    "Smash" was out before Jersey Shore was even thought about.

    Lol! Mess to the 2nd Power. I did think about My Hubby and compliments--he rarely gives me a verbal compliment and when he does he usually is feeling extra amorous. So maybe He is projecting his compliments/desire onto other Men . . .

    Words typically are "out of style" before the mainstream starts using them. Lol! The Mainstream is still doing the Running Man and Cabbage patch for Pete's sake.

    NEVER speak ill of the running man!