Im at 167 where i was when i first started to lose weight... yay!


  • JustAnotherGirl
    Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent the majority of my weekend trying to get ahead in my summer school classes that begin today.:ohwell: I had to change up my routine and get up early (5:45 AM :yawn:) So, when I get home from work I would be able to study. So, I ran this morning...nothing too exciting. But I am excited because I just ordered ChaLean Extreme dvds last night. I cannot wait for them to come in!! Have a good one!

    Week 1 - 163
    Week 2 - 162
    Week 3 - 161
    Week 4 - No Weigh-In
    Week 5 - 158

    P.S. My real name is Mackenzie, but my friends call me Mack.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm at 180, where I was when I started this team. And, as I explained in the week 4 thread, I'm quite pleased with that after 2 not so great weeks and fracturing a few ribs during my kid-saving, rib-breaking adventure on Thursday. Soooo now the fun begins.

    Week 1: 180
    Week 2: 179ish
    Week 3: 181
    Week 4: no weigh-in thank goodness :wink:
    Week 5: 180

    I'm jealous that you are taking summer classes Mack (and anyone else, I can't remember). I LIVE for school and I am SO bored. I have been previewing my abstract algebra book trying to learn some of that ahead of time. But it's just not the same as school. Yep, I'm one of those freaks who loves school and homework and such. Good thing I'm going to be a teacher! haha. :happy: 85 days until fall classes start for me....:smile::smile:
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Good Afternoon Red Team!
    I had an awesome weekend with my sister and mom. Ate really well and did not go off program. Woo Hoo! Tons of temptation..but left it behind.
    Today weight was 253.
    Have a wonderful rest of the afternoon.:flowerforyou:
  • Laura021967
    Hey everyone....

    As of this morning I'm at 242. Lucky me found 3 of the 11lbs I've lost so far. :angry:

    It's's a new week and I've done really well today and plan to workout later this evening!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hey ladies!

    Man I have had a tiring day, and there are more to come...! I am doing caregiving and babysitting back-to-back 3 days (plus today) this week, and 3 days next week. I am taking care of an old lady with Alzheimer's from 8-1, then going to babysit from 1-6ish. I admit--I had some Pizza Hut today. but I didn't go crazy. In fact I will be within my goals still at the end of the day, except for carbs. But it is one day. The only thing I'm having for dinner is oatmeal and fruit! and I plan on exercising tonight.

    oh, and I weighed in at 272 today. YAY I lost those 2 pounds I had gained last week:grumble:

    I'm glad everyone seems to be doing pretty well!

    Mel--you're welcome! and anytime you want to do my homework, I will let you!! haha
    Andrea--great job staying on track while away!

    Have a great day tomorrow, everyone!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have not had time to go by the gym. I really want to buy a scale for home so I do not have to trek across town to weigh myself. I can't wait to get under 350 so I can weigh anywhere but until then I have to go the gym to weigh. I also can't wait for school to be over. I finish giving exams this Thursday then 2 work days Fri and Mon and I am finally done then I just have my classes to contend with.
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    157 today.
    A couple days ago I was 155. I'm pretty stoked that i'm fluctuating around 155 now instead of 160 like i have been for the last 3 weeks.

    Summer school for me too! I'm in week 4 already, and perpetually behind. back to the homeowrk!

    Have a great week, everyone!!!!!!!!
  • Bunnies_Revenge
    Week 1: 273
    Week 2: 268
    Week 3: 263
    Week 4: no weigh
    Week 5: 256
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    had a bad week...
    got some bad news from my tryout i didnt make it because im not "inshape" wow that really hit low for me.
    i mean i already knew it my tryout was great until we had to run and i threw up....
    but softball isnt what i wanted inthe first place...
    what i really wanted was to move away from my problems...
    but me and my fiance had a long talk...
    and he made me watch ps i love you...
    and it really realized a lot of stuff in my life...
    i am more motivated in my life to do everything i can cause im not promised tomorrow....
    so im taking this diet 100 percent now...
    im going to school extra full time now so thati can finish soon and get into what i want to do...
    im ready...
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hurley I'm sorry you didn't make the team. :cry: And I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling. But I am glad that you are very motivated and still looking up. :flowerforyou: You can do this!

    (By the way, PS I love you, is an amazing movie. I used to hate movies like that, but they are growing on me and this one was really good)

    Wow. It's almost 8am here on the East coast. I've been up since 4:30am... time flies. I went for a walk early this morning (really slow because my ribs are killing me!) but I needed to get out and do something. It hurt a lot because just breathing hurts, let alone moving, but I really just needed to get out.

    [edited because sometimes my hands to do not type the right keys... :wink: ]
  • Laura021967
    Hurley, you are an AMAZING person and you know and I know that you have the motivation and drive to get this extra weight under control!!! We are all here for you girl!!!!

    P.S. I LOVE ...........P.S. I LOVE YOU!!! :laugh:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Ok well Don't say anything about the movie, I haven't seen it yet!
    And yes, I plan on seeing it! It is in my netflix list!!
    Well...MORE rain coming today/tomorrow....

    I was up at 5 am this morning and went on a 45-min. walk. Luckily now because the weather changed I don't babysit (I've already done the caregiver thing this morning) so maybe I can take a cat nap..:bigsmile:

    ok, well, a real nap. When I'm asleep, I'm out cold! lol. so technically it wouldn't be a cat nap...

    Hope you ladies are doing well today!!

    P.S. (this has nothing to do with P.S. I love you, lol)--- I don't know how many of y'all like pineapple....but today I had a cinnamon graham cracker broken into small pieces with pineapple (make sure to include the juice) on top and it was sooooooooooo good!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    so ive been doing really good on my diet...
    i am in love with my morning milkshakes!
    which consists of carnations morning protein powder mix
    non fat milk
    yogurt if i have any
    then whatever fruit i feel like....

    soooo good...
    but i havent worked out yet...
    but i definetly am tomorrow...
    i have the day off... yay

    i hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    thank you everyone...
    thats why i love this team!
  • Laura021967
    I weighed in this morning.......I'm addicted to my scale......I HAVE to see progress and guess what??? Those 3lbs I 'found' earlier in the week?? I LOST THEM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOO----HOOOOO!!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Laura, that's great! :smile:

    I used to be addicted to my scale and weigh myself everyday, but I've been forcing myself to only weigh-in once a week (twice if I am going absolutely insane).

    Today I walked for a long time, but again, it had to be super slow because of my ribs. Oh well. I'm having a rough day and have some personal issues I need to work out. Before it was making me really anxious and I wanted to eat an insane amount of food. But I didn't... mostly. I stopped myself before I went nuts. But now even though I'm hungry I don't feel like eating lunch. I just don't. But then I'm going to go nuts during dinner and eat 138940184 times more than I should. ugh. :ohwell:

    I hope you all have a great rest of the day!
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    Laura congrats i told you u could do it :] keep it up!!!
  • andrea09
    andrea09 Posts: 124
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far! :flowerforyou:
  • jlhcrh3
    jlhcrh3 Posts: 314
    Hello ladies! This is short because I am about to go to bed, I'm so tired!!
    I had a pretty good day. I hope y'all did, too!
    I'll post more tomorrow!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well. :smile: :smile:

    Yesterday I ate too much. I need to conquer this emotional eating problem. I tried binging on carrots and celery, but it just did not work. :ohwell: :sad: And then this morning, I just could not go for a walk. My ribs were killing me and it was gross and raining and miserable outside. I'm leaving in a bit to volunteer until noon, then I drive 90 minutes to all of my doctors and meet with them for who knows how long, then drive back. And by then, I'll be so tired I'm not sure I'll get any exercise in today.

    But Friday I'm definitely getting up early and walking!! No doubt about it.