Wisdom teeth removal...intravenous sedation...FREAKING OUT..



  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I had all four removed when I was 18. He hooked me up to an IV, and asked me what I got my mom for Christmas. That's it. Next thing I knew I was done with the procedure. The pain was incredible once the numbing meds wore off. I couldn't wait to pop a pain pill. I had a miserable recovery. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Had all four removed with only local anesthetic years ago. I could smell the smoke as the dentist busting them, and then pulling out the pieces. At one point, he had a knee on the armrest, pulling on one. Could still feel the yanking sensation days later.

    Good luck!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I had them all pulled without any sedation, just local anesthetic. I could feel him pulling the bottom left tooth out and even though I started crying, he kept going! So I would say IV sedation is the way to go.
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,337 Member
    I had all four removed about 2years ago... i freaked out so much about them putting me to sleep because i was afraid that i wasn't going to wake up... i laugh now but i cried the night before and the morning of while waiting in the waiting room.

    I dont remember a thing, all i remember was them injecting the stuff into my arm and me feeling like a cold rush go up my arm and i said "oh wow that feels weird!" THEN next thing i know the nurse is going "Juliette... Juliette... its all finished"

    Mash potato and Jelly was my diet for the month after haha!
    Great way to lose weight... just get teeth ripped out :) i lost 10kg in that month!

    You'll be fine :) you'll be much happier afterward its done and your all healed!!
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Had all four removed with only local anesthetic years ago. Could ****ing feel smell the smoke as the dentist busting them, and then pulling out the pieces. At one point, he had a knee on the armrest, pulling on one. Could still feel the yanking sensation days later.

    Good luck!

  • theNurseNancy
    Loved the sedation! I didn't remember a thing and didnt have any pain. Just try not to throw up or use any straws after though. Dry socket sucks.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Sedation dentistry is the best thing ever. When I had my wisdom teeth out, they were putting this contraption in my mouth to keep it open and I was like, "this is going to suck." They're sticking a needle in my arm and the next thing I know I am waking up at home with a chocolate peanut butter shake and life is good. I vaguely remember being wheelchaired out of the office, but that was it from the moment they pricked my arm to getting home. Still don't know how my mom got me down the stairs. Maybe I was coherent enough to walk, but not to remember doing it. In short, don't worry about it. You'll be grateful you're out for the procedure and it will be over before you know it.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    All four done at the same time several years ago. The hardest part for my was actually putting in the IV. Yes I am a HUGE baby.
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member
    It isn't so bad. It was enjoyable actually. haha The doctor couldn't find a vein...it took 5 tries! two in my elbows, two at my wrists, and one at my toe (BINGO) and I was out. They also gave me laughing gas to help ease my mind (Yeah...didn't realize it actually made you laugh like crazy)

    Woke up in the car, and then phased in and out, and when I got home I took out the gauze and replaced it, watched a movie, and took some pain pills.

    You'll be fine.
  • natashamcn
    natashamcn Posts: 145 Member
    I work in the field. Does this mean you're scare of me? haha. Intravenous sedation will be just like having a dream. Most people wake up and don't remember anything. That being said, some people do. Most people will tell you that the sedation is awesome stuff and the extractions are not so bad. Good luck, you'll do fine :) Be sure to follow all their post-op instructions and it will save you a lot of potential trouble :)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Omg it's so much fun!! No seriously, the gas made me SO giddy. I woke up and the first thing I saw was an older woman (a receptionist I think) sitting at a desk. For some reason that was the funniest thing I'd ever seen and just bursted out laughing and didn't stop the whole time they carried me out to the car (I was too loopy to walk).

    On the negative side, though, the days following were maybe the worst days of my life. The pain medication they gave me made me vomit. Vomiting while there are holes in your mouth? Yeah, no me gusta. So it was either that or go without pain medicine. Also I stayed swollen for an abnormally long time. I still looked like a chipmunk when I went back to work and it was embarrassing.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I was sedated for all four impacted teeth to be removed. Went in first thing in the morning, napped through the afternoon, and then went shopping that evening. I was back to regular food within a couple of days. So, yes, there can be some complications and horror stories, but sometimes it's super easy.

    The pain of having frucked up wisdom teeth was way way way worse than the stress and recovery from the surgery.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Got mine taken out when I was 17...the day after Turkey Day.

    The nurse said "ok you'll feel a little pinch" (then she said something she probably shouldn't have said aloud) "ok, now count back from 99 to one"

    I got to 97. Don't know how they moved me, but I remember being in the chair and then waking up in the recovery room on a cot. Had to be on a liquid diet, I took a pain pill, a sip of milk shake, got home, puked, and passed out. Took gauze out when I woke up. Didn't eat anything for days...did have to rinse out the sockets after I ate/drank anything.

    I was back to school on Monday.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I gotta tell you... sedation is like heaven. I think he asked me a question and as I was trying to answer I just... was asleep having awesome dreams :D

    After care was no biggie. I had all 4 removed (and one was impacted), didn't even bruise though I *did* look like a chipmunk for a day or two.

    Had shakes and jello and popsicles for a couple days and that was it.

    I was expecting something awful but it wasn't at all.

    You'll be fine :D
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I had sedation for extractions twice and both times I thought the same thing, "Boy, this stuff works fas...." :laugh:
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I had impacted wisdom teeth too and take it from me, especially since you are scared of the dentist, the sedation is the way to go! You do not want to be awake for all that. Going under is great. You count back from 100 and make it to about 98 and are asleep. Wake up and go home. Make sure you have plenty of soft foods and stuff. I didn't dig the stitches, but all in all the process wasn't that bad. I don't like anesthesia so i think it's normally about a week or so until i work out again. Best of luck! ;)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The sedation part was awesome, especially that groggy, happy, coming-out-of-it feeling. After it wore off, the painful recovery was hideous, though. I have bad reactions to opiates (like codeine, etc.) so I can either take some tylenol to dull the pain a bit, or take the prescription pain meds and vomit for hours...I choose pain.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    The pain of having frucked up wisdom teeth was way way way worse than the stress and recovery from the surgery.

    ^^This...except mine wasn't actually my wisdom teeth themselves. They were impacted & as they pushed they broke my back molars on the top & bottom and THOSE were what hurt. Since those 4 teeth have been gone, no problems. I have to get the other side done here sometime &, just to prove I'm a freak, I have a 5th wisdom tooth (an extra one on the top left)...
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i had that. i remember being able to hear people talking but don't remember what they said. and i woke up when they were ALMOST done, which was a bit scary, even though i couldn't feel any pain, just pressure. and then i immediately burst into tears afterward, but i generally have a bad reaction to anesthesia. overall though, not the worst experience of my life. i had a ruptured ovarian cyst once that was like, 50 times worse than the sedation/waking up part.

    in terms of the actual falling asleep part, i remember them saying they were putting the meds in and then i woke up...so it works fast!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I had this two weeks ago. Only there were 8 teeth removed... 4 broken molars, 3 wisdom teeth, and 1 partially erupted wisdom tooth. I basically remember nothing of the procedure... They will likely give you some really good pain meds for after the fact... For me, I did lortab then 2 hours later ibuprofen, 2 hours later tortab, etc. This kept me pain free the next three days. Then I weened off of it. I had about a week before I started activity again. (Was off work 3 days + 2 weekend days)... After that I pretty much recovered. Everybody is different but I think you will be glad when it is over.