June Shredders - Week 1!!!!



  • Enough_Already
    Count me in! I'll send a message to Vans to get on the list, but I have yet to do my measurements,etc. Hubster just went to San Francisco for a week and I'm starting this after I put the kids down!! I'm looking forward to not being able to move tomorrow...is that wrong? :laugh:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    Count me in! I'll send a message to Vans to get on the list, but I have yet to do my measurements,etc. Hubster just went to San Francisco for a week and I'm starting this after I put the kids down!! I'm looking forward to not being able to move tomorrow...is that wrong? :laugh:

    did it with my man today....he had a harder time then I did tehehehehe:wink::bigsmile: :drinker:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    Much love to the JUNE SHREDDERS:heart:

    I just wanted to let you know that I run a before and after school program at the local YMCA here. Therefore I work a split shift. I will have time to update during the mornings and after 6:30 P.M.

    I am done the chart so far....jsut need to figure out how to SHARE it with all of you :happy: :drinker:
  • rainbow118
    rainbow118 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in big time. I have been putting off this stupid diet for too long and since its june first i am starting all over again. Starting with today :) I didn't eat the healthyest today but i didn't eat everything in site either. Hopefully i can kick this in the butt, its the first few weeks that are hard on me. So anyways here are my measurements.

    SW: 224
    Neck: 13.5"
    Chest: 42"
    Arms: L: 12.5 R: 13"
    Waiste at belly button: 42"
    Thighs: L: 28.5" R: 29"
    Calfs: L: 16.75" R: 17"

    Besides doing this i am also going to take my dogs for a 30min walk each day and try to ride my horse 3-4 times a week.
  • skwhatley
    skwhatley Posts: 156 Member
    Count me in as part of June Shredders! I get up entirely too early to work out so I do it in the evening once the fiance has left for work.

    Good Luck to everyone!


    P.S. Vans don't forget to add me to the list. Thanks!
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    here goes nothing....haha I am going to try and post my first draft...If the numbers I put for you are wrong please let me know...if you are not on the list PLEASE SEND ME your info via PRIVATE MSG:smile::bigsmile: :drinker:


    grreat i dont know how to add a picture .... does anyone else know??

    in the mean time http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv336/VNess16/JUNESHREDDERS.jpg this is the direct link
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    use lower case letters for the and ... wont post if I spell it out right, haha.


  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    here is who I have for the JUNE SHREDDERS GROUP!!!


    Forgot me! :sad:

    As I mentioned before..I was hoping people would send me their measurements personally...it is ALLOT easier for me to create the chart!! Thank you everyone!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    use lower case letters for the and ... wont post if I spell it out right, haha.


    YAY!!! thank you so much for your help :heart: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :wink: :laugh:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    P>S I am working on the chart as we speak...however I wont post it on here until tonight to make sure I have everyone!!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I won't have my measurements yet, b/c I forgot to get a measuring tape while I was gone and that's why I even left!
  • Enough_Already
    Okay...seriously?? Just finished level 1, day 1 of "the shred" and it TOTALLY SUCKED!! (in a good way, of course) I am going to do this again tomorrow, but may have to wait until the evening again so my muscles do not threaten to liquify upon awakening. Wow am I wiped. I guess I'm even MORE out of shape that I originally thought!:sad: No worries, after all...tomorrow is another...blah blah blah:happy:
  • jagilmore
    jagilmore Posts: 21
    ok so I just did the shred!! I loved it!! Kicked my butt though! HAHA! Can't wait for tomorrow! And the results!! Love it!
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    Great Shred...and GYM today!!
    I am already looking forward to the end of the month YAY!!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Here is an updated version of the chart.
    At this point I cant modify tonight as I work at 7 a.m at the before school program :bigsmile:


    let me know of ANY changes. please and thank you!:drinker:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    OUF WRONG ONE SORRY...okok so I am new at this lol

  • aprilann
    aprilann Posts: 238
    I just did the shred am boy am i tired.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I just did level 1 - day 1 of the shred! Wow! It was awesome but it kicked my behind! My arms are TIRED and shaking as I type this! :laugh:
    Can't wait to start seeing results!!! :happy:

    P.S. Vans ~ Great job with the chart! :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    ok I got day 1 of 30 done. :) Just got done a few mintues ago and its 12:45am lol but I got it done!! Have 2 kids sick with strep throat so I had very little time to work out today. I haven't gotten my measurements done yet either. lol but hope everyone had a great first day!!!!

    I dunno if we've already talked about this or not but are we doing it for all 30 days or are we taking like 1 day off a week or 2 days off a week or what??

    good luck everyone!!!
  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    Sooo frustrated this morning. I just weighed myself and I'm up 2.5 lbs from yesterday. I'm assuming it's (at least mostly) water weight, but that's so discouraging when you're just getting started! I did the Shred (late) last night, and it was hard! I didn't do it as well as I should have because I didn't know what she was talking about a lot of the time, so I had to keep stopping to look at the TV. Today should be better because I'm familiar with everything. I'm sore today (I've been sore since I started working out a week or so ago), but I've got StrollerFit this morning, and I'm planning on doing the Shred when / if DD takes a nap. Good luck to everyone on day 2!!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Ugh I screwed my neck up yesterday so I figured it wouldn't be a wise decision to work out :cry:.
    Gonna try to get it in tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    I will get you my stats tomorrow morning, promise!! :flowerforyou: